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Reference for ultralytics/utils/


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TritonRemoteModel(url: str, endpoint: str = '', scheme: str = '')

Client for interacting with a remote Triton Inference Server model.

This class provides a convenient interface for sending inference requests to a Triton Inference Server and processing the responses.


Name Type Description
endpoint str

The name of the model on the Triton server.

url str

The URL of the Triton server.


The Triton client (either HTTP or gRPC).


The input class for the Triton client.


The output request class for the Triton client.

input_formats List[str]

The data types of the model inputs.

np_input_formats List[type]

The numpy data types of the model inputs.

input_names List[str]

The names of the model inputs.

output_names List[str]

The names of the model outputs.


The metadata associated with the model.


Initialize a Triton client with HTTP

>>> model = TritonRemoteModel(url="localhost:8000", endpoint="yolov8", scheme="http")
Make inference with numpy arrays
>>> outputs = model(np.random.rand(1, 3, 640, 640).astype(np.float32))

Arguments may be provided individually or parsed from a collective 'url' argument of the form :////


Name Type Description Default
url str

The URL of the Triton server.

endpoint str

The name of the model on the Triton server.

scheme str

The communication scheme ('http' or 'grpc').

Source code in ultralytics/utils/
def __init__(self, url: str, endpoint: str = "", scheme: str = ""):
    Initialize the TritonRemoteModel.

    Arguments may be provided individually or parsed from a collective 'url' argument of the form

        url (str): The URL of the Triton server.
        endpoint (str): The name of the model on the Triton server.
        scheme (str): The communication scheme ('http' or 'grpc').
    if not endpoint and not scheme:  # Parse all args from URL string
        splits = urlsplit(url)
        endpoint = splits.path.strip("/").split("/")[0]
        scheme = splits.scheme
        url = splits.netloc

    self.endpoint = endpoint
    self.url = url

    # Choose the Triton client based on the communication scheme
    if scheme == "http":
        import tritonclient.http as client  # noqa

        self.triton_client = client.InferenceServerClient(url=self.url, verbose=False, ssl=False)
        config = self.triton_client.get_model_config(endpoint)
        import tritonclient.grpc as client  # noqa

        self.triton_client = client.InferenceServerClient(url=self.url, verbose=False, ssl=False)
        config = self.triton_client.get_model_config(endpoint, as_json=True)["config"]

    # Sort output names alphabetically, i.e. 'output0', 'output1', etc.
    config["output"] = sorted(config["output"], key=lambda x: x.get("name"))

    # Define model attributes
    type_map = {"TYPE_FP32": np.float32, "TYPE_FP16": np.float16, "TYPE_UINT8": np.uint8}
    self.InferRequestedOutput = client.InferRequestedOutput
    self.InferInput = client.InferInput
    self.input_formats = [x["data_type"] for x in config["input"]]
    self.np_input_formats = [type_map[x] for x in self.input_formats]
    self.input_names = [x["name"] for x in config["input"]]
    self.output_names = [x["name"] for x in config["output"]]
    self.metadata = eval(config.get("parameters", {}).get("metadata", {}).get("string_value", "None"))


__call__(*inputs: ndarray) -> List[np.ndarray]

Call the model with the given inputs.


Name Type Description Default
*inputs ndarray

Input data to the model.



Type Description

Model outputs with the same dtype as the input.

Source code in ultralytics/utils/
def __call__(self, *inputs: np.ndarray) -> List[np.ndarray]:
    Call the model with the given inputs.

        *inputs (np.ndarray): Input data to the model.

        (List[np.ndarray]): Model outputs with the same dtype as the input.
    infer_inputs = []
    input_format = inputs[0].dtype
    for i, x in enumerate(inputs):
        if x.dtype != self.np_input_formats[i]:
            x = x.astype(self.np_input_formats[i])
        infer_input = self.InferInput(self.input_names[i], [*x.shape], self.input_formats[i].replace("TYPE_", ""))

    infer_outputs = [self.InferRequestedOutput(output_name) for output_name in self.output_names]
    outputs = self.triton_client.infer(model_name=self.endpoint, inputs=infer_inputs, outputs=infer_outputs)

    return [outputs.as_numpy(output_name).astype(input_format) for output_name in self.output_names]

📅 Created 1 year ago ✏️ Updated 6 months ago