
DOTA8 データセット


Ultralytics DOTA8 is a small, but versatile oriented object detection dataset composed of the first 8 images of 8 images of the split DOTAv1 set, 4 for training and 4 for validation. This dataset is ideal for testing and debugging object detection models, or for experimenting with new detection approaches. With 8 images, it is small enough to be easily manageable, yet diverse enough to test training pipelines for errors and act as a sanity check before training larger datasets.

This dataset is intended for use with Ultralytics HUB and YOLO11.

データセット YAML

YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) ファイルはデータセットの設定を定義するために使われる。このファイルには、データセットのパス、クラス、その他の関連情報が含まれている。DOTA8データセットの場合は dota8.yaml ファイルは https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/blob/main/ultralytics/cfg/datasets/dota8.yaml.


# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
# DOTA8 dataset 8 images from split DOTAv1 dataset by Ultralytics
# Documentation: https://docs.ultralytics.com/datasets/obb/dota8/
# Example usage: yolo train model=yolov8n-obb.pt data=dota8.yaml
# parent
# ├── ultralytics
# └── datasets
#     └── dota8  ← downloads here (1MB)

# Train/val/test sets as 1) dir: path/to/imgs, 2) file: path/to/imgs.txt, or 3) list: [path/to/imgs1, path/to/imgs2, ..]
path: ../datasets/dota8 # dataset root dir
train: images/train # train images (relative to 'path') 4 images
val: images/val # val images (relative to 'path') 4 images

# Classes for DOTA 1.0
  0: plane
  1: ship
  2: storage tank
  3: baseball diamond
  4: tennis court
  5: basketball court
  6: ground track field
  7: harbor
  8: bridge
  9: large vehicle
  10: small vehicle
  11: helicopter
  12: roundabout
  13: soccer ball field
  14: swimming pool

# Download script/URL (optional)
download: https://github.com/ultralytics/assets/releases/download/v0.0.0/dota8.zip


To train a YOLO11n-obb model on the DOTA8 dataset for 100 epochs with an image size of 640, you can use the following code snippets. For a comprehensive list of available arguments, refer to the model Training page.


from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load a model
model = YOLO("yolo11n-obb.pt")  # load a pretrained model (recommended for training)

# Train the model
results = model.train(data="dota8.yaml", epochs=100, imgsz=640)
# Start training from a pretrained *.pt model
yolo obb train data=dota8.yaml model=yolo11n-obb.pt epochs=100 imgsz=640




  • モザイク画像:この画像は、モザイク処理されたデータセット画像で構成されたトレーニングバッチを示す。モザイク処理とは、複数の画像を1つの画像に合成し、各トレーニングバッチ内のオブジェクトやシーンの種類を増やすトレーニング時に使用される手法です。これにより、異なるオブジェクトサイズ、アスペクト比、コンテクストに対するモデルの汎化能力を向上させることができます。




  author={Ding, Jian and Xue, Nan and Xia, Gui-Song and Bai, Xiang and Yang, Wen and Yang, Michael and Belongie, Serge and Luo, Jiebo and Datcu, Mihai and Pelillo, Marcello and Zhang, Liangpei},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  title={Object Detection in Aerial Images: A Large-Scale Benchmark and Challenges},




The DOTA8 dataset is a small, versatile oriented object detection dataset made up of the first 8 images from the DOTAv1 split set, with 4 images designated for training and 4 for validation. It's ideal for testing and debugging object detection models like Ultralytics YOLO11. Due to its manageable size and diversity, it helps in identifying pipeline errors and running sanity checks before deploying larger datasets. Learn more about object detection with Ultralytics YOLO11.

How do I train a YOLO11 model using the DOTA8 dataset?

To train a YOLO11n-obb model on the DOTA8 dataset for 100 epochs with an image size of 640, you can use the following code snippets. For comprehensive argument options, refer to the model Training page.


from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load a model
model = YOLO("yolo11n-obb.pt")  # load a pretrained model (recommended for training)

# Train the model
results = model.train(data="dota8.yaml", epochs=100, imgsz=640)
# Start training from a pretrained *.pt model
yolo obb train data=dota8.yaml model=yolo11n-obb.pt epochs=100 imgsz=640


DOTAデータセットは、その大規模なベンチマークと、航空画像における物体検出の課題として知られている。DOTA8サブセットは、初期テストに理想的な小さくて管理しやすいデータセットです。データセットへのアクセスは dota8.yaml このファイルには、パス、クラス、設定の詳細が含まれています。 GitHubリンク.



Why should I use Ultralytics YOLO11 for object detection tasks?

Ultralytics YOLO11 provides state-of-the-art real-time object detection capabilities, including features like oriented bounding boxes (OBB), instance segmentation, and a highly versatile training pipeline. It's suitable for various applications and offers pretrained models for efficient fine-tuning. Explore further about the advantages and usage in the Ultralytics YOLO11 documentation.

📅 Created 9 months ago ✏️ Updated 22 days ago
