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Project - Ultralytics HUB-SDK Operations

Welcome to the Ultralytics HUB-SDK documentation! This guide walks you through the essentials of managing your machine learning projects using the HUB-SDK. We cover everything from creating a new project and updating existing ones to navigating through lists of projects, all with easy-to-follow Python code snippets. Our goal is to provide a seamless and straightforward experience, allowing you to focus on building and deploying exceptional machine learning models. Let's dive in 🏊!

Fetch a Project by ID

To retrieve a project hosted on the Ultralytics platform and view its details or make changes, fetch it by its unique ID. Pass the ID to the client.project function as shown in the snippet below:

from hub_sdk import HUBClient

credentials = {"api_key": "<YOUR-API-KEY>"}  # Replace with your API key
client = HUBClient(credentials)

project = client.project("<Project ID>")  # Replace '<Project ID>' with your actual project ID
print(  # Displays the project's data

For more details, see the reference for hub_sdk/modules/

Create a New Project

Begin a new machine learning project by creating a project in Ultralytics HUB. The following Python code outlines how to define project details (in this case, its name) and create the project using the create_project method:

from hub_sdk import HUBClient

credentials = {"api_key": "<YOUR-API-KEY>"}  # Replace with your API key
client = HUBClient(credentials)

data = {"meta": {"name": "my project"}}  # Define the project name
project = client.project()  # Initialize a project instance
project.create_project(data)  # Create the new project with the specified data

Update an Existing Project

Easily update your project's metadata by specifying the project ID and the new details. This could include a name change, description update, or other modifiable properties. Execute these changes with the following code snippet:

from hub_sdk import HUBClient

credentials = {"api_key": "<YOUR-API-KEY>"}  # Replace with your API key
client = HUBClient(credentials)

project = client.project("<Project ID>")  # Replace with your actual project ID
project.update({"meta": {"name": "Project name update"}})  # Update the project's name or other metadata

Delete a Project

To remove a project from the Ultralytics platform, use the delete method on the project object. The following snippet guides you through deleting a project using its ID:

from hub_sdk import HUBClient

credentials = {"api_key": "<YOUR-API-KEY>"}  # Replace with your API key
client = HUBClient(credentials)

project = client.project("<Project ID>")  # Replace with the project ID to delete
project.delete()  # Permanently deletes the project

List and Navigate Projects

Browse through your projects or explore public projects on Ultralytics by fetching a list with your desired page size. The code snippet below demonstrates how to view the current page results, navigate to the next page, and return to the previous one:

from hub_sdk import HUBClient

credentials = {"api_key": "<YOUR-API-KEY>"}  # Replace with your API key
client = HUBClient(credentials)

projects = client.project_list(page_size=10)  # Fetch a list of projects with a specified page size
print("Current result:", projects.results)  # Display the projects on the current page  # Navigate to the next page
print("Next page result:", projects.results)  # Display the projects on the next page

projects.previous()  # Go back to the previous page
print("Previous page result:", projects.results)  # Confirm the projects on the previous page

Congratulations! You are now equipped to manage your machine learning projects on Ultralytics HUB effortlessly. Experiment with these operations to enhance the organization and efficiency of your ML endeavors. For any questions or further assistance, feel free to reach out to our community. Happy coding! 🚀

📅 Created 1 year ago ✏️ Updated 1 month ago
