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Client für die Interaktion mit einem entfernten Triton Inference Server-Modell.


Name Typ Beschreibung
endpoint str

Der Name des Modells auf dem Triton Server.

url str

Die URL des Triton Servers.


Der Triton Client (entweder HTTP oder gRPC).


Die Eingabeklasse für den Triton Client.


Die Klasse der Ausgabeanforderung für den Triton Client.

input_formats List[str]

Die Datentypen der Modelleingaben.

np_input_formats List[type]

Die Numpy-Datentypen der Modelleingaben.

input_names List[str]

Die Namen der Modelleingaben.

output_names List[str]

Die Namen der Modellausgaben.

Quellcode in ultralytics/utils/triton.py
class TritonRemoteModel:
    Client for interacting with a remote Triton Inference Server model.

        endpoint (str): The name of the model on the Triton server.
        url (str): The URL of the Triton server.
        triton_client: The Triton client (either HTTP or gRPC).
        InferInput: The input class for the Triton client.
        InferRequestedOutput: The output request class for the Triton client.
        input_formats (List[str]): The data types of the model inputs.
        np_input_formats (List[type]): The numpy data types of the model inputs.
        input_names (List[str]): The names of the model inputs.
        output_names (List[str]): The names of the model outputs.

    def __init__(self, url: str, endpoint: str = "", scheme: str = ""):
        Initialize the TritonRemoteModel.

        Arguments may be provided individually or parsed from a collective 'url' argument of the form

            url (str): The URL of the Triton server.
            endpoint (str): The name of the model on the Triton server.
            scheme (str): The communication scheme ('http' or 'grpc').
        if not endpoint and not scheme:  # Parse all args from URL string
            splits = urlsplit(url)
            endpoint = splits.path.strip("/").split("/")[0]
            scheme = splits.scheme
            url = splits.netloc

        self.endpoint = endpoint
        self.url = url

        # Choose the Triton client based on the communication scheme
        if scheme == "http":
            import tritonclient.http as client  # noqa

            self.triton_client = client.InferenceServerClient(url=self.url, verbose=False, ssl=False)
            config = self.triton_client.get_model_config(endpoint)
            import tritonclient.grpc as client  # noqa

            self.triton_client = client.InferenceServerClient(url=self.url, verbose=False, ssl=False)
            config = self.triton_client.get_model_config(endpoint, as_json=True)["config"]

        # Sort output names alphabetically, i.e. 'output0', 'output1', etc.
        config["output"] = sorted(config["output"], key=lambda x: x.get("name"))

        # Define model attributes
        type_map = {"TYPE_FP32": np.float32, "TYPE_FP16": np.float16, "TYPE_UINT8": np.uint8}
        self.InferRequestedOutput = client.InferRequestedOutput
        self.InferInput = client.InferInput
        self.input_formats = [x["data_type"] for x in config["input"]]
        self.np_input_formats = [type_map[x] for x in self.input_formats]
        self.input_names = [x["name"] for x in config["input"]]
        self.output_names = [x["name"] for x in config["output"]]

    def __call__(self, *inputs: np.ndarray) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        Call the model with the given inputs.

            *inputs (List[np.ndarray]): Input data to the model.

            (List[np.ndarray]): Model outputs.
        infer_inputs = []
        input_format = inputs[0].dtype
        for i, x in enumerate(inputs):
            if x.dtype != self.np_input_formats[i]:
                x = x.astype(self.np_input_formats[i])
            infer_input = self.InferInput(self.input_names[i], [*x.shape], self.input_formats[i].replace("TYPE_", ""))

        infer_outputs = [self.InferRequestedOutput(output_name) for output_name in self.output_names]
        outputs = self.triton_client.infer(model_name=self.endpoint, inputs=infer_inputs, outputs=infer_outputs)

        return [outputs.as_numpy(output_name).astype(input_format) for output_name in self.output_names]


Rufe das Modell mit den gegebenen Eingaben auf.


Name Typ Beschreibung Standard
*inputs List[ndarray]

Eingangsdaten für das Modell.



Typ Beschreibung


Quellcode in ultralytics/utils/triton.py
def __call__(self, *inputs: np.ndarray) -> List[np.ndarray]:
    Call the model with the given inputs.

        *inputs (List[np.ndarray]): Input data to the model.

        (List[np.ndarray]): Model outputs.
    infer_inputs = []
    input_format = inputs[0].dtype
    for i, x in enumerate(inputs):
        if x.dtype != self.np_input_formats[i]:
            x = x.astype(self.np_input_formats[i])
        infer_input = self.InferInput(self.input_names[i], [*x.shape], self.input_formats[i].replace("TYPE_", ""))

    infer_outputs = [self.InferRequestedOutput(output_name) for output_name in self.output_names]
    outputs = self.triton_client.infer(model_name=self.endpoint, inputs=infer_inputs, outputs=infer_outputs)

    return [outputs.as_numpy(output_name).astype(input_format) for output_name in self.output_names]

__init__(url, endpoint='', scheme='')

Initialisiere das TritonRemoteModel.

Die Argumente können einzeln angegeben werden oder aus einem kollektiven "url"-Argument der folgenden Form geparst werden :////


Name Typ Beschreibung Standard
url str

Die URL des Triton Servers.

endpoint str

Der Name des Modells auf dem Triton Server.

scheme str

Das Kommunikationsschema ("http" oder "grpc").

Quellcode in ultralytics/utils/triton.py
def __init__(self, url: str, endpoint: str = "", scheme: str = ""):
    Initialize the TritonRemoteModel.

    Arguments may be provided individually or parsed from a collective 'url' argument of the form

        url (str): The URL of the Triton server.
        endpoint (str): The name of the model on the Triton server.
        scheme (str): The communication scheme ('http' or 'grpc').
    if not endpoint and not scheme:  # Parse all args from URL string
        splits = urlsplit(url)
        endpoint = splits.path.strip("/").split("/")[0]
        scheme = splits.scheme
        url = splits.netloc

    self.endpoint = endpoint
    self.url = url

    # Choose the Triton client based on the communication scheme
    if scheme == "http":
        import tritonclient.http as client  # noqa

        self.triton_client = client.InferenceServerClient(url=self.url, verbose=False, ssl=False)
        config = self.triton_client.get_model_config(endpoint)
        import tritonclient.grpc as client  # noqa

        self.triton_client = client.InferenceServerClient(url=self.url, verbose=False, ssl=False)
        config = self.triton_client.get_model_config(endpoint, as_json=True)["config"]

    # Sort output names alphabetically, i.e. 'output0', 'output1', etc.
    config["output"] = sorted(config["output"], key=lambda x: x.get("name"))

    # Define model attributes
    type_map = {"TYPE_FP32": np.float32, "TYPE_FP16": np.float16, "TYPE_UINT8": np.uint8}
    self.InferRequestedOutput = client.InferRequestedOutput
    self.InferInput = client.InferInput
    self.input_formats = [x["data_type"] for x in config["input"]]
    self.np_input_formats = [type_map[x] for x in self.input_formats]
    self.input_names = [x["name"] for x in config["input"]]
    self.output_names = [x["name"] for x in config["output"]]

Erstellt am 2023-11-12, Aktualisiert am 2024-05-08
Autoren: Burhan-Q (1), glenn-jocher (4)