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Este archivo está disponible en ultralytics/blob/main/ ultralytics/models/ sam/amg .py. Si detectas algún problema, por favor, ayuda a solucionarlo contribuyendo con una Pull Request 🛠️. ¡Gracias 🙏!

ultralytics.models.sam.amg.is_box_near_crop_edge(boxes, crop_box, orig_box, atol=20.0)

Devuelve un booleano tensor que indica si las cajas están cerca del borde de recorte.

Código fuente en ultralytics/models/sam/
def is_box_near_crop_edge(
    boxes: torch.Tensor, crop_box: List[int], orig_box: List[int], atol: float = 20.0
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Return a boolean tensor indicating if boxes are near the crop edge."""
    crop_box_torch = torch.as_tensor(crop_box, dtype=torch.float, device=boxes.device)
    orig_box_torch = torch.as_tensor(orig_box, dtype=torch.float, device=boxes.device)
    boxes = uncrop_boxes_xyxy(boxes, crop_box).float()
    near_crop_edge = torch.isclose(boxes, crop_box_torch[None, :], atol=atol, rtol=0)
    near_image_edge = torch.isclose(boxes, orig_box_torch[None, :], atol=atol, rtol=0)
    near_crop_edge = torch.logical_and(near_crop_edge, ~near_image_edge)
    return torch.any(near_crop_edge, dim=1)

ultralytics.models.sam.amg.batch_iterator(batch_size, *args)

Produce lotes de datos a partir de los argumentos de entrada.

Código fuente en ultralytics/models/sam/
def batch_iterator(batch_size: int, *args) -> Generator[List[Any], None, None]:
    """Yield batches of data from the input arguments."""
    assert args and all(len(a) == len(args[0]) for a in args), "Batched iteration must have same-size inputs."
    n_batches = len(args[0]) // batch_size + int(len(args[0]) % batch_size != 0)
    for b in range(n_batches):
        yield [arg[b * batch_size : (b + 1) * batch_size] for arg in args]

ultralytics.models.sam.amg.calculate_stability_score(masks, mask_threshold, threshold_offset)

Calcula la puntuación de estabilidad de un lote de máscaras.

La puntuación de estabilidad es el IoU entre las máscaras binarias obtenidas mediante el umbral de los logits de máscara predichos en valores altos y bajos.

  • Una máscara siempre está contenida dentro de la otra.
  • Ahorra memoria evitando la conversión innecesaria a torch.int64
Código fuente en ultralytics/models/sam/
def calculate_stability_score(masks: torch.Tensor, mask_threshold: float, threshold_offset: float) -> torch.Tensor:
    Computes the stability score for a batch of masks.

    The stability score is the IoU between the binary masks obtained by thresholding the predicted mask logits at high
    and low values.

        - One mask is always contained inside the other.
        - Save memory by preventing unnecessary cast to torch.int64
    intersections = (masks > (mask_threshold + threshold_offset)).sum(-1, dtype=torch.int16).sum(-1, dtype=torch.int32)
    unions = (masks > (mask_threshold - threshold_offset)).sum(-1, dtype=torch.int16).sum(-1, dtype=torch.int32)
    return intersections / unions


Genera una malla 2D de puntos espaciados uniformemente en el intervalo [0,1]x[0,1].

Código fuente en ultralytics/models/sam/
def build_point_grid(n_per_side: int) -> np.ndarray:
    """Generate a 2D grid of evenly spaced points in the range [0,1]x[0,1]."""
    offset = 1 / (2 * n_per_side)
    points_one_side = np.linspace(offset, 1 - offset, n_per_side)
    points_x = np.tile(points_one_side[None, :], (n_per_side, 1))
    points_y = np.tile(points_one_side[:, None], (1, n_per_side))
    return np.stack([points_x, points_y], axis=-1).reshape(-1, 2)

ultralytics.models.sam.amg.build_all_layer_point_grids(n_per_side, n_layers, scale_per_layer)

Genera rejillas de puntos para todas las capas de cultivo.

Código fuente en ultralytics/models/sam/
def build_all_layer_point_grids(n_per_side: int, n_layers: int, scale_per_layer: int) -> List[np.ndarray]:
    """Generate point grids for all crop layers."""
    return [build_point_grid(int(n_per_side / (scale_per_layer**i))) for i in range(n_layers + 1)]

ultralytics.models.sam.amg.generate_crop_boxes(im_size, n_layers, overlap_ratio)

Genera una lista de cajas de recorte de diferentes tamaños.

Cada capa tiene (2i)2 casillas para la capa i-ésima.

Código fuente en ultralytics/models/sam/
def generate_crop_boxes(
    im_size: Tuple[int, ...], n_layers: int, overlap_ratio: float
) -> Tuple[List[List[int]], List[int]]:
    Generates a list of crop boxes of different sizes.

    Each layer has (2**i)**2 boxes for the ith layer.
    crop_boxes, layer_idxs = [], []
    im_h, im_w = im_size
    short_side = min(im_h, im_w)

    # Original image
    crop_boxes.append([0, 0, im_w, im_h])

    def crop_len(orig_len, n_crops, overlap):
        """Crops bounding boxes to the size of the input image."""
        return int(math.ceil((overlap * (n_crops - 1) + orig_len) / n_crops))

    for i_layer in range(n_layers):
        n_crops_per_side = 2 ** (i_layer + 1)
        overlap = int(overlap_ratio * short_side * (2 / n_crops_per_side))

        crop_w = crop_len(im_w, n_crops_per_side, overlap)
        crop_h = crop_len(im_h, n_crops_per_side, overlap)

        crop_box_x0 = [int((crop_w - overlap) * i) for i in range(n_crops_per_side)]
        crop_box_y0 = [int((crop_h - overlap) * i) for i in range(n_crops_per_side)]

        # Crops in XYWH format
        for x0, y0 in product(crop_box_x0, crop_box_y0):
            box = [x0, y0, min(x0 + crop_w, im_w), min(y0 + crop_h, im_h)]
            layer_idxs.append(i_layer + 1)

    return crop_boxes, layer_idxs

ultralytics.models.sam.amg.uncrop_boxes_xyxy(boxes, crop_box)

Desencuadra los cuadros delimitadores añadiendo el desplazamiento del cuadro de recorte.

Código fuente en ultralytics/models/sam/
def uncrop_boxes_xyxy(boxes: torch.Tensor, crop_box: List[int]) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Uncrop bounding boxes by adding the crop box offset."""
    x0, y0, _, _ = crop_box
    offset = torch.tensor([[x0, y0, x0, y0]], device=boxes.device)
    # Check if boxes has a channel dimension
    if len(boxes.shape) == 3:
        offset = offset.unsqueeze(1)
    return boxes + offset

ultralytics.models.sam.amg.uncrop_points(points, crop_box)

Desencuadra los puntos añadiendo el desplazamiento del cuadro de recorte.

Código fuente en ultralytics/models/sam/
def uncrop_points(points: torch.Tensor, crop_box: List[int]) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Uncrop points by adding the crop box offset."""
    x0, y0, _, _ = crop_box
    offset = torch.tensor([[x0, y0]], device=points.device)
    # Check if points has a channel dimension
    if len(points.shape) == 3:
        offset = offset.unsqueeze(1)
    return points + offset

ultralytics.models.sam.amg.uncrop_masks(masks, crop_box, orig_h, orig_w)

Recorta las máscaras rellenándolas al tamaño original de la imagen.

Código fuente en ultralytics/models/sam/
def uncrop_masks(masks: torch.Tensor, crop_box: List[int], orig_h: int, orig_w: int) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Uncrop masks by padding them to the original image size."""
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = crop_box
    if x0 == 0 and y0 == 0 and x1 == orig_w and y1 == orig_h:
        return masks
    # Coordinate transform masks
    pad_x, pad_y = orig_w - (x1 - x0), orig_h - (y1 - y0)
    pad = (x0, pad_x - x0, y0, pad_y - y0)
    return torch.nn.functional.pad(masks, pad, value=0)

ultralytics.models.sam.amg.remove_small_regions(mask, area_thresh, mode)

Elimina pequeñas regiones desconectadas o agujeros en una máscara, devolviendo la máscara y un indicador de modificación.

Código fuente en ultralytics/models/sam/
def remove_small_regions(mask: np.ndarray, area_thresh: float, mode: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]:
    """Remove small disconnected regions or holes in a mask, returning the mask and a modification indicator."""
    import cv2  # type: ignore

    assert mode in {"holes", "islands"}
    correct_holes = mode == "holes"
    working_mask = (correct_holes ^ mask).astype(np.uint8)
    n_labels, regions, stats, _ = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(working_mask, 8)
    sizes = stats[:, -1][1:]  # Row 0 is background label
    small_regions = [i + 1 for i, s in enumerate(sizes) if s < area_thresh]
    if not small_regions:
        return mask, False
    fill_labels = [0] + small_regions
    if not correct_holes:
        # If every region is below threshold, keep largest
        fill_labels = [i for i in range(n_labels) if i not in fill_labels] or [int(np.argmax(sizes)) + 1]
    mask = np.isin(regions, fill_labels)
    return mask, True


Calcula recuadros en formato XYXY alrededor de las máscaras.

Devuelve [0,0,0,0] para una máscara vacía. Para la forma de entrada C1xC2x...xHxW, la forma de salida es C1xC2x...x4.

Código fuente en ultralytics/models/sam/
def batched_mask_to_box(masks: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    Calculates boxes in XYXY format around masks.

    Return [0,0,0,0] for an empty mask. For input shape C1xC2x...xHxW, the output shape is C1xC2x...x4.
    # torch.max below raises an error on empty inputs, just skip in this case
    if torch.numel(masks) == 0:
        return torch.zeros(*masks.shape[:-2], 4, device=masks.device)

    # Normalize shape to CxHxW
    shape = masks.shape
    h, w = shape[-2:]
    masks = masks.flatten(0, -3) if len(shape) > 2 else masks.unsqueeze(0)
    # Get top and bottom edges
    in_height, _ = torch.max(masks, dim=-1)
    in_height_coords = in_height * torch.arange(h, device=in_height.device)[None, :]
    bottom_edges, _ = torch.max(in_height_coords, dim=-1)
    in_height_coords = in_height_coords + h * (~in_height)
    top_edges, _ = torch.min(in_height_coords, dim=-1)

    # Get left and right edges
    in_width, _ = torch.max(masks, dim=-2)
    in_width_coords = in_width * torch.arange(w, device=in_width.device)[None, :]
    right_edges, _ = torch.max(in_width_coords, dim=-1)
    in_width_coords = in_width_coords + w * (~in_width)
    left_edges, _ = torch.min(in_width_coords, dim=-1)

    # If the mask is empty the right edge will be to the left of the left edge.
    # Replace these boxes with [0, 0, 0, 0]
    empty_filter = (right_edges < left_edges) | (bottom_edges < top_edges)
    out = torch.stack([left_edges, top_edges, right_edges, bottom_edges], dim=-1)
    out = out * (~empty_filter).unsqueeze(-1)

    # Return to original shape
    return out.reshape(*shape[:-2], 4) if len(shape) > 2 else out[0]

Creado 2023-11-12, Actualizado 2024-05-08
Autores: Burhan-Q (1), glenn-jocher (3), Laughing-q (1)