A class to perform object detection, image classification, image segmentation and pose estimation inference using
Streamlit and Ultralytics YOLO models. It provides the functionalities such as loading models, configuring settings,
uploading video files, and performing real-time inference.
Name |
Type |
Description |
st |
Streamlit module for UI creation.
temp_dict |
Temporary dictionary to store the model path.
model_path |
Path to the loaded model.
model |
source |
enable_trk |
conf |
iou |
IoU threshold for non-max suppression.
vid_file_name |
Name of the uploaded video file.
selected_ind |
List of selected class indices.
Name |
Description |
web_ui |
Sets up the Streamlit web interface with custom HTML elements.
sidebar |
Configures the Streamlit sidebar for model and inference settings.
source_upload |
Handles video file uploads through the Streamlit interface.
configure |
Configures the model and loads selected classes for inference.
inference |
Performs real-time object detection inference.
>>> inf = solutions.Inference(model="path/to/model.pt") # Model is not necessary argument.
>>> inf.inference()
Name |
Type |
Description |
Default |
Additional keyword arguments for model configuration.
Source code in ultralytics/solutions/streamlit_inference.py
| def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any):
Initializes the Inference class, checking Streamlit requirements and setting up the model path.
**kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments for model configuration.
check_requirements("streamlit>=1.29.0") # scope imports for faster ultralytics package load speeds
import streamlit as st
self.st = st # Reference to the Streamlit class instance
self.source = None # Placeholder for video or webcam source details
self.enable_trk = False # Flag to toggle object tracking
self.conf = 0.25 # Confidence threshold for detection
self.iou = 0.45 # Intersection-over-Union (IoU) threshold for non-maximum suppression
self.org_frame = None # Container for the original frame to be displayed
self.ann_frame = None # Container for the annotated frame to be displayed
self.vid_file_name = None # Holds the name of the video file
self.selected_ind = [] # List of selected classes for detection or tracking
self.model = None # Container for the loaded model instance
self.temp_dict = {"model": None, **kwargs}
self.model_path = None # Store model file name with path
if self.temp_dict["model"] is not None:
self.model_path = self.temp_dict["model"]
LOGGER.info(f"Ultralytics Solutions: ✅ {self.temp_dict}")
Configures the model and loads selected classes for inference.
Source code in ultralytics/solutions/streamlit_inference.py
| def configure(self):
"""Configures the model and loads selected classes for inference."""
# Add dropdown menu for model selection
available_models = [x.replace("yolo", "YOLO") for x in GITHUB_ASSETS_STEMS if x.startswith("yolo11")]
if self.model_path: # If user provided the custom model, insert model without suffix as *.pt is added later
available_models.insert(0, self.model_path.split(".pt")[0])
selected_model = self.st.sidebar.selectbox("Model", available_models)
with self.st.spinner("Model is downloading..."):
self.model = YOLO(f"{selected_model.lower()}.pt") # Load the YOLO model
class_names = list(self.model.names.values()) # Convert dictionary to list of class names
self.st.success("Model loaded successfully!")
# Multiselect box with class names and get indices of selected classes
selected_classes = self.st.sidebar.multiselect("Classes", class_names, default=class_names[:3])
self.selected_ind = [class_names.index(option) for option in selected_classes]
if not isinstance(self.selected_ind, list): # Ensure selected_options is a list
self.selected_ind = list(self.selected_ind)
Performs real-time object detection inference.
Source code in ultralytics/solutions/streamlit_inference.py
| def inference(self):
"""Performs real-time object detection inference."""
self.web_ui() # Initialize the web interface
self.sidebar() # Create the sidebar
self.source_upload() # Upload the video source
self.configure() # Configure the app
if self.st.sidebar.button("Start"):
stop_button = self.st.button("Stop") # Button to stop the inference
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.vid_file_name) # Capture the video
if not cap.isOpened():
self.st.error("Could not open webcam.")
while cap.isOpened():
success, frame = cap.read()
if not success:
self.st.warning("Failed to read frame from webcam. Please verify the webcam is connected properly.")
# Store model predictions
if self.enable_trk == "Yes":
results = self.model.track(
frame, conf=self.conf, iou=self.iou, classes=self.selected_ind, persist=True
results = self.model(frame, conf=self.conf, iou=self.iou, classes=self.selected_ind)
annotated_frame = results[0].plot() # Add annotations on frame
if stop_button:
cap.release() # Release the capture
self.st.stop() # Stop streamlit app
self.org_frame.image(frame, channels="BGR") # Display original frame
self.ann_frame.image(annotated_frame, channels="BGR") # Display processed frame
cap.release() # Release the capture
cv2.destroyAllWindows() # Destroy window
Configures the Streamlit sidebar for model and inference settings.
Source code in ultralytics/solutions/streamlit_inference.py
| def sidebar(self):
"""Configures the Streamlit sidebar for model and inference settings."""
with self.st.sidebar: # Add Ultralytics LOGO
logo = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ultralytics/assets/main/logo/Ultralytics_Logotype_Original.svg"
self.st.image(logo, width=250)
self.st.sidebar.title("User Configuration") # Add elements to vertical setting menu
self.source = self.st.sidebar.selectbox(
("webcam", "video"),
) # Add source selection dropdown
self.enable_trk = self.st.sidebar.radio("Enable Tracking", ("Yes", "No")) # Enable object tracking
self.conf = float(
self.st.sidebar.slider("Confidence Threshold", 0.0, 1.0, self.conf, 0.01)
) # Slider for confidence
self.iou = float(self.st.sidebar.slider("IoU Threshold", 0.0, 1.0, self.iou, 0.01)) # Slider for NMS threshold
col1, col2 = self.st.columns(2)
self.org_frame = col1.empty()
self.ann_frame = col2.empty()
Handles video file uploads through the Streamlit interface.
Source code in ultralytics/solutions/streamlit_inference.py
| def source_upload(self):
"""Handles video file uploads through the Streamlit interface."""
self.vid_file_name = ""
if self.source == "video":
vid_file = self.st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload Video File", type=["mp4", "mov", "avi", "mkv"])
if vid_file is not None:
g = io.BytesIO(vid_file.read()) # BytesIO Object
with open("ultralytics.mp4", "wb") as out: # Open temporary file as bytes
out.write(g.read()) # Read bytes into file
self.vid_file_name = "ultralytics.mp4"
elif self.source == "webcam":
self.vid_file_name = 0
Sets up the Streamlit web interface with custom HTML elements.
Source code in ultralytics/solutions/streamlit_inference.py
| def web_ui(self):
"""Sets up the Streamlit web interface with custom HTML elements."""
menu_style_cfg = """<style>MainMenu {visibility: hidden;}</style>""" # Hide main menu style
# Main title of streamlit application
main_title_cfg = """<div><h1 style="color:#FF64DA; text-align:center; font-size:40px; margin-top:-50px;
font-family: 'Archivo', sans-serif; margin-bottom:20px;">Ultralytics YOLO Streamlit Application</h1></div>"""
# Subtitle of streamlit application
sub_title_cfg = """<div><h4 style="color:#042AFF; text-align:center; font-family: 'Archivo', sans-serif;
margin-top:-15px; margin-bottom:50px;">Experience real-time object detection on your webcam with the power
of Ultralytics YOLO! 🚀</h4></div>"""
# Set html page configuration and append custom HTML
self.st.set_page_config(page_title="Ultralytics Streamlit App", layout="wide")
self.st.markdown(menu_style_cfg, unsafe_allow_html=True)
self.st.markdown(main_title_cfg, unsafe_allow_html=True)
self.st.markdown(sub_title_cfg, unsafe_allow_html=True)