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Referencia para ultralytics/trackers/


Este archivo está disponible en ultralytics/blob/main/ ultralytics/trackers/bot_sort .py. Si detectas algún problema, por favor, ayuda a solucionarlo contribuyendo con una Pull Request 🛠️. ¡Gracias 🙏!


Bases: STrack

Una versión ampliada de la clase STrack para YOLOv8, que añade funciones de seguimiento de objetos.


Nombre Tipo Descripción
shared_kalman KalmanFilterXYWH

Un filtro Kalman compartido para todas las instancias de BOTrack.

smooth_feat ndarray

Vector de características suavizado.

curr_feat ndarray

Vector de características actual.

features deque

Un deque para almacenar vectores de características con una longitud máxima definida por feat_history.

alpha float

Factor de suavizado de la media móvil exponencial de las características.

mean ndarray

El estado medio del filtro de Kalman.

covariance ndarray

La matriz de covarianza del filtro de Kalman.


Nombre Descripción

Actualiza el vector de características y suavízalo utilizando la media móvil exponencial.


Predice la media y la covarianza mediante el filtro de Kalman.


Reactiva una pista con características actualizadas y, opcionalmente, un nuevo ID.


Actualiza la instancia YOLOv8 con la nueva pista y el nuevo ID de fotograma.


Propiedad que obtiene la posición actual en formato tlwh (top left x, top left y, width, height).


Predice la media y la covarianza de varias pistas de objetos utilizando el filtro de Kalman compartido.


Convierte las coordenadas del cuadro delimitador tlwh al formato xywh.


Convertir cuadro delimitador a formato xywh (center x, center y, width, height).


bo_pista = BOTpista(tlwh, puntuación, cls, hazaña) bo_pista.predecir() bo_pista.actualizar(nueva_pista, id_fotograma)

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
class BOTrack(STrack):
    An extended version of the STrack class for YOLOv8, adding object tracking features.

        shared_kalman (KalmanFilterXYWH): A shared Kalman filter for all instances of BOTrack.
        smooth_feat (np.ndarray): Smoothed feature vector.
        curr_feat (np.ndarray): Current feature vector.
        features (deque): A deque to store feature vectors with a maximum length defined by `feat_history`.
        alpha (float): Smoothing factor for the exponential moving average of features.
        mean (np.ndarray): The mean state of the Kalman filter.
        covariance (np.ndarray): The covariance matrix of the Kalman filter.

        update_features(feat): Update features vector and smooth it using exponential moving average.
        predict(): Predicts the mean and covariance using Kalman filter.
        re_activate(new_track, frame_id, new_id): Reactivates a track with updated features and optionally new ID.
        update(new_track, frame_id): Update the YOLOv8 instance with new track and frame ID.
        tlwh: Property that gets the current position in tlwh format `(top left x, top left y, width, height)`.
        multi_predict(stracks): Predicts the mean and covariance of multiple object tracks using shared Kalman filter.
        convert_coords(tlwh): Converts tlwh bounding box coordinates to xywh format.
        tlwh_to_xywh(tlwh): Convert bounding box to xywh format `(center x, center y, width, height)`.

        bo_track = BOTrack(tlwh, score, cls, feat)
        bo_track.update(new_track, frame_id)

    shared_kalman = KalmanFilterXYWH()

    def __init__(self, tlwh, score, cls, feat=None, feat_history=50):
        """Initialize YOLOv8 object with temporal parameters, such as feature history, alpha and current features."""
        super().__init__(tlwh, score, cls)

        self.smooth_feat = None
        self.curr_feat = None
        if feat is not None:
        self.features = deque([], maxlen=feat_history)
        self.alpha = 0.9

    def update_features(self, feat):
        """Update features vector and smooth it using exponential moving average."""
        feat /= np.linalg.norm(feat)
        self.curr_feat = feat
        if self.smooth_feat is None:
            self.smooth_feat = feat
            self.smooth_feat = self.alpha * self.smooth_feat + (1 - self.alpha) * feat
        self.smooth_feat /= np.linalg.norm(self.smooth_feat)

    def predict(self):
        """Predicts the mean and covariance using Kalman filter."""
        mean_state = self.mean.copy()
        if self.state != TrackState.Tracked:
            mean_state[6] = 0
            mean_state[7] = 0

        self.mean, self.covariance = self.kalman_filter.predict(mean_state, self.covariance)

    def re_activate(self, new_track, frame_id, new_id=False):
        """Reactivates a track with updated features and optionally assigns a new ID."""
        if new_track.curr_feat is not None:
        super().re_activate(new_track, frame_id, new_id)

    def update(self, new_track, frame_id):
        """Update the YOLOv8 instance with new track and frame ID."""
        if new_track.curr_feat is not None:
        super().update(new_track, frame_id)

    def tlwh(self):
        """Get current position in bounding box format `(top left x, top left y, width, height)`."""
        if self.mean is None:
            return self._tlwh.copy()
        ret = self.mean[:4].copy()
        ret[:2] -= ret[2:] / 2
        return ret

    def multi_predict(stracks):
        """Predicts the mean and covariance of multiple object tracks using shared Kalman filter."""
        if len(stracks) <= 0:
        multi_mean = np.asarray([st.mean.copy() for st in stracks])
        multi_covariance = np.asarray([st.covariance for st in stracks])
        for i, st in enumerate(stracks):
            if st.state != TrackState.Tracked:
                multi_mean[i][6] = 0
                multi_mean[i][7] = 0
        multi_mean, multi_covariance = BOTrack.shared_kalman.multi_predict(multi_mean, multi_covariance)
        for i, (mean, cov) in enumerate(zip(multi_mean, multi_covariance)):
            stracks[i].mean = mean
            stracks[i].covariance = cov

    def convert_coords(self, tlwh):
        """Converts Top-Left-Width-Height bounding box coordinates to X-Y-Width-Height format."""
        return self.tlwh_to_xywh(tlwh)

    def tlwh_to_xywh(tlwh):
        """Convert bounding box to format `(center x, center y, width, height)`."""
        ret = np.asarray(tlwh).copy()
        ret[:2] += ret[2:] / 2
        return ret

tlwh property

Obtener la posición actual en formato de cuadro delimitador (top left x, top left y, width, height).

__init__(tlwh, score, cls, feat=None, feat_history=50)

Inicializa el objeto YOLOv8 con parámetros temporales, como el historial de rasgos, el alfa y los rasgos actuales.

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def __init__(self, tlwh, score, cls, feat=None, feat_history=50):
    """Initialize YOLOv8 object with temporal parameters, such as feature history, alpha and current features."""
    super().__init__(tlwh, score, cls)

    self.smooth_feat = None
    self.curr_feat = None
    if feat is not None:
    self.features = deque([], maxlen=feat_history)
    self.alpha = 0.9


Convierte las coordenadas del cuadro delimitador Superior-Izquierda-Ancho-Alto al formato X-Y-Ancho-Alto.

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def convert_coords(self, tlwh):
    """Converts Top-Left-Width-Height bounding box coordinates to X-Y-Width-Height format."""
    return self.tlwh_to_xywh(tlwh)

multi_predict(stracks) staticmethod

Predice la media y la covarianza de varias pistas de objetos utilizando el filtro de Kalman compartido.

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def multi_predict(stracks):
    """Predicts the mean and covariance of multiple object tracks using shared Kalman filter."""
    if len(stracks) <= 0:
    multi_mean = np.asarray([st.mean.copy() for st in stracks])
    multi_covariance = np.asarray([st.covariance for st in stracks])
    for i, st in enumerate(stracks):
        if st.state != TrackState.Tracked:
            multi_mean[i][6] = 0
            multi_mean[i][7] = 0
    multi_mean, multi_covariance = BOTrack.shared_kalman.multi_predict(multi_mean, multi_covariance)
    for i, (mean, cov) in enumerate(zip(multi_mean, multi_covariance)):
        stracks[i].mean = mean
        stracks[i].covariance = cov


Predice la media y la covarianza mediante el filtro de Kalman.

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def predict(self):
    """Predicts the mean and covariance using Kalman filter."""
    mean_state = self.mean.copy()
    if self.state != TrackState.Tracked:
        mean_state[6] = 0
        mean_state[7] = 0

    self.mean, self.covariance = self.kalman_filter.predict(mean_state, self.covariance)

re_activate(new_track, frame_id, new_id=False)

Reactiva una pista con características actualizadas y, opcionalmente, asigna un nuevo ID.

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def re_activate(self, new_track, frame_id, new_id=False):
    """Reactivates a track with updated features and optionally assigns a new ID."""
    if new_track.curr_feat is not None:
    super().re_activate(new_track, frame_id, new_id)

tlwh_to_xywh(tlwh) staticmethod

Convertir cuadro delimitador a formato (center x, center y, width, height).

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def tlwh_to_xywh(tlwh):
    """Convert bounding box to format `(center x, center y, width, height)`."""
    ret = np.asarray(tlwh).copy()
    ret[:2] += ret[2:] / 2
    return ret

update(new_track, frame_id)

Actualiza la instancia YOLOv8 con la nueva pista y el nuevo ID de fotograma.

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def update(self, new_track, frame_id):
    """Update the YOLOv8 instance with new track and frame ID."""
    if new_track.curr_feat is not None:
    super().update(new_track, frame_id)


Actualiza el vector de características y suavízalo utilizando la media móvil exponencial.

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def update_features(self, feat):
    """Update features vector and smooth it using exponential moving average."""
    feat /= np.linalg.norm(feat)
    self.curr_feat = feat
    if self.smooth_feat is None:
        self.smooth_feat = feat
        self.smooth_feat = self.alpha * self.smooth_feat + (1 - self.alpha) * feat
    self.smooth_feat /= np.linalg.norm(self.smooth_feat)


Bases: BYTETracker

Una versión ampliada de la clase BYTETracker para YOLOv8, diseñada para el seguimiento de objetos con el algoritmo ReID y GMC.


Nombre Tipo Descripción
proximity_thresh float

Umbral de proximidad espacial (IoU) entre huellas y detecciones.

appearance_thresh float

Umbral de similitud de aspecto (incrustaciones ReID) entre huellas y detecciones.

encoder object

Objeto para manejar las incrustaciones ReID, establecido a Ninguno si ReID no está activado.

gmc GMC

Una instancia del algoritmo GMC para la asociación de datos.

args object

Argumentos de línea de comandos analizados que contienen parámetros de seguimiento.


Nombre Descripción

Devuelve una instancia de KalmanFilterXYWH para el seguimiento de objetos.


Inicializa la pista con detecciones, puntuaciones y clases.


Obtén distancias entre rastros y detecciones utilizando IoU y (opcionalmente) ReID.


Predecir y seguir múltiples objetos con el modelo YOLOv8 .


bot_sort = BOTSORT(args, frame_rate) bot_sort.init_pista(dets, puntuaciones, cls, img) bot_sort.multi_predecir(pistas)


La clase está diseñada para trabajar con el modelo de detección de objetos YOLOv8 y sólo es compatible con ReID si se activa mediante args.

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
class BOTSORT(BYTETracker):
    An extended version of the BYTETracker class for YOLOv8, designed for object tracking with ReID and GMC algorithm.

        proximity_thresh (float): Threshold for spatial proximity (IoU) between tracks and detections.
        appearance_thresh (float): Threshold for appearance similarity (ReID embeddings) between tracks and detections.
        encoder (object): Object to handle ReID embeddings, set to None if ReID is not enabled.
        gmc (GMC): An instance of the GMC algorithm for data association.
        args (object): Parsed command-line arguments containing tracking parameters.

        get_kalmanfilter(): Returns an instance of KalmanFilterXYWH for object tracking.
        init_track(dets, scores, cls, img): Initialize track with detections, scores, and classes.
        get_dists(tracks, detections): Get distances between tracks and detections using IoU and (optionally) ReID.
        multi_predict(tracks): Predict and track multiple objects with YOLOv8 model.

        bot_sort = BOTSORT(args, frame_rate)
        bot_sort.init_track(dets, scores, cls, img)

        The class is designed to work with the YOLOv8 object detection model and supports ReID only if enabled via args.

    def __init__(self, args, frame_rate=30):
        """Initialize YOLOv8 object with ReID module and GMC algorithm."""
        super().__init__(args, frame_rate)
        # ReID module
        self.proximity_thresh = args.proximity_thresh
        self.appearance_thresh = args.appearance_thresh

        if args.with_reid:
            # Haven't supported BoT-SORT(reid) yet
            self.encoder = None
        self.gmc = GMC(method=args.gmc_method)

    def get_kalmanfilter(self):
        """Returns an instance of KalmanFilterXYWH for object tracking."""
        return KalmanFilterXYWH()

    def init_track(self, dets, scores, cls, img=None):
        """Initialize track with detections, scores, and classes."""
        if len(dets) == 0:
            return []
        if self.args.with_reid and self.encoder is not None:
            features_keep = self.encoder.inference(img, dets)
            return [BOTrack(xyxy, s, c, f) for (xyxy, s, c, f) in zip(dets, scores, cls, features_keep)]  # detections
            return [BOTrack(xyxy, s, c) for (xyxy, s, c) in zip(dets, scores, cls)]  # detections

    def get_dists(self, tracks, detections):
        """Get distances between tracks and detections using IoU and (optionally) ReID embeddings."""
        dists = matching.iou_distance(tracks, detections)
        dists_mask = dists > self.proximity_thresh

        # TODO: mot20
        # if not self.args.mot20:
        dists = matching.fuse_score(dists, detections)

        if self.args.with_reid and self.encoder is not None:
            emb_dists = matching.embedding_distance(tracks, detections) / 2.0
            emb_dists[emb_dists > self.appearance_thresh] = 1.0
            emb_dists[dists_mask] = 1.0
            dists = np.minimum(dists, emb_dists)
        return dists

    def multi_predict(self, tracks):
        """Predict and track multiple objects with YOLOv8 model."""

    def reset(self):
        """Reset tracker."""

__init__(args, frame_rate=30)

Inicializa el objeto YOLOv8 con el módulo ReID y el algoritmo GMC.

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def __init__(self, args, frame_rate=30):
    """Initialize YOLOv8 object with ReID module and GMC algorithm."""
    super().__init__(args, frame_rate)
    # ReID module
    self.proximity_thresh = args.proximity_thresh
    self.appearance_thresh = args.appearance_thresh

    if args.with_reid:
        # Haven't supported BoT-SORT(reid) yet
        self.encoder = None
    self.gmc = GMC(method=args.gmc_method)

get_dists(tracks, detections)

Obtén distancias entre huellas y detecciones utilizando incrustaciones IoU y (opcionalmente) ReID.

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def get_dists(self, tracks, detections):
    """Get distances between tracks and detections using IoU and (optionally) ReID embeddings."""
    dists = matching.iou_distance(tracks, detections)
    dists_mask = dists > self.proximity_thresh

    # TODO: mot20
    # if not self.args.mot20:
    dists = matching.fuse_score(dists, detections)

    if self.args.with_reid and self.encoder is not None:
        emb_dists = matching.embedding_distance(tracks, detections) / 2.0
        emb_dists[emb_dists > self.appearance_thresh] = 1.0
        emb_dists[dists_mask] = 1.0
        dists = np.minimum(dists, emb_dists)
    return dists


Devuelve una instancia de KalmanFilterXYWH para el seguimiento de objetos.

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def get_kalmanfilter(self):
    """Returns an instance of KalmanFilterXYWH for object tracking."""
    return KalmanFilterXYWH()

init_track(dets, scores, cls, img=None)

Inicializa la pista con detecciones, puntuaciones y clases.

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def init_track(self, dets, scores, cls, img=None):
    """Initialize track with detections, scores, and classes."""
    if len(dets) == 0:
        return []
    if self.args.with_reid and self.encoder is not None:
        features_keep = self.encoder.inference(img, dets)
        return [BOTrack(xyxy, s, c, f) for (xyxy, s, c, f) in zip(dets, scores, cls, features_keep)]  # detections
        return [BOTrack(xyxy, s, c) for (xyxy, s, c) in zip(dets, scores, cls)]  # detections


Predecir y seguir múltiples objetos con el modelo YOLOv8 .

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def multi_predict(self, tracks):
    """Predict and track multiple objects with YOLOv8 model."""


Reinicia el rastreador.

Código fuente en ultralytics/trackers/
def reset(self):
    """Reset tracker."""

Creado 2023-11-12, Actualizado 2024-05-08
Autores: Burhan-Q (1), glenn-jocher (3), Laughing-q (1)