

YOLO 常见问题图片


This guide serves as a comprehensive aid for troubleshooting common issues encountered while working with YOLO11 on your Ultralytics projects. Navigating through these issues can be a breeze with the right guidance, ensuring your projects remain on track without unnecessary delays.

观看: Ultralytics YOLO11 Common Issues | Installation Errors, Model Training Issues




  • 建议您使用Python 3.8 或更高版本。

  • Ensure that you have the correct version of PyTorch (1.8 or later) installed.

  • 考虑使用虚拟环境来避免冲突。

  • 按照官方安装指南一步一步进行。


  • Import Errors or Dependency Issues - If you're getting errors during the import of YOLO11, or you're having issues related to dependencies, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

    • 重新安装:有时,重新安装可以解决意想不到的问题。尤其是像Ultralytics 这样的库,更新可能会带来文件树结构或功能上的变化。

    • 定期更新:确保使用最新版本的程序库。旧版本可能与最新更新不兼容,从而导致潜在冲突或问题。

    • 检查依赖项:确认所有必需的依赖项都已正确安装,且版本兼容。

    • 查看更改:如果您最初克隆或安装的是旧版本,请注意重大更新可能会影响库的结构或功能。请务必参考官方文档或更新日志,以了解任何重大变更。

    • 请记住,保持库和依赖项的最新状态对于获得流畅、无差错的体验至关重要。

  • Running YOLO11 on GPU - If you're having trouble running YOLO11 on GPU, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

    • 验证CUDA 兼容性和安装:确保您的GPU 与CUDA 兼容,并正确安装CUDA 。使用 nvidia-smi 命令来检查NVIDIA GPU 和CUDA 版本的状态。

    • 检查PyTorch 和CUDA 整合:确保PyTorch 可以使用CUDA ,方法是运行 import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available()) 在Python 终端中使用。如果返回 "True",则表示PyTorch 已设置为使用CUDA 。

    • 环境激活:确保您处于正确的环境中,所有必要的软件包都已安装。

    • 更新软件包:过时的软件包可能与您的GPU 不兼容。保持更新。

    • Program Configuration: Check if the program or code specifies GPU usage. In YOLO11, this might be in the settings or configuration.




问题:您不确定在 .yaml 在模型训练过程中,文件的应用是正确的。

解决方案:中的配置设置。 .yaml 文件时,应应用 model.train() 功能。要确保正确应用这些设置,请按照以下步骤操作:

  • 确认您的 .yaml 配置文件是正确的。
  • 确保将路径传递给您的 .yaml 文件作为 data 参数时 model.train()如下图所示:
model.train(data="/path/to/your/data.yaml", batch=4)

使用多个 GPU 加速训练

问题:单个GPU 的训练速度很慢,您希望使用多个 GPU 加快进程。

Solution: Increasing the batch size can accelerate training, but it's essential to consider GPU memory capacity. To speed up training with multiple GPUs, follow these steps:

  • 确保有多个 GPU 可用。

  • 修改 .yaml 配置文件,指定要使用的 GPU 数量,如 gpus:4.

  • 相应增加批次大小,以充分利用多个 GPU,同时不超出内存限制。

  • 修改训练指令,以便使用多个 GPU:

# Adjust the batch size and other settings as needed to optimize training speed
model.train(data="/path/to/your/data.yaml", batch=32, multi_scale=True)




您可以从训练日志中获取这些指标,也可以使用 TensorBoard 或 wandb 等工具进行可视化。根据这些指标及早停止训练可帮助您取得更好的结果。




  • TensorBoard: TensorBoard is a popular choice for visualizing training metrics, including loss, accuracy, and more. You can integrate it with your YOLO11 training process.
  • Comet:Comet 为实验跟踪和比较提供了广泛的工具包。它允许您跟踪指标、超参数甚至模型权重。与YOLO 模型的集成也很简单,可让您全面了解实验周期。
  • Ultralytics HUB:Ultralytics HUB 为跟踪YOLO 模型提供了一个专门的环境,为您提供了一个管理指标、数据集甚至与团队合作的一站式平台。鉴于其专注于YOLO ,它提供了更多定制的跟踪选项。



问题:培训日志中的 "设备 "值为 "空",您无法确定培训是否在GPU 上进行。

解决方案:设备 "值为 "空 "通常意味着训练过程被设置为自动使用可用的GPU ,这是默认行为。为确保在特定GPU 上进行训练,可在 .yaml 配置文件中将 "设备 "值手动设置为GPU 索引(例如,"0 "表示第一个GPU ):

device: 0

这将把训练过程明确分配给指定的GPU 。如果希望在CPU 上进行训练,请将 "设备 "设为 "cpu"。

留意 "跑步 "文件夹中的日志和指标,有效监控训练进度。




  • Importance: The foundation of any machine learning model lies in the quality and format of the data it is trained on.

  • 建议确保您的自定义数据集及其相关标签符合预期格式。验证注释的准确性和高质量至关重要。不正确或不合格的注释会破坏模型的学习过程,导致无法预测的结果。


  • Importance: Achieving model convergence ensures that the model has sufficiently learned from the training data.

  • Recommendation: When training a model 'from scratch', it's vital to ensure that the model reaches a satisfactory level of convergence. This might necessitate a longer training duration, with more epochs, compared to when you're fine-tuning an existing model.

Learning Rate and Batch Size

  • 重要性:这些超参数在决定模型如何在训练过程中更新权重方面起着关键作用。

  • 建议定期评估所选择的学习率和批量大小是否是特定数据集的最佳选择。与数据集特性不符的参数会影响模型的性能。


  • 重要性:数据集中类别的分布会影响模型的预测趋势。

  • 建议:定期评估数据集中的类别分布。如果存在类别不平衡的情况,模型就有可能偏向更普遍的类别。这种偏差在混淆矩阵中会很明显,模型可能会主要预测大多数类别。


  • 重要性:利用预训练的权重可以为模型训练提供一个坚实的起点,尤其是在数据有限的情况下。

  • 建议:作为诊断步骤,可以考虑使用相同的数据训练模型,但使用预先训练好的权重进行初始化。如果这种方法产生了一个形式良好的混淆矩阵,则表明 "从零开始 "的模型可能需要进一步训练或调整。


Getting Bounding Box Predictions With Your YOLO11 Custom Model

Issue: When running predictions with a custom YOLO11 model, there are challenges with the format and visualization of the bounding box coordinates.


  • Coordinate Format: YOLO11 provides bounding box coordinates in absolute pixel values. To convert these to relative coordinates (ranging from 0 to 1), you need to divide by the image dimensions. For example, let's say your image size is 640x640. Then you would do the following:
# Convert absolute coordinates to relative coordinates
x1 = x1 / 640  # Divide x-coordinates by image width
x2 = x2 / 640
y1 = y1 / 640  # Divide y-coordinates by image height
y2 = y2 / 640
  • 文件名:要获取预测图像的文件名,可在预测循环中直接从结果对象访问图像文件路径。

Filtering Objects in YOLO11 Predictions

Issue: Facing issues with how to filter and display only specific objects in the prediction results when running YOLO11 using the Ultralytics library.

解决方案要检测特定类别,可使用类别参数指定输出中要包含的类别。例如,只检测汽车(假设 "汽车 "的类别索引为 2):

yolo task=detect mode=segment model=yolo11n-seg.pt source='path/to/car.mp4' show=True classes=2

Understanding Precision Metrics in YOLO11

Issue: Confusion regarding the difference between box precision, mask precision, and confusion matrix precision in YOLO11.

Solution: Box precision measures the accuracy of predicted bounding boxes compared to the actual ground truth boxes using IoU (Intersection over Union) as the metric. Mask precision assesses the agreement between predicted segmentation masks and ground truth masks in pixel-wise object classification. Confusion matrix precision, on the other hand, focuses on overall classification accuracy across all classes and does not consider the geometric accuracy of predictions. It's important to note that a bounding box can be geometrically accurate (true positive) even if the class prediction is wrong, leading to differences between box precision and confusion matrix precision. These metrics evaluate distinct aspects of a model's performance, reflecting the need for different evaluation metrics in various tasks.

Extracting Object Dimensions in YOLO11

Issue: Difficulty in retrieving the length and height of detected objects in YOLO11, especially when multiple objects are detected in an image.

Solution: To retrieve the bounding box dimensions, first use the Ultralytics YOLO11 model to predict objects in an image. Then, extract the width and height information of bounding boxes from the prediction results.

from ultralytics import YOLO

# Load a pre-trained YOLO11 model
model = YOLO("yolo11n.pt")

# Specify the source image
source = "https://ultralytics.com/images/bus.jpg"

# Make predictions
results = model.predict(source, save=True, imgsz=320, conf=0.5)

# Extract bounding box dimensions
boxes = results[0].boxes.xywh.cpu()
for box in boxes:
    x, y, w, h = box
    print(f"Width of Box: {w}, Height of Box: {h}")


GPU 部署问题

问题:在多GPU 环境中部署模型有时会导致意想不到的行为,如意想不到的内存使用、跨 GPU 的不一致结果等。

解决方案:检查默认GPU 初始化。某些框架(如PyTorch )在过渡到指定 GPU 之前,可能会在默认的GPU 上初始化CUDA 操作。要绕过意外的默认初始化,可在部署和预测过程中直接指定GPU 。然后,使用工具监控GPU 利用率和内存使用情况,以实时识别任何异常情况。此外,请确保您使用的是最新版本的框架或库。




  • 兼容性检查:确保使用的库和框架版本相互兼容。版本不匹配会导致转换过程中出现意外错误。

  • 重置环境:如果您正在使用 Jupyter 或 Colab 等交互式环境,请考虑在进行重大更改或安装后重启环境。重新开始有时能解决潜在的问题。

  • 官方文档:请务必参考用于转换的工具或库的官方文档。其中通常包含模型导出的具体指导原则和最佳实践。

  • 社区支持:查看库或框架的官方资源库,了解其他用户报告的类似问题。维护者或社区可能会在讨论主题中提供解决方案或变通方法。

  • 定期更新:确保使用最新版本的工具或库。开发人员会经常发布更新,修复已知错误或改进功能。

  • 逐步测试:在执行全面转换之前,用较小的模型或数据集测试流程,以便尽早发现潜在问题。


Engaging with a community of like-minded individuals can significantly enhance your experience and success in working with YOLO11. Below are some channels and resources you may find helpful.


GitHub Issues: The YOLO11 repository on GitHub has an Issues tab where you can ask questions, report bugs, and suggest new features. The community and maintainers are active here, and it's a great place to get help with specific problems.

Ultralytics Discord 服务器: Ultralytics 有一个Discord 服务器,您可以在这里与其他用户和开发人员互动。


Ultralytics YOLO11 Docs: The official documentation provides a comprehensive overview of YOLO11, along with guides on installation, usage, and troubleshooting.

These resources should provide a solid foundation for troubleshooting and improving your YOLO11 projects, as well as connecting with others in the YOLO11 community.


Troubleshooting is an integral part of any development process, and being equipped with the right knowledge can significantly reduce the time and effort spent in resolving issues. This guide aimed to address the most common challenges faced by users of the YOLO11 model within the Ultralytics ecosystem. By understanding and addressing these common issues, you can ensure smoother project progress and achieve better results with your computer vision tasks.

请记住,Ultralytics 社区是宝贵的资源。与其他开发人员和专家交流,可以获得标准文档中可能没有的更多见解和解决方案。始终坚持学习、实验和分享经验,为社区的集体知识做出贡献。



How do I resolve installation errors with YOLO11?

安装错误通常是由于兼容性问题或缺少依赖项造成的。确保使用Python 3.8 或更高版本,并安装PyTorch 1.8 或更高版本。使用虚拟环境可避免冲突。有关分步安装指南,请参阅我们的官方安装指南。如果遇到导入错误,请尝试重新安装或将库更新到最新版本。

Why is my YOLO11 model training slow on a single GPU?

由于批处理量大或内存不足,在单个GPU 上进行训练可能会很慢。要加快训练速度,可使用多个 GPU。确保您的系统有多个 GPU 可用,并调整您的 .yaml 配置文件来指定 GPU 的数量,例如 gpus: 4.相应增加批次大小,以充分利用 GPU 而不超出内存限制。命令示例

model.train(data="/path/to/your/data.yaml", batch=32, multi_scale=True)

How can I ensure my YOLO11 model is training on the GPU?

如果 "设备 "值在训练日志中显示为 "空",通常意味着训练过程被设置为自动使用可用的GPU 。要显式分配一个特定的GPU ,请在训练日志中设置 "设备 "值。 .yaml 配置文件。例如

device: 0

这将培训过程设置为第一个GPU 。请查阅 nvidia-smi 命令确认CUDA 设置。

How can I monitor and track my YOLO11 model training progress?

Tracking and visualizing training progress can be efficiently managed through tools like TensorBoard, Comet, and Ultralytics HUB. These tools allow you to log and visualize metrics such as loss, precision, recall, and mAP. Implementing early stopping based on these metrics can also help achieve better training outcomes.

What should I do if YOLO11 is not recognizing my dataset format?


📅 Created 11 months ago ✏️ Updated 11 days ago
