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Reference for ultralytics/models/nas/


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Bases: Model

YOLO NAS model for object detection.

This class provides an interface for the YOLO-NAS models and extends the Model class from Ultralytics engine. It is designed to facilitate the task of object detection using pre-trained or custom-trained YOLO-NAS models.

from ultralytics import NAS

model = NAS('yolo_nas_s')
results = model.predict('ultralytics/assets/bus.jpg')


Name Type Description
model str

Path to the pre-trained model or model name. Defaults to ''.


YOLO-NAS models only support pre-trained models. Do not provide YAML configuration files.

Source code in ultralytics/models/nas/
class NAS(Model):
    YOLO NAS model for object detection.

    This class provides an interface for the YOLO-NAS models and extends the `Model` class from Ultralytics engine.
    It is designed to facilitate the task of object detection using pre-trained or custom-trained YOLO-NAS models.

        from ultralytics import NAS

        model = NAS('yolo_nas_s')
        results = model.predict('ultralytics/assets/bus.jpg')

        model (str): Path to the pre-trained model or model name. Defaults to ''.

        YOLO-NAS models only support pre-trained models. Do not provide YAML configuration files.

    def __init__(self, model="") -> None:
        """Initializes the NAS model with the provided or default '' model."""
        assert Path(model).suffix not in {".yaml", ".yml"}, "YOLO-NAS models only support pre-trained models."
        super().__init__(model, task="detect")

    def _load(self, weights: str, task: str):
        """Loads an existing NAS model weights or creates a new NAS model with pretrained weights if not provided."""
        import super_gradients

        suffix = Path(weights).suffix
        if suffix == ".pt":
            self.model = torch.load(weights)
        elif suffix == "":
            self.model =, pretrained_weights="coco")
        # Standardize model
        self.model.fuse = lambda verbose=True: self.model
        self.model.stride = torch.tensor([32])
        self.model.names = dict(enumerate(self.model._class_names))
        self.model.is_fused = lambda: False  # for info()
        self.model.yaml = {}  # for info()
        self.model.pt_path = weights  # for export()
        self.model.task = "detect"  # for export()

    def info(self, detailed=False, verbose=True):
        Logs model info.

            detailed (bool): Show detailed information about model.
            verbose (bool): Controls verbosity.
        return model_info(self.model, detailed=detailed, verbose=verbose, imgsz=640)

    def task_map(self):
        """Returns a dictionary mapping tasks to respective predictor and validator classes."""
        return {"detect": {"predictor": NASPredictor, "validator": NASValidator}}

task_map property

Returns a dictionary mapping tasks to respective predictor and validator classes.


Initializes the NAS model with the provided or default '' model.

Source code in ultralytics/models/nas/
def __init__(self, model="") -> None:
    """Initializes the NAS model with the provided or default '' model."""
    assert Path(model).suffix not in {".yaml", ".yml"}, "YOLO-NAS models only support pre-trained models."
    super().__init__(model, task="detect")

info(detailed=False, verbose=True)

Logs model info.


Name Type Description Default
detailed bool

Show detailed information about model.

verbose bool

Controls verbosity.

Source code in ultralytics/models/nas/
def info(self, detailed=False, verbose=True):
    Logs model info.

        detailed (bool): Show detailed information about model.
        verbose (bool): Controls verbosity.
    return model_info(self.model, detailed=detailed, verbose=verbose, imgsz=640)

Created 2023-11-12, Updated 2024-05-08
Authors: Burhan-Q (1), glenn-jocher (3)