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Ultralytics YOLO11 Tasks

Ultralytics YOLO unterstützte Aufgaben

YOLO11 is an AI framework that supports multiple computer vision tasks. The framework can be used to perform detection, segmentation, obb, classification, and pose estimation. Each of these tasks has a different objective and use case.

Pass auf: Explore Ultralytics YOLO Tasks: Objekt-Erkennung, Segmentation, OBB, Tracking, and Pose Estimation.


Detection is the primary task supported by YOLO11. It involves detecting objects in an image or video frame and drawing bounding boxes around them. The detected objects are classified into different categories based on their features. YOLO11 can detect multiple objects in a single image or video frame with high accuracy and speed.

Beispiele für die Erkennung


Segmentation is a task that involves segmenting an image into different regions based on the content of the image. Each region is assigned a label based on its content. This task is useful in applications such as image segmentation and medical imaging. YOLO11 uses a variant of the U-Net architecture to perform segmentation.

Beispiele für Segmentierung


Classification is a task that involves classifying an image into different categories. YOLO11 can be used to classify images based on their content. It uses a variant of the EfficientNet architecture to perform classification.



Pose/keypoint detection is a task that involves detecting specific points in an image or video frame. These points are referred to as keypoints and are used to track movement or pose estimation. YOLO11 can detect keypoints in an image or video frame with high accuracy and speed.

Pose Beispiele


Oriented object detection goes a step further than regular object detection with introducing an extra angle to locate objects more accurate in an image. YOLO11 can detect rotated objects in an image or video frame with high accuracy and speed.

Orientierte Erkennung


YOLO11 supports multiple tasks, including detection, segmentation, classification, oriented object detection and keypoints detection. Each of these tasks has different objectives and use cases. By understanding the differences between these tasks, you can choose the appropriate task for your computer vision application.


What tasks can Ultralytics YOLO11 perform?

Ultralytics YOLO11 is a versatile AI framework capable of performing various computer vision tasks with high accuracy and speed. These tasks include:

  • Erkennung: Identifizierung und Lokalisierung von Objekten in Bildern oder Videoframes durch das Zeichnen von Bounding Boxes um sie herum.
  • Segmentierung: Die Segmentierung von Bildern in verschiedene Regionen auf der Grundlage ihres Inhalts, nützlich für Anwendungen wie die medizinische Bildgebung.
  • Klassifizierung: Kategorisierung ganzer Bilder auf der Grundlage ihres Inhalts, wobei Varianten der EfficientNet-Architektur genutzt werden.
  • Posenschätzung: Das Erkennen bestimmter Schlüsselpunkte in einem Bild oder Videobild, um Bewegungen oder Posen zu verfolgen.
  • Oriented Object Detection (OBB): Erkennung von gedrehten Objekten mit einem zusätzlichen Ausrichtungswinkel für mehr Genauigkeit.

How do I use Ultralytics YOLO11 for object detection?

To use Ultralytics YOLO11 for object detection, follow these steps:

  1. Bereite deinen Datensatz im richtigen Format vor.
  2. Train the YOLO11 model using the detection task.
  3. Verwende das Modell, um Vorhersagen zu treffen, indem du neue Bilder oder Videobilder einspeist.


from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load a pre-trained YOLO model (adjust model type as needed)
model = YOLO("yolo11n.pt")  # n, s, m, l, x versions available

# Perform object detection on an image
results = model.predict(source="image.jpg")  # Can also use video, directory, URL, etc.

# Display the results
results[0].show()  # Show the first image results
# Run YOLO detection from the command line
yolo detect model=yolo11n.pt source="image.jpg"  # Adjust model and source as needed

Ausführlichere Anweisungen findest du in unseren Aufdeckungsbeispielen.

What are the benefits of using YOLO11 for segmentation tasks?

Using YOLO11 for segmentation tasks provides several advantages:

  1. Hohe Genauigkeit: Die Segmentierungsaufgabe nutzt eine Variante der U-Netz-Architektur, um eine präzise Segmentierung zu erreichen.
  2. Speed: YOLO11 is optimized for real-time applications, offering quick processing even for high-resolution images.
  3. Vielfältige Anwendungen: Es ist ideal für die medizinische Bildgebung, autonomes Fahren und andere Anwendungen, die eine detaillierte Bildsegmentierung erfordern.

Learn more about the benefits and use cases of YOLO11 for segmentation in the segmentation section.

Can Ultralytics YOLO11 handle pose estimation and keypoint detection?

Yes, Ultralytics YOLO11 can effectively perform pose estimation and keypoint detection with high accuracy and speed. This feature is particularly useful for tracking movements in sports analytics, healthcare, and human-computer interaction applications. YOLO11 detects keypoints in an image or video frame, allowing for precise pose estimation.

Weitere Details und Tipps zur Umsetzung findest du in unseren Beispielen zur Posenschätzung.

Why should I choose Ultralytics YOLO11 for oriented object detection (OBB)?

Oriented Object Detection (OBB) with YOLO11 provides enhanced precision by detecting objects with an additional angle parameter. This feature is beneficial for applications requiring accurate localization of rotated objects, such as aerial imagery analysis and warehouse automation.

  • Erhöhte Präzision: Die Winkelkomponente reduziert Falschmeldungen bei gedrehten Objekten.
  • Vielseitige Anwendungen: Nützlich für Aufgaben in der Geodatenanalyse, Robotik usw.

Weitere Details und Beispiele findest du im Abschnitt Oriented Object Detection.

📅 Created 11 months ago ✏️ Updated 20 days ago
