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Reference for ultralytics/data/


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    data: Union[str, Path],
    det_model: str = "",
    sam_model: str = "",
    device: str = "",
    conf: float = 0.25,
    iou: float = 0.45,
    imgsz: int = 640,
    max_det: int = 300,
    classes: Optional[List[int]] = None,
    output_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
) -> None

Automatically annotate images using a YOLO object detection model and a SAM segmentation model.

This function processes images in a specified directory, detects objects using a YOLO model, and then generates segmentation masks using a SAM model. The resulting annotations are saved as text files.


Name Type Description Default
data str | Path

Path to a folder containing images to be annotated.

det_model str

Path or name of the pre-trained YOLO detection model.

sam_model str

Path or name of the pre-trained SAM segmentation model.

device str

Device to run the models on (e.g., 'cpu', 'cuda', '0').

conf float

Confidence threshold for detection model.

iou float

IoU threshold for filtering overlapping boxes in detection results.

imgsz int

Input image resize dimension.

max_det int

Maximum number of detections per image.

classes List[int] | None

Filter predictions to specified class IDs, returning only relevant detections.

output_dir str | Path | None

Directory to save the annotated results. If None, a default directory is created.



>>> from import auto_annotate
>>> auto_annotate(data="ultralytics/assets", det_model="", sam_model="")
Source code in ultralytics/data/
def auto_annotate(
    data: Union[str, Path],
    det_model: str = "",
    sam_model: str = "",
    device: str = "",
    conf: float = 0.25,
    iou: float = 0.45,
    imgsz: int = 640,
    max_det: int = 300,
    classes: Optional[List[int]] = None,
    output_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
) -> None:
    Automatically annotate images using a YOLO object detection model and a SAM segmentation model.

    This function processes images in a specified directory, detects objects using a YOLO model, and then generates
    segmentation masks using a SAM model. The resulting annotations are saved as text files.

        data (str | Path): Path to a folder containing images to be annotated.
        det_model (str): Path or name of the pre-trained YOLO detection model.
        sam_model (str): Path or name of the pre-trained SAM segmentation model.
        device (str): Device to run the models on (e.g., 'cpu', 'cuda', '0').
        conf (float): Confidence threshold for detection model.
        iou (float): IoU threshold for filtering overlapping boxes in detection results.
        imgsz (int): Input image resize dimension.
        max_det (int): Maximum number of detections per image.
        classes (List[int] | None): Filter predictions to specified class IDs, returning only relevant detections.
        output_dir (str | Path | None): Directory to save the annotated results. If None, a default directory is created.

        >>> from import auto_annotate
        >>> auto_annotate(data="ultralytics/assets", det_model="", sam_model="")
    det_model = YOLO(det_model)
    sam_model = SAM(sam_model)

    data = Path(data)
    if not output_dir:
        output_dir = data.parent / f"{data.stem}_auto_annotate_labels"
    Path(output_dir).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

    det_results = det_model(
        data, stream=True, device=device, conf=conf, iou=iou, imgsz=imgsz, max_det=max_det, classes=classes

    for result in det_results:
        class_ids =  # noqa
        if class_ids:
            boxes = result.boxes.xyxy  # Boxes object for bbox outputs
            sam_results = sam_model(result.orig_img, bboxes=boxes, verbose=False, save=False, device=device)
            segments = sam_results[0].masks.xyn

            with open(f"{Path(output_dir) / Path(result.path).stem}.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                for i, s in enumerate(segments):
                    if s.any():
                        segment = map(str, s.reshape(-1).tolist())
                        f.write(f"{class_ids[i]} " + " ".join(segment) + "\n")

📅 Created 1 year ago ✏️ Updated 6 months ago