Reference for ultralytics/models/sam/modules/
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transformer_dim: int,
transformer: nn.Module,
num_multimask_outputs: int = 3,
activation: Type[nn.Module] = nn.GELU,
iou_head_depth: int = 3,
iou_head_hidden_dim: int = 256,
Bases: Module
Decoder module for generating masks and their associated quality scores using a transformer architecture.
This class predicts masks given image and prompt embeddings, utilizing a transformer to process the inputs and generate mask predictions along with their quality scores.
Name | Type | Description |
transformer_dim | int | Channel dimension for the transformer module. |
transformer | Module | Transformer module used for mask prediction. |
num_multimask_outputs | int | Number of masks to predict for disambiguating masks. |
iou_token | Embedding | Embedding for the IoU token. |
num_mask_tokens | int | Number of mask tokens. |
mask_tokens | Embedding | Embedding for the mask tokens. |
output_upscaling | Sequential | Neural network sequence for upscaling the output. |
output_hypernetworks_mlps | ModuleList | Hypernetwork MLPs for generating masks. |
iou_prediction_head | Module | MLP for predicting mask quality. |
Name | Description |
forward | Predicts masks given image and prompt embeddings. |
predict_masks | Internal method for mask prediction. |
>>> decoder = MaskDecoder(transformer_dim=256, transformer=transformer_module)
>>> masks, iou_pred = decoder(
... image_embeddings, image_pe, sparse_prompt_embeddings, dense_prompt_embeddings, multimask_output=True
... )
>>> print(f"Predicted masks shape: {masks.shape}, IoU predictions shape: {iou_pred.shape}")
Name | Type | Description | Default |
transformer_dim | int | Channel dimension for the transformer module. | required |
transformer | Module | Transformer module used for mask prediction. | required |
num_multimask_outputs | int | Number of masks to predict for disambiguating masks. | 3 |
activation | Type[Module] | Type of activation to use when upscaling masks. | GELU |
iou_head_depth | int | Depth of the MLP used to predict mask quality. | 3 |
iou_head_hidden_dim | int | Hidden dimension of the MLP used to predict mask quality. | 256 |
>>> transformer = nn.TransformerEncoder(nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model=256, nhead=8), num_layers=6)
>>> decoder = MaskDecoder(transformer_dim=256, transformer=transformer)
>>> print(decoder)
Source code in ultralytics/models/sam/modules/
image_embeddings: torch.Tensor,
image_pe: torch.Tensor,
sparse_prompt_embeddings: torch.Tensor,
dense_prompt_embeddings: torch.Tensor,
multimask_output: bool,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
Predicts masks given image and prompt embeddings.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
image_embeddings | Tensor | Embeddings from the image encoder. | required |
image_pe | Tensor | Positional encoding with the shape of image_embeddings. | required |
sparse_prompt_embeddings | Tensor | Embeddings of the points and boxes. | required |
dense_prompt_embeddings | Tensor | Embeddings of the mask inputs. | required |
multimask_output | bool | Whether to return multiple masks or a single mask. | required |
Type | Description |
Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] | A tuple containing: - masks (torch.Tensor): Batched predicted masks. - iou_pred (torch.Tensor): Batched predictions of mask quality. |
>>> decoder = MaskDecoder(transformer_dim=256, transformer=transformer_module)
>>> image_emb = torch.rand(1, 256, 64, 64)
>>> image_pe = torch.rand(1, 256, 64, 64)
>>> sparse_emb = torch.rand(1, 2, 256)
>>> dense_emb = torch.rand(1, 256, 64, 64)
>>> masks, iou_pred = decoder(image_emb, image_pe, sparse_emb, dense_emb, multimask_output=True)
>>> print(f"Masks shape: {masks.shape}, IoU predictions shape: {iou_pred.shape}")
Source code in ultralytics/models/sam/modules/
image_embeddings: torch.Tensor,
image_pe: torch.Tensor,
sparse_prompt_embeddings: torch.Tensor,
dense_prompt_embeddings: torch.Tensor,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
Predicts masks and quality scores using image and prompt embeddings via transformer architecture.
Source code in ultralytics/models/sam/modules/
transformer_dim: int,
transformer: nn.Module,
num_multimask_outputs: int = 3,
activation: Type[nn.Module] = nn.GELU,
iou_head_depth: int = 3,
iou_head_hidden_dim: int = 256,
use_high_res_features: bool = False,
pred_obj_scores: bool = False,
pred_obj_scores_mlp: bool = False,
use_multimask_token_for_obj_ptr: bool = False,
Bases: Module
Transformer-based decoder for predicting instance segmentation masks from image and prompt embeddings.
This class extends the functionality of the MaskDecoder, incorporating additional features such as high-resolution feature processing, dynamic multimask output, and object score prediction.
Name | Type | Description |
transformer_dim | int | Channel dimension of the transformer. |
transformer | Module | Transformer used to predict masks. |
num_multimask_outputs | int | Number of masks to predict when disambiguating masks. |
iou_token | Embedding | Embedding for IOU token. |
num_mask_tokens | int | Total number of mask tokens. |
mask_tokens | Embedding | Embedding for mask tokens. |
pred_obj_scores | bool | Whether to predict object scores. |
obj_score_token | Embedding | Embedding for object score token. |
use_multimask_token_for_obj_ptr | bool | Whether to use multimask token for object pointer. |
output_upscaling | Sequential | Upscaling layers for output. |
use_high_res_features | bool | Whether to use high-resolution features. |
conv_s0 | Conv2d | Convolutional layer for high-resolution features (s0). |
conv_s1 | Conv2d | Convolutional layer for high-resolution features (s1). |
output_hypernetworks_mlps | ModuleList | List of MLPs for output hypernetworks. |
iou_prediction_head | MLP | MLP for IOU prediction. |
pred_obj_score_head | Linear | MLP | Linear layer or MLP for object score prediction. |
dynamic_multimask_via_stability | bool | Whether to use dynamic multimask via stability. |
dynamic_multimask_stability_delta | float | Delta value for dynamic multimask stability. |
dynamic_multimask_stability_thresh | float | Threshold for dynamic multimask stability. |
Name | Description |
forward | Predicts masks given image and prompt embeddings. |
predict_masks | Predicts instance segmentation masks from image and prompt embeddings. |
_get_stability_scores | Computes mask stability scores based on IoU between thresholds. |
_dynamic_multimask_via_stability | Dynamically selects the most stable mask output. |
>>> image_embeddings = torch.rand(1, 256, 64, 64)
>>> image_pe = torch.rand(1, 256, 64, 64)
>>> sparse_prompt_embeddings = torch.rand(1, 2, 256)
>>> dense_prompt_embeddings = torch.rand(1, 256, 64, 64)
>>> decoder = SAM2MaskDecoder(256, transformer)
>>> masks, iou_pred, sam_tokens_out, obj_score_logits = decoder.forward(
... image_embeddings, image_pe, sparse_prompt_embeddings, dense_prompt_embeddings, True, False
... )
This decoder extends the functionality of MaskDecoder, incorporating additional features such as high-resolution feature processing, dynamic multimask output, and object score prediction.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
transformer_dim | int | Channel dimension of the transformer. | required |
transformer | Module | Transformer used to predict masks. | required |
num_multimask_outputs | int | Number of masks to predict when disambiguating masks. | 3 |
activation | Type[Module] | Type of activation to use when upscaling masks. | GELU |
iou_head_depth | int | Depth of the MLP used to predict mask quality. | 3 |
iou_head_hidden_dim | int | Hidden dimension of the MLP used to predict mask quality. | 256 |
use_high_res_features | bool | Whether to use high-resolution features. | False |
iou_prediction_use_sigmoid | bool | Whether to use sigmoid for IOU prediction. | False |
dynamic_multimask_via_stability | bool | Whether to use dynamic multimask via stability. | False |
dynamic_multimask_stability_delta | float | Delta value for dynamic multimask stability. | 0.05 |
dynamic_multimask_stability_thresh | float | Threshold for dynamic multimask stability. | 0.98 |
pred_obj_scores | bool | Whether to predict object scores. | False |
pred_obj_scores_mlp | bool | Whether to use MLP for object score prediction. | False |
use_multimask_token_for_obj_ptr | bool | Whether to use multimask token for object pointer. | False |
>>> transformer = nn.TransformerEncoder(nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model=256, nhead=8), num_layers=6)
>>> decoder = SAM2MaskDecoder(transformer_dim=256, transformer=transformer)
>>> print(decoder)
Source code in ultralytics/models/sam/modules/
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image_embeddings: torch.Tensor,
image_pe: torch.Tensor,
sparse_prompt_embeddings: torch.Tensor,
dense_prompt_embeddings: torch.Tensor,
multimask_output: bool,
repeat_image: bool,
high_res_features: Optional[List[torch.Tensor]] = None,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
Predicts masks given image and prompt embeddings.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
image_embeddings | Tensor | Embeddings from the image encoder with shape (B, C, H, W). | required |
image_pe | Tensor | Positional encoding with the shape of image_embeddings (B, C, H, W). | required |
sparse_prompt_embeddings | Tensor | Embeddings of the points and boxes with shape (B, N, C). | required |
dense_prompt_embeddings | Tensor | Embeddings of the mask inputs with shape (B, C, H, W). | required |
multimask_output | bool | Whether to return multiple masks or a single mask. | required |
repeat_image | bool | Flag to repeat the image embeddings. | required |
high_res_features | List[Tensor] | None | Optional high-resolution features. | None |
Type | Description |
Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor] | A tuple containing: - masks (torch.Tensor): Batched predicted masks with shape (B, N, H, W). - iou_pred (torch.Tensor): Batched predictions of mask quality with shape (B, N). - sam_tokens_out (torch.Tensor): Batched SAM token for mask output with shape (B, N, C). - object_score_logits (torch.Tensor): Batched object score logits with shape (B, 1). |
>>> image_embeddings = torch.rand(1, 256, 64, 64)
>>> image_pe = torch.rand(1, 256, 64, 64)
>>> sparse_prompt_embeddings = torch.rand(1, 2, 256)
>>> dense_prompt_embeddings = torch.rand(1, 256, 64, 64)
>>> decoder = SAM2MaskDecoder(256, transformer)
>>> masks, iou_pred, sam_tokens_out, obj_score_logits = decoder.forward(
... image_embeddings, image_pe, sparse_prompt_embeddings, dense_prompt_embeddings, True, False
... )
Source code in ultralytics/models/sam/modules/
image_embeddings: torch.Tensor,
image_pe: torch.Tensor,
sparse_prompt_embeddings: torch.Tensor,
dense_prompt_embeddings: torch.Tensor,
repeat_image: bool,
high_res_features: Optional[List[torch.Tensor]] = None,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
Predicts instance segmentation masks from image and prompt embeddings using a transformer.