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Ce fichier est disponible à l'adresse ultralytics/blob/main/ ultralytics/hub/auth .py. Si tu repères un problème, aide à le corriger en contribuant à une Pull Request 🛠️. Merci 🙏 !


Gère les processus d'authentification, notamment la gestion des clés API, l'authentification basée sur les cookies et la génération d'en-têtes.

La classe prend en charge différentes méthodes d'authentification : 1. Directement à l'aide d'une clé API. 2. En s'authentifiant à l'aide des cookies du navigateur (spécifiquement dans Google Colab). 3. En invitant l'utilisateur à saisir une clé API.

Attributs :

Nom Type Description
id_token str or bool

Jeton utilisé pour la vérification de l'identité, initialisé à False.

api_key str or bool

Clé API pour l'authentification, initialisée à False.

model_key bool

Emplacement pour la clé du modèle, initialisé à False.

Code source dans ultralytics/hub/
class Auth:
    Manages authentication processes including API key handling, cookie-based authentication, and header generation.

    The class supports different methods of authentication:
    1. Directly using an API key.
    2. Authenticating using browser cookies (specifically in Google Colab).
    3. Prompting the user to enter an API key.

        id_token (str or bool): Token used for identity verification, initialized as False.
        api_key (str or bool): API key for authentication, initialized as False.
        model_key (bool): Placeholder for model key, initialized as False.

    id_token = api_key = model_key = False

    def __init__(self, api_key="", verbose=False):
        Initialize the Auth class with an optional API key.

            api_key (str, optional): May be an API key or a combination API key and model ID, i.e. key_id
        # Split the input API key in case it contains a combined key_model and keep only the API key part
        api_key = api_key.split("_")[0]

        # Set API key attribute as value passed or SETTINGS API key if none passed
        self.api_key = api_key or SETTINGS.get("api_key", "")

        # If an API key is provided
        if self.api_key:
            # If the provided API key matches the API key in the SETTINGS
            if self.api_key == SETTINGS.get("api_key"):
                # Log that the user is already logged in
                if verbose:
          "{PREFIX}Authenticated âś…")
                # Attempt to authenticate with the provided API key
                success = self.authenticate()
        # If the API key is not provided and the environment is a Google Colab notebook
        elif IS_COLAB:
            # Attempt to authenticate using browser cookies
            success = self.auth_with_cookies()
            # Request an API key
            success = self.request_api_key()

        # Update SETTINGS with the new API key after successful authentication
        if success:
            SETTINGS.update({"api_key": self.api_key})
            # Log that the new login was successful
            if verbose:
      "{PREFIX}New authentication successful âś…")
        elif verbose:
  "{PREFIX}Get API key from {API_KEY_URL} and then run 'yolo hub login API_KEY'")

    def request_api_key(self, max_attempts=3):
        Prompt the user to input their API key.

        Returns the model ID.
        import getpass

        for attempts in range(max_attempts):
  "{PREFIX}Login. Attempt {attempts + 1} of {max_attempts}")
            input_key = getpass.getpass(f"Enter API key from {API_KEY_URL} ")
            self.api_key = input_key.split("_")[0]  # remove model id if present
            if self.authenticate():
                return True
        raise ConnectionError(emojis(f"{PREFIX}Failed to authenticate ❌"))

    def authenticate(self) -> bool:
        Attempt to authenticate with the server using either id_token or API key.

            (bool): True if authentication is successful, False otherwise.
            if header := self.get_auth_header():
                r ="{HUB_API_ROOT}/v1/auth", headers=header)
                if not r.json().get("success", False):
                    raise ConnectionError("Unable to authenticate.")
                return True
            raise ConnectionError("User has not authenticated locally.")
        except ConnectionError:
            self.id_token = self.api_key = False  # reset invalid
            LOGGER.warning(f"{PREFIX}Invalid API key ⚠️")
            return False

    def auth_with_cookies(self) -> bool:
        Attempt to fetch authentication via cookies and set id_token. User must be logged in to HUB and running in a
        supported browser.

            (bool): True if authentication is successful, False otherwise.
        if not IS_COLAB:
            return False  # Currently only works with Colab
            authn = request_with_credentials(f"{HUB_API_ROOT}/v1/auth/auto")
            if authn.get("success", False):
                self.id_token = authn.get("data", {}).get("idToken", None)
                return True
            raise ConnectionError("Unable to fetch browser authentication details.")
        except ConnectionError:
            self.id_token = False  # reset invalid
            return False

    def get_auth_header(self):
        Get the authentication header for making API requests.

            (dict): The authentication header if id_token or API key is set, None otherwise.
        if self.id_token:
            return {"authorization": f"Bearer {self.id_token}"}
        elif self.api_key:
            return {"x-api-key": self.api_key}

__init__(api_key='', verbose=False)

Initialise la classe Auth avec une clé API facultative.

Paramètres :

Nom Type Description DĂ©faut
api_key str

Peut être une clé API ou une combinaison de clé API et d'identifiant de modèle, c'est-à-dire key_id.

Code source dans ultralytics/hub/
def __init__(self, api_key="", verbose=False):
    Initialize the Auth class with an optional API key.

        api_key (str, optional): May be an API key or a combination API key and model ID, i.e. key_id
    # Split the input API key in case it contains a combined key_model and keep only the API key part
    api_key = api_key.split("_")[0]

    # Set API key attribute as value passed or SETTINGS API key if none passed
    self.api_key = api_key or SETTINGS.get("api_key", "")

    # If an API key is provided
    if self.api_key:
        # If the provided API key matches the API key in the SETTINGS
        if self.api_key == SETTINGS.get("api_key"):
            # Log that the user is already logged in
            if verbose:
      "{PREFIX}Authenticated âś…")
            # Attempt to authenticate with the provided API key
            success = self.authenticate()
    # If the API key is not provided and the environment is a Google Colab notebook
    elif IS_COLAB:
        # Attempt to authenticate using browser cookies
        success = self.auth_with_cookies()
        # Request an API key
        success = self.request_api_key()

    # Update SETTINGS with the new API key after successful authentication
    if success:
        SETTINGS.update({"api_key": self.api_key})
        # Log that the new login was successful
        if verbose:
  "{PREFIX}New authentication successful âś…")
    elif verbose:"{PREFIX}Get API key from {API_KEY_URL} and then run 'yolo hub login API_KEY'")


Tentative de récupération de l'authentification via les cookies et définition de l'id_token. L'utilisateur doit être connecté à HUB et utiliser un navigateur navigateur supporté.

Retourne :

Type Description

Vrai si l'authentification est réussie, Faux sinon.

Code source dans ultralytics/hub/
def auth_with_cookies(self) -> bool:
    Attempt to fetch authentication via cookies and set id_token. User must be logged in to HUB and running in a
    supported browser.

        (bool): True if authentication is successful, False otherwise.
    if not IS_COLAB:
        return False  # Currently only works with Colab
        authn = request_with_credentials(f"{HUB_API_ROOT}/v1/auth/auto")
        if authn.get("success", False):
            self.id_token = authn.get("data", {}).get("idToken", None)
            return True
        raise ConnectionError("Unable to fetch browser authentication details.")
    except ConnectionError:
        self.id_token = False  # reset invalid
        return False


Tente de s'authentifier auprès du serveur à l'aide de l'id_token ou de la clé API.

Retourne :

Type Description

Vrai si l'authentification est réussie, Faux sinon.

Code source dans ultralytics/hub/
def authenticate(self) -> bool:
    Attempt to authenticate with the server using either id_token or API key.

        (bool): True if authentication is successful, False otherwise.
        if header := self.get_auth_header():
            r ="{HUB_API_ROOT}/v1/auth", headers=header)
            if not r.json().get("success", False):
                raise ConnectionError("Unable to authenticate.")
            return True
        raise ConnectionError("User has not authenticated locally.")
    except ConnectionError:
        self.id_token = self.api_key = False  # reset invalid
        LOGGER.warning(f"{PREFIX}Invalid API key ⚠️")
        return False


Récupère l'en-tête d'authentification pour faire des demandes d'API.

Retourne :

Type Description

L'en-tête d'authentification si id_token ou la clé API est définie, Aucun sinon.

Code source dans ultralytics/hub/
def get_auth_header(self):
    Get the authentication header for making API requests.

        (dict): The authentication header if id_token or API key is set, None otherwise.
    if self.id_token:
        return {"authorization": f"Bearer {self.id_token}"}
    elif self.api_key:
        return {"x-api-key": self.api_key}


Invite l'utilisateur à saisir sa clé API.

Renvoie l'identifiant du modèle.

Code source dans ultralytics/hub/
def request_api_key(self, max_attempts=3):
    Prompt the user to input their API key.

    Returns the model ID.
    import getpass

    for attempts in range(max_attempts):"{PREFIX}Login. Attempt {attempts + 1} of {max_attempts}")
        input_key = getpass.getpass(f"Enter API key from {API_KEY_URL} ")
        self.api_key = input_key.split("_")[0]  # remove model id if present
        if self.authenticate():
            return True
    raise ConnectionError(emojis(f"{PREFIX}Failed to authenticate ❌"))

Créé le 2023-11-12, Mis à jour le 2023-11-25
Auteurs : glenn-jocher (3)