姿勢推定は、通常キーポイントと呼ばれる画像内の特定の点の位置を特定するタスクである。キーポイントは、関節、ランドマーク、または他の特徴的な特徴など、オブジェクトのさまざまな部分を表すことができます。キーポイントの位置は通常、2次元の [x, y]
または3D [x, y, visible]
見るんだ: Pose Estimation with Ultralytics YOLO. |
見るんだ: Ultralytics HUBによる姿勢推定。 |
YOLO11 ポーズ モデルは -pose
サフィックス、すなわち yolo11n-pose.pt
.これらのモデルは COCOのキーポイント データセットであり、様々な姿勢推定タスクに適している。
In the default YOLO11 pose model, there are 17 keypoints, each representing a different part of the human body. Here is the mapping of each index to its respective body joint:
0: 鼻 1: 左目 2: 右目 3: 左耳 4: 右耳 5: 左肩 6: 右肩 7: 左肘 8: 右肘 9: 左手首 10: 右手首 11: 左股関節 12: 右股関節 13: 左膝 14: 右膝 15: 左足首 16: 右足首
YOLO11 pretrained Pose models are shown here. Detect, Segment and Pose models are pretrained on the COCO dataset, while Classify models are pretrained on the ImageNet dataset.
モデルは、初回使用時に最新のUltralytics リリースから自動的にダウンロードされます。
モデル | サイズ (ピクセル) |
mAPpose 50-95 |
mAPpose 50 |
速度 CPU ONNX (ms) |
Speed T4 TensorRT10 (ms) |
params (M) |
FLOPs (B) |
YOLO11n-pose | 640 | 50.0 | 81.0 | 52.4 ± 0.5 | 1.7 ± 0.0 | 2.9 | 7.6 |
YOLO11s-pose | 640 | 58.9 | 86.3 | 90.5 ± 0.6 | 2.6 ± 0.0 | 9.9 | 23.2 |
YOLO11m-pose | 640 | 64.9 | 89.4 | 187.3 ± 0.8 | 4.9 ± 0.1 | 20.9 | 71.7 |
YOLO11l-pose | 640 | 66.1 | 89.9 | 247.7 ± 1.1 | 6.4 ± 0.1 | 26.2 | 90.7 |
YOLO11x-pose | 640 | 69.5 | 91.1 | 488.0 ± 13.9 | 12.1 ± 0.2 | 58.8 | 203.3 |
- マップバル 数値はシングル・モデル、シングル・スケールのものである。 COCOキーポイントval2017 データセット。
複製するyolo val pose data=coco-pose.yaml device=0
- スピード を使用してCOCOバル画像を平均化した。 アマゾンEC2 P4d インスタンスだ。
複製するyolo val pose data=coco-pose.yaml batch=1 device=0|cpu
Train a YOLO11-pose model on the COCO8-pose dataset.
from ultralytics import YOLO
# Load a model
model = YOLO("yolo11n-pose.yaml") # build a new model from YAML
model = YOLO("yolo11n-pose.pt") # load a pretrained model (recommended for training)
model = YOLO("yolo11n-pose.yaml").load("yolo11n-pose.pt") # build from YAML and transfer weights
# Train the model
results = model.train(data="coco8-pose.yaml", epochs=100, imgsz=640)
# Build a new model from YAML and start training from scratch
yolo pose train data=coco8-pose.yaml model=yolo11n-pose.yaml epochs=100 imgsz=640
# Start training from a pretrained *.pt model
yolo pose train data=coco8-pose.yaml model=yolo11n-pose.pt epochs=100 imgsz=640
# Build a new model from YAML, transfer pretrained weights to it and start training
yolo pose train data=coco8-pose.yaml model=yolo11n-pose.yaml pretrained=yolo11n-pose.pt epochs=100 imgsz=640
YOLO ポーズデータセットの形式は、データセットガイドに詳しく書かれている。既存のデータセットを他のフォーマット(COCOなど)からYOLO フォーマットに変換するには、Ultralytics のJSON2YOLOツールをご利用ください。
Validate trained YOLO11n-pose model accuracy on the COCO8-pose dataset. No arguments are needed as the model
トレーニング data
from ultralytics import YOLO
# Load a model
model = YOLO("yolo11n-pose.pt") # load an official model
model = YOLO("path/to/best.pt") # load a custom model
# Validate the model
metrics = model.val() # no arguments needed, dataset and settings remembered
metrics.box.map # map50-95
metrics.box.map50 # map50
metrics.box.map75 # map75
metrics.box.maps # a list contains map50-95 of each category
Use a trained YOLO11n-pose model to run predictions on images.
詳細を見る predict
モードの詳細は 予測する ページを参照されたい。
Export a YOLO11n Pose model to a different format like ONNX, CoreML, etc.
Available YOLO11-pose export formats are in the table below. You can export to any format using the format
引数、すなわち format='onnx'
または format='engine'
.エクスポートされたモデルを直接予測または検証することができます。 yolo predict model=yolo11n-pose.onnx
フォーマット | format 議論 |
モデル | メタデータ | 論争 |
PyTorch | - | yolo11n-pose.pt |
✅ | - |
TorchScript | torchscript |
yolo11n-pose.torchscript |
✅ | imgsz , optimize , batch |
ONNX | onnx |
yolo11n-pose.onnx |
✅ | imgsz , half , dynamic , simplify , opset , batch |
OpenVINO | openvino |
yolo11n-pose_openvino_model/ |
✅ | imgsz , half , int8 , batch |
TensorRT | engine |
yolo11n-pose.engine |
✅ | imgsz , half , dynamic , simplify , workspace , int8 , batch |
CoreML | coreml |
yolo11n-pose.mlpackage |
✅ | imgsz , half , int8 , nms , batch |
TF SavedModel | saved_model |
yolo11n-pose_saved_model/ |
✅ | imgsz , keras , int8 , batch |
TF GraphDef | pb |
yolo11n-pose.pb |
❌ | imgsz , batch |
TF ライト | tflite |
yolo11n-pose.tflite |
✅ | imgsz , half , int8 , batch |
TF エッジTPU | edgetpu |
yolo11n-pose_edgetpu.tflite |
✅ | imgsz |
TF.js | tfjs |
yolo11n-pose_web_model/ |
✅ | imgsz , half , int8 , batch |
PaddlePaddle | paddle |
yolo11n-pose_paddle_model/ |
✅ | imgsz , batch |
NCNN | ncnn |
yolo11n-pose_ncnn_model/ |
✅ | imgsz , half , batch |
詳細を見る export
詳細は 輸出 ページを参照されたい。
What is Pose Estimation with Ultralytics YOLO11 and how does it work?
Pose estimation with Ultralytics YOLO11 involves identifying specific points, known as keypoints, in an image. These keypoints typically represent joints or other important features of the object. The output includes the [x, y]
coordinates and confidence scores for each point. YOLO11-pose models are specifically designed for this task and use the -pose
のような接尾辞をつける。 yolo11n-pose.pt
.これらのモデルは、次のようなデータセットで事前に訓練されています。 COCOのキーポイント 様々なポーズ推定タスクに使用できます。詳しくは ポーズ推定ページ.
How can I train a YOLO11-pose model on a custom dataset?
Training a YOLO11-pose model on a custom dataset involves loading a model, either a new model defined by a YAML file or a pre-trained model. You can then start the training process using your specified dataset and parameters.
from ultralytics import YOLO
# Load a model
model = YOLO("yolo11n-pose.yaml") # build a new model from YAML
model = YOLO("yolo11n-pose.pt") # load a pretrained model (recommended for training)
# Train the model
results = model.train(data="your-dataset.yaml", epochs=100, imgsz=640)
How do I validate a trained YOLO11-pose model?
Validation of a YOLO11-pose model involves assessing its accuracy using the same dataset parameters retained during training. Here's an example:
from ultralytics import YOLO
# Load a model
model = YOLO("yolo11n-pose.pt") # load an official model
model = YOLO("path/to/best.pt") # load a custom model
# Validate the model
metrics = model.val() # no arguments needed, dataset and settings remembered
Can I export a YOLO11-pose model to other formats, and how?
Yes, you can export a YOLO11-pose model to various formats like ONNX, CoreML, TensorRT, and more. This can be done using either Python or the Command Line Interface (CLI).
from ultralytics import YOLO
# Load a model
model = YOLO("yolo11n-pose.pt") # load an official model
model = YOLO("path/to/best.pt") # load a custom trained model
# Export the model
What are the available Ultralytics YOLO11-pose models and their performance metrics?
Ultralytics YOLO11 offers various pretrained pose models such as YOLO11n-pose, YOLO11s-pose, YOLO11m-pose, among others. These models differ in size, accuracy (mAP), and speed. For instance, the YOLO11n-pose model achieves a mAPpose50-95 of 50.4 and an mAPpose50 of 80.1. For a complete list and performance details, visit the Models Section.