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Reference for ultralytics/solutions/


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Bases: BaseSolution

A class to manage gym steps of people in a real-time video stream based on their poses.

This class extends BaseSolution to monitor workouts using YOLO pose estimation models. It tracks and counts repetitions of exercises based on predefined angle thresholds for up and down positions.


Name Type Description
count List[int]

Repetition counts for each detected person.

angle List[float]

Current angle of the tracked body part for each person.

stage List[str]

Current exercise stage ('up', 'down', or '-') for each person.

initial_stage str | None

Initial stage of the exercise.

up_angle float

Angle threshold for considering the 'up' position of an exercise.

down_angle float

Angle threshold for considering the 'down' position of an exercise.

kpts List[int]

Indices of keypoints used for angle calculation.


Name Description

Processes a frame to detect poses, calculate angles, and count repetitions.


>>> gym = AIGym(model="")
>>> image = cv2.imread("gym_scene.jpg")
>>> results = gym.process(image)
>>> processed_image = results.plot_im
>>> cv2.imshow("Processed Image", processed_image)
>>> cv2.waitKey(0)


Name Type Description Default
**kwargs Any

Keyword arguments passed to the parent class constructor. model (str): Model name or path, defaults to "".

Source code in ultralytics/solutions/
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    Initialize AIGym for workout monitoring using pose estimation and predefined angles.

        **kwargs (Any): Keyword arguments passed to the parent class constructor.
            model (str): Model name or path, defaults to "".
    kwargs["model"] = kwargs.get("model", "")
    self.count = []  # List for counts, necessary where there are multiple objects in frame
    self.angle = []  # List for angle, necessary where there are multiple objects in frame
    self.stage = []  # List for stage, necessary where there are multiple objects in frame

    # Extract details from CFG single time for usage later
    self.initial_stage = None
    self.up_angle = float(self.CFG["up_angle"])  # Pose up predefined angle to consider up pose
    self.down_angle = float(self.CFG["down_angle"])  # Pose down predefined angle to consider down pose
    self.kpts = self.CFG["kpts"]  # User selected kpts of workouts storage for further usage



Monitor workouts using Ultralytics YOLO Pose Model.

This function processes an input image to track and analyze human poses for workout monitoring. It uses the YOLO Pose model to detect keypoints, estimate angles, and count repetitions based on predefined angle thresholds.


Name Type Description Default
im0 ndarray

Input image for processing.



Type Description

Contains processed image plot_im, 'workout_count' (list of completed reps), 'workout_stage' (list of current stages), 'workout_angle' (list of angles), and 'total_tracks' (total number of tracked individuals).


>>> gym = AIGym()
>>> image = cv2.imread("workout.jpg")
>>> results = gym.process(image)
>>> processed_image = results.plot_im
Source code in ultralytics/solutions/
def process(self, im0):
    Monitor workouts using Ultralytics YOLO Pose Model.

    This function processes an input image to track and analyze human poses for workout monitoring. It uses
    the YOLO Pose model to detect keypoints, estimate angles, and count repetitions based on predefined
    angle thresholds.

        im0 (np.ndarray): Input image for processing.

        (SolutionResults): Contains processed image `plot_im`,
            'workout_count' (list of completed reps),
            'workout_stage' (list of current stages),
            'workout_angle' (list of angles), and
            'total_tracks' (total number of tracked individuals).

        >>> gym = AIGym()
        >>> image = cv2.imread("workout.jpg")
        >>> results = gym.process(image)
        >>> processed_image = results.plot_im
    annotator = SolutionAnnotator(im0, line_width=self.line_width)  # Initialize annotator

    self.extract_tracks(im0)  # Extract tracks (bounding boxes, classes, and masks)
    tracks = self.tracks[0]

    if is not None:
        if len(tracks) > len(self.count):  # Add new entries for newly detected people
            new_human = len(tracks) - len(self.count)
            self.angle += [0] * new_human
            self.count += [0] * new_human
            self.stage += ["-"] * new_human

        # Enumerate over keypoints
        for ind, k in enumerate(reversed(
            # Get keypoints and estimate the angle
            kpts = [k[int(self.kpts[i])].cpu() for i in range(3)]
            self.angle[ind] = annotator.estimate_pose_angle(*kpts)
            annotator.draw_specific_kpts(k, self.kpts, radius=self.line_width * 3)

            # Determine stage and count logic based on angle thresholds
            if self.angle[ind] < self.down_angle:
                if self.stage[ind] == "up":
                    self.count[ind] += 1
                self.stage[ind] = "down"
            elif self.angle[ind] > self.up_angle:
                self.stage[ind] = "up"

            # Display angle, count, and stage text
                angle_text=self.angle[ind],  # angle text for display
                count_text=self.count[ind],  # count text for workouts
                stage_text=self.stage[ind],  # stage position text
                center_kpt=k[int(self.kpts[1])],  # center keypoint for display
    plot_im = annotator.result()
    self.display_output(plot_im)  # Display output image, if environment support display

    # Return SolutionResults
    return SolutionResults(

📅 Created 1 year ago ✏️ Updated 6 months ago