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Model Benchmarking with Ultralytics YOLO

Ultralytics YOLO ecosystem and integrations


Once your model is trained and validated, the next logical step is to evaluate its performance in various real-world scenarios. Benchmark mode in Ultralytics YOLO11 serves this purpose by providing a robust framework for assessing the speed and accuracy of your model across a range of export formats.

Watch: Ultralytics Modes Tutorial: Benchmark

Why Is Benchmarking Crucial?

  • Informed Decisions: Gain insights into the trade-offs between speed and accuracy.
  • Resource Allocation: Understand how different export formats perform on different hardware.
  • Optimization: Learn which export format offers the best performance for your specific use case.
  • Cost Efficiency: Make more efficient use of hardware resources based on benchmark results.

Key Metrics in Benchmark Mode

Supported Export Formats

  • ONNX: For optimal CPU performance
  • TensorRT: For maximal GPU efficiency
  • OpenVINO: For Intel hardware optimization
  • CoreML, TensorFlow SavedModel, and More: For diverse deployment needs.


  • Export to ONNX or OpenVINO for up to 3x CPU speedup.
  • Export to TensorRT for up to 5x GPU speedup.

Usage Examples

Run YOLO11n benchmarks on all supported export formats including ONNX, TensorRT etc. See Arguments section below for a full list of export arguments.


from ultralytics.utils.benchmarks import benchmark

# Benchmark on GPU
benchmark(model="", data="coco8.yaml", imgsz=640, half=False, device=0)
yolo benchmark data='coco8.yaml' imgsz=640 half=False device=0


Arguments such as model, data, imgsz, half, device, and verbose provide users with the flexibility to fine-tune the benchmarks to their specific needs and compare the performance of different export formats with ease.

KeyDefault ValueDescription
modelNoneSpecifies the path to the model file. Accepts both .pt and .yaml formats, e.g., "" for pre-trained models or configuration files.
dataNonePath to a YAML file defining the dataset for benchmarking, typically including paths and settings for validation data. Example: "coco8.yaml".
imgsz640The input image size for the model. Can be a single integer for square images or a tuple (width, height) for non-square, e.g., (640, 480).
halfFalseEnables FP16 (half-precision) inference, reducing memory usage and possibly increasing speed on compatible hardware. Use half=True to enable.
int8FalseActivates INT8 quantization for further optimized performance on supported devices, especially useful for edge devices. Set int8=True to use.
deviceNoneDefines the computation device(s) for benchmarking, such as "cpu", "cuda:0", or a list of devices like "cuda:0,1" for multi-GPU setups.
verboseFalseControls the level of detail in logging output. A boolean value; set verbose=True for detailed logs or a float for thresholding errors.

Export Formats

Benchmarks will attempt to run automatically on all possible export formats below.

Formatformat ArgumentModelMetadataArguments
TorchScripttorchscriptyolo11n.torchscriptimgsz, optimize, batch
ONNXonnxyolo11n.onnximgsz, half, dynamic, simplify, opset, batch
OpenVINOopenvinoyolo11n_openvino_model/imgsz, half, int8, batch
TensorRTengineyolo11n.engineimgsz, half, dynamic, simplify, workspace, int8, batch
CoreMLcoremlyolo11n.mlpackageimgsz, half, int8, nms, batch
TF SavedModelsaved_modelyolo11n_saved_model/imgsz, keras, int8, batch
TF GraphDefpbyolo11n.pbimgsz, batch
TF Litetfliteyolo11n.tfliteimgsz, half, int8, batch
TF Edge TPUedgetpuyolo11n_edgetpu.tfliteimgsz
TF.jstfjsyolo11n_web_model/imgsz, half, int8, batch
PaddlePaddlepaddleyolo11n_paddle_model/imgsz, batch
NCNNncnnyolo11n_ncnn_model/imgsz, half, batch

See full export details in the Export page.


How do I benchmark my YOLO11 model's performance using Ultralytics?

Ultralytics YOLO11 offers a Benchmark mode to assess your model's performance across different export formats. This mode provides insights into key metrics such as mean Average Precision (mAP50-95), accuracy, and inference time in milliseconds. To run benchmarks, you can use either Python or CLI commands. For example, to benchmark on a GPU:


from ultralytics.utils.benchmarks import benchmark

# Benchmark on GPU
benchmark(model="", data="coco8.yaml", imgsz=640, half=False, device=0)
yolo benchmark data='coco8.yaml' imgsz=640 half=False device=0

For more details on benchmark arguments, visit the Arguments section.

What are the benefits of exporting YOLO11 models to different formats?

Exporting YOLO11 models to different formats such as ONNX, TensorRT, and OpenVINO allows you to optimize performance based on your deployment environment. For instance:

  • ONNX: Provides up to 3x CPU speedup.
  • TensorRT: Offers up to 5x GPU speedup.
  • OpenVINO: Specifically optimized for Intel hardware. These formats enhance both the speed and accuracy of your models, making them more efficient for various real-world applications. Visit the Export page for complete details.

Why is benchmarking crucial in evaluating YOLO11 models?

Benchmarking your YOLO11 models is essential for several reasons:

  • Informed Decisions: Understand the trade-offs between speed and accuracy.
  • Resource Allocation: Gauge the performance across different hardware options.
  • Optimization: Determine which export format offers the best performance for specific use cases.
  • Cost Efficiency: Optimize hardware usage based on benchmark results. Key metrics such as mAP50-95, Top-5 accuracy, and inference time help in making these evaluations. Refer to the Key Metrics section for more information.

Which export formats are supported by YOLO11, and what are their advantages?

YOLO11 supports a variety of export formats, each tailored for specific hardware and use cases:

  • ONNX: Best for CPU performance.
  • TensorRT: Ideal for GPU efficiency.
  • OpenVINO: Optimized for Intel hardware.
  • CoreML & TensorFlow: Useful for iOS and general ML applications. For a complete list of supported formats and their respective advantages, check out the Supported Export Formats section.

What arguments can I use to fine-tune my YOLO11 benchmarks?

When running benchmarks, several arguments can be customized to suit specific needs:

  • model: Path to the model file (e.g., "").
  • data: Path to a YAML file defining the dataset (e.g., "coco8.yaml").
  • imgsz: The input image size, either as a single integer or a tuple.
  • half: Enable FP16 inference for better performance.
  • int8: Activate INT8 quantization for edge devices.
  • device: Specify the computation device (e.g., "cpu", "cuda:0").
  • verbose: Control the level of logging detail. For a full list of arguments, refer to the Arguments section.
📅 Created 11 months ago ✏️ Updated 20 days ago
