
综合指南Ultralytics YOLOv5

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欢迎访问Ultralytics' YOLOv5🚀 Documentation! YOLOv5, the fifth iteration of the revolutionary "You Only Look Once" object detection model, is designed to deliver high-speed, high-accuracy results in real-time.

Built on PyTorch, this powerful deep learning framework has garnered immense popularity for its versatility, ease of use, and high performance. Our documentation guides you through the installation process, explains the architectural nuances of the model, showcases various use-cases, and provides a series of detailed tutorials. These resources will help you harness the full potential of YOLOv5 for your computer vision projects. Let's get started!


以下是综合教程汇编,将指导您了解YOLOv5.NET 的各个方面。


Ultralytics 提供了一系列随时可用的环境,每个环境都预装了基本的依赖项,如 CUDACUDNNPythonPyTorch等基本依赖项,以便启动您的项目。



此徽章表示YOLOv5 GitHub Actions 的所有持续集成(CI)测试均已成功通过。这些 CI 测试严格检查了YOLOv5 在训练验证推理导出基准等多个关键方面的功能和性能。它们确保在 macOS、Windows 和 Ubuntu 上运行的一致性和可靠性,每 24 小时和每次新提交时都会进行一次测试。

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使用YOLOv5 的过程并不孤单。在GitHub 上加入我们充满活力的社区,在LinkedIn 上与专业人士交流,在Twitter 上分享您的成果,在YouTube 上查找教育资源。在TikTokBiliBili上关注我们,获取更多精彩内容。


我们很高兴看到您将以创新的方式使用YOLOv5 。请投入其中,进行实验,彻底改变您的计算机视觉项目!🚀


Ultralytics YOLOv5 的主要特点是什么?

Ultralytics YOLOv5 is renowned for its high-speed and high-accuracy object detection capabilities. Built on PyTorch, it is versatile and user-friendly, making it suitable for various computer vision projects. Key features include real-time inference, support for multiple training tricks like Test-Time Augmentation (TTA) and Model Ensembling, and compatibility with export formats such as TFLite, ONNX, CoreML, and TensorRT. To delve deeper into how Ultralytics YOLOv5 can elevate your project, explore our TFLite, ONNX, CoreML, TensorRT Export guide.

如何在数据集上训练自定义YOLOv5 模型?

在数据集上训练自定义YOLOv5 模型需要几个关键步骤。首先,按照要求的格式准备数据集,并标注标签。然后,配置YOLOv5 训练参数,并使用 train.py 脚本。有关此过程的深入教程,请查阅我们的 培训自定义数据指南.它提供了逐步指导,以确保在特定使用情况下取得最佳效果。

为什么要使用Ultralytics YOLOv5 而不是 RCNN 等其他物体检测模型?

Ultralytics YOLOv5 与 RCNN 等模型相比,YOLOv5 更受青睐,因为它在实时物体检测方面速度更快,精度更高。与 RCNN 基于区域的方法相比, 一次性处理整个图像,速度明显更快。此外,YOLOv5 与各种导出格式的无缝集成和丰富的文档使其成为初学者和专业人士的绝佳选择。更多有关架构优势的信息,请参阅我们的架构摘要

如何在训练过程中优化YOLOv5 模型的性能?

Optimizing YOLOv5 model performance involves tuning various hyperparameters and incorporating techniques like data augmentation and transfer learning. Ultralytics provides comprehensive resources on hyperparameter evolution and pruning/sparsity to improve model efficiency. You can discover practical tips in our Tips for Best Training Results guide, which offers actionable insights for achieving optimal performance during training.

运行YOLOv5 应用程序支持哪些环境?

Ultralytics YOLOv5 支持多种环境,包括 Gradient、Google Colab、Kaggle 上的免费GPU 笔记本,以及Google Cloud、Amazon AWS 和 Azure 等主要云平台。为了方便设置,还提供了 Docker 映像。有关设置这些环境的详细指南,请查看我们的 "支持的环境"部分,其中包括每个平台的分步说明。

📅 Created 11 months ago ✏️ Updated 2 days ago
