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Reference for ultralytics/solutions/


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Bases: BaseSolution

A class to manage region-based object tracking in a video stream.

This class extends the BaseSolution class and provides functionality for tracking objects within a specific region defined by a polygonal area. Objects outside the region are excluded from tracking.


Name Type Description
region ndarray

The polygonal region for tracking, represented as a convex hull of points.

line_width int

Width of the lines used for drawing bounding boxes and region boundaries.

names List[str]

List of class names that the model can detect.

boxes List[ndarray]

Bounding boxes of tracked objects.

track_ids List[int]

Unique identifiers for each tracked object.

clss List[int]

Class indices of tracked objects.


Name Description

Processes each frame of the video, applying region-based tracking.


Extracts tracking information from the input frame.


Displays the processed output.


>>> tracker = TrackZone()
>>> frame = cv2.imread("frame.jpg")
>>> results = tracker.process(frame)
>>> cv2.imshow("Tracked Frame", results.plot_im)


Name Type Description Default
**kwargs Any

Additional keyword arguments passed to the parent class.

Source code in ultralytics/solutions/
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    Initialize the TrackZone class for tracking objects within a defined region in video streams.

        **kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments passed to the parent class.
    default_region = [(150, 150), (1130, 150), (1130, 570), (150, 570)]
    self.region = cv2.convexHull(np.array(self.region or default_region, dtype=np.int32))



Process the input frame to track objects within a defined region.

This method initializes the annotator, creates a mask for the specified region, extracts tracks only from the masked area, and updates tracking information. Objects outside the region are ignored.


Name Type Description Default
im0 ndarray

The input image or frame to be processed.



Type Description

Contains processed image plot_im and total_tracks (int) representing the total number of tracked objects within the defined region.


>>> tracker = TrackZone()
>>> frame = cv2.imread("path/to/image.jpg")
>>> results = tracker.process(frame)
Source code in ultralytics/solutions/
def process(self, im0):
    Process the input frame to track objects within a defined region.

    This method initializes the annotator, creates a mask for the specified region, extracts tracks
    only from the masked area, and updates tracking information. Objects outside the region are ignored.

        im0 (np.ndarray): The input image or frame to be processed.

        (SolutionResults): Contains processed image `plot_im` and `total_tracks` (int) representing the
                           total number of tracked objects within the defined region.

        >>> tracker = TrackZone()
        >>> frame = cv2.imread("path/to/image.jpg")
        >>> results = tracker.process(frame)
    annotator = SolutionAnnotator(im0, line_width=self.line_width)  # Initialize annotator

    # Create a mask for the region and extract tracks from the masked image
    mask = np.zeros_like(im0[:, :, 0])
    mask = cv2.fillPoly(mask, [self.region], 255)
    masked_frame = cv2.bitwise_and(im0, im0, mask=mask)

    # Draw the region boundary
    cv2.polylines(im0, [self.region], isClosed=True, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=self.line_width * 2)

    # Iterate over boxes, track ids, classes indexes list and draw bounding boxes
    for box, track_id, cls in zip(self.boxes, self.track_ids, self.clss):
        annotator.box_label(box, label=f"{self.names[cls]}:{track_id}", color=colors(track_id, True))

    plot_im = annotator.result()
    self.display_output(plot_im)  # display output with base class function

    # Return a SolutionResults
    return SolutionResults(plot_im=plot_im, total_tracks=len(self.track_ids))

📅 Created 3 months ago ✏️ Updated 3 months ago