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Bases: BaseTrack

Representação do seguimento de um único objeto que utiliza a filtragem de Kalman para a estimativa do estado.

Esta classe é responsável por armazenar toda a informação relativa a tracklets individuais e efectua actualizações de estado e previsões baseadas no filtro de Kalman.


Nome Tipo Descrição
shared_kalman KalmanFilterXYAH

Filtro de Kalman partilhado que é utilizado em todas as instâncias do STrack para previsão.

_tlwh ndarray

Atributo privado para armazenar as coordenadas do canto superior esquerdo e a largura e altura da caixa delimitadora.

kalman_filter KalmanFilterXYAH

Instância do filtro de Kalman utilizada para este trajeto de objeto específico.

mean ndarray

Vetor de estimativa do estado médio.

covariance ndarray

Covariância da estimativa do estado.

is_activated bool

Sinal booleano que indica se a pista foi activada.

score float

Pontuação de confiança da faixa.

tracklet_len int

Comprimento da tracklet.

cls any

Etiqueta de classe para o objeto.

idx int

Índice ou identificador do objeto.

frame_id int

ID do fotograma atual.

start_frame int

Fotograma onde o objeto foi detectado pela primeira vez.


Nome Descrição

Prevê o estado seguinte do objeto utilizando o filtro de Kalman.


Prevê os próximos estados para várias faixas.


Actualiza vários estados de trajectos utilizando uma matriz de homografia.


Ativa uma nova tracklet.


Reactiva um tracklet anteriormente perdido.


Actualiza o estado de uma pista emparelhada.


Converte a caixa delimitadora para o formato x-y-aspect-height.


Converte a caixa delimitadora tlwh para o formato xyah.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
class STrack(BaseTrack):
    Single object tracking representation that uses Kalman filtering for state estimation.

    This class is responsible for storing all the information regarding individual tracklets and performs state updates
    and predictions based on Kalman filter.

        shared_kalman (KalmanFilterXYAH): Shared Kalman filter that is used across all STrack instances for prediction.
        _tlwh (np.ndarray): Private attribute to store top-left corner coordinates and width and height of bounding box.
        kalman_filter (KalmanFilterXYAH): Instance of Kalman filter used for this particular object track.
        mean (np.ndarray): Mean state estimate vector.
        covariance (np.ndarray): Covariance of state estimate.
        is_activated (bool): Boolean flag indicating if the track has been activated.
        score (float): Confidence score of the track.
        tracklet_len (int): Length of the tracklet.
        cls (any): Class label for the object.
        idx (int): Index or identifier for the object.
        frame_id (int): Current frame ID.
        start_frame (int): Frame where the object was first detected.

        predict(): Predict the next state of the object using Kalman filter.
        multi_predict(stracks): Predict the next states for multiple tracks.
        multi_gmc(stracks, H): Update multiple track states using a homography matrix.
        activate(kalman_filter, frame_id): Activate a new tracklet.
        re_activate(new_track, frame_id, new_id): Reactivate a previously lost tracklet.
        update(new_track, frame_id): Update the state of a matched track.
        convert_coords(tlwh): Convert bounding box to x-y-aspect-height format.
        tlwh_to_xyah(tlwh): Convert tlwh bounding box to xyah format.

    shared_kalman = KalmanFilterXYAH()

    def __init__(self, xywh, score, cls):
        """Initialize new STrack instance."""
        # xywh+idx or xywha+idx
        assert len(xywh) in {5, 6}, f"expected 5 or 6 values but got {len(xywh)}"
        self._tlwh = np.asarray(xywh2ltwh(xywh[:4]), dtype=np.float32)
        self.kalman_filter = None
        self.mean, self.covariance = None, None
        self.is_activated = False

        self.score = score
        self.tracklet_len = 0
        self.cls = cls
        self.idx = xywh[-1]
        self.angle = xywh[4] if len(xywh) == 6 else None

    def predict(self):
        """Predicts mean and covariance using Kalman filter."""
        mean_state = self.mean.copy()
        if self.state != TrackState.Tracked:
            mean_state[7] = 0
        self.mean, self.covariance = self.kalman_filter.predict(mean_state, self.covariance)

    def multi_predict(stracks):
        """Perform multi-object predictive tracking using Kalman filter for given stracks."""
        if len(stracks) <= 0:
        multi_mean = np.asarray([st.mean.copy() for st in stracks])
        multi_covariance = np.asarray([st.covariance for st in stracks])
        for i, st in enumerate(stracks):
            if st.state != TrackState.Tracked:
                multi_mean[i][7] = 0
        multi_mean, multi_covariance = STrack.shared_kalman.multi_predict(multi_mean, multi_covariance)
        for i, (mean, cov) in enumerate(zip(multi_mean, multi_covariance)):
            stracks[i].mean = mean
            stracks[i].covariance = cov

    def multi_gmc(stracks, H=np.eye(2, 3)):
        """Update state tracks positions and covariances using a homography matrix."""
        if len(stracks) > 0:
            multi_mean = np.asarray([st.mean.copy() for st in stracks])
            multi_covariance = np.asarray([st.covariance for st in stracks])

            R = H[:2, :2]
            R8x8 = np.kron(np.eye(4, dtype=float), R)
            t = H[:2, 2]

            for i, (mean, cov) in enumerate(zip(multi_mean, multi_covariance)):
                mean =
                mean[:2] += t
                cov =

                stracks[i].mean = mean
                stracks[i].covariance = cov

    def activate(self, kalman_filter, frame_id):
        """Start a new tracklet."""
        self.kalman_filter = kalman_filter
        self.track_id = self.next_id()
        self.mean, self.covariance = self.kalman_filter.initiate(self.convert_coords(self._tlwh))

        self.tracklet_len = 0
        self.state = TrackState.Tracked
        if frame_id == 1:
            self.is_activated = True
        self.frame_id = frame_id
        self.start_frame = frame_id

    def re_activate(self, new_track, frame_id, new_id=False):
        """Reactivates a previously lost track with a new detection."""
        self.mean, self.covariance = self.kalman_filter.update(
            self.mean, self.covariance, self.convert_coords(new_track.tlwh)
        self.tracklet_len = 0
        self.state = TrackState.Tracked
        self.is_activated = True
        self.frame_id = frame_id
        if new_id:
            self.track_id = self.next_id()
        self.score = new_track.score
        self.cls = new_track.cls
        self.angle = new_track.angle
        self.idx = new_track.idx

    def update(self, new_track, frame_id):
        Update the state of a matched track.

            new_track (STrack): The new track containing updated information.
            frame_id (int): The ID of the current frame.
        self.frame_id = frame_id
        self.tracklet_len += 1

        new_tlwh = new_track.tlwh
        self.mean, self.covariance = self.kalman_filter.update(
            self.mean, self.covariance, self.convert_coords(new_tlwh)
        self.state = TrackState.Tracked
        self.is_activated = True

        self.score = new_track.score
        self.cls = new_track.cls
        self.angle = new_track.angle
        self.idx = new_track.idx

    def convert_coords(self, tlwh):
        """Convert a bounding box's top-left-width-height format to its x-y-aspect-height equivalent."""
        return self.tlwh_to_xyah(tlwh)

    def tlwh(self):
        """Get current position in bounding box format (top left x, top left y, width, height)."""
        if self.mean is None:
            return self._tlwh.copy()
        ret = self.mean[:4].copy()
        ret[2] *= ret[3]
        ret[:2] -= ret[2:] / 2
        return ret

    def xyxy(self):
        """Convert bounding box to format (min x, min y, max x, max y), i.e., (top left, bottom right)."""
        ret = self.tlwh.copy()
        ret[2:] += ret[:2]
        return ret

    def tlwh_to_xyah(tlwh):
        """Convert bounding box to format (center x, center y, aspect ratio, height), where the aspect ratio is width /
        ret = np.asarray(tlwh).copy()
        ret[:2] += ret[2:] / 2
        ret[2] /= ret[3]
        return ret

    def xywh(self):
        """Get current position in bounding box format (center x, center y, width, height)."""
        ret = np.asarray(self.tlwh).copy()
        ret[:2] += ret[2:] / 2
        return ret

    def xywha(self):
        """Get current position in bounding box format (center x, center y, width, height, angle)."""
        if self.angle is None:
            LOGGER.warning("WARNING ⚠️ `angle` attr not found, returning `xywh` instead.")
            return self.xywh
        return np.concatenate([self.xywh, self.angle[None]])

    def result(self):
        """Get current tracking results."""
        coords = self.xyxy if self.angle is None else self.xywha
        return coords.tolist() + [self.track_id, self.score, self.cls, self.idx]

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return a string representation of the BYTETracker object with start and end frames and track ID."""
        return f"OT_{self.track_id}_({self.start_frame}-{self.end_frame})"

result property

Obtém resultados de rastreio actuais.

tlwh property

Obtém a posição atual no formato de caixa delimitadora (canto superior esquerdo x, canto superior esquerdo y, largura, altura).

xywh property

Obtém a posição atual no formato de caixa delimitadora (centro x, centro y, largura, altura).

xywha property

Obtém a posição atual no formato de caixa delimitadora (centro x, centro y, largura, altura, ângulo).

xyxy property

Converte a caixa delimitadora para o formato (min x, min y, max x, max y), ou seja, (superior esquerdo, inferior direito).

__init__(xywh, score, cls)

Inicializa uma nova instância do STrack.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def __init__(self, xywh, score, cls):
    """Initialize new STrack instance."""
    # xywh+idx or xywha+idx
    assert len(xywh) in {5, 6}, f"expected 5 or 6 values but got {len(xywh)}"
    self._tlwh = np.asarray(xywh2ltwh(xywh[:4]), dtype=np.float32)
    self.kalman_filter = None
    self.mean, self.covariance = None, None
    self.is_activated = False

    self.score = score
    self.tracklet_len = 0
    self.cls = cls
    self.idx = xywh[-1]
    self.angle = xywh[4] if len(xywh) == 6 else None


Devolve uma representação em cadeia do objeto BYTETracker com os fotogramas de início e fim e o ID da faixa.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def __repr__(self):
    """Return a string representation of the BYTETracker object with start and end frames and track ID."""
    return f"OT_{self.track_id}_({self.start_frame}-{self.end_frame})"

activate(kalman_filter, frame_id)

Inicia uma nova tracklet.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def activate(self, kalman_filter, frame_id):
    """Start a new tracklet."""
    self.kalman_filter = kalman_filter
    self.track_id = self.next_id()
    self.mean, self.covariance = self.kalman_filter.initiate(self.convert_coords(self._tlwh))

    self.tracklet_len = 0
    self.state = TrackState.Tracked
    if frame_id == 1:
        self.is_activated = True
    self.frame_id = frame_id
    self.start_frame = frame_id


Converte o formato topo-esquerda-largura-altura de uma caixa delimitadora para o seu equivalente x-y-aspeto-altura.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def convert_coords(self, tlwh):
    """Convert a bounding box's top-left-width-height format to its x-y-aspect-height equivalent."""
    return self.tlwh_to_xyah(tlwh)

multi_gmc(stracks, H=np.eye(2, 3)) staticmethod

Actualiza as posições e covariâncias das pistas de estado utilizando uma matriz de homografia.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def multi_gmc(stracks, H=np.eye(2, 3)):
    """Update state tracks positions and covariances using a homography matrix."""
    if len(stracks) > 0:
        multi_mean = np.asarray([st.mean.copy() for st in stracks])
        multi_covariance = np.asarray([st.covariance for st in stracks])

        R = H[:2, :2]
        R8x8 = np.kron(np.eye(4, dtype=float), R)
        t = H[:2, 2]

        for i, (mean, cov) in enumerate(zip(multi_mean, multi_covariance)):
            mean =
            mean[:2] += t
            cov =

            stracks[i].mean = mean
            stracks[i].covariance = cov

multi_predict(stracks) staticmethod

Efectua o seguimento preditivo de vários objectos utilizando o filtro de Kalman para determinadas trajectórias.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def multi_predict(stracks):
    """Perform multi-object predictive tracking using Kalman filter for given stracks."""
    if len(stracks) <= 0:
    multi_mean = np.asarray([st.mean.copy() for st in stracks])
    multi_covariance = np.asarray([st.covariance for st in stracks])
    for i, st in enumerate(stracks):
        if st.state != TrackState.Tracked:
            multi_mean[i][7] = 0
    multi_mean, multi_covariance = STrack.shared_kalman.multi_predict(multi_mean, multi_covariance)
    for i, (mean, cov) in enumerate(zip(multi_mean, multi_covariance)):
        stracks[i].mean = mean
        stracks[i].covariance = cov


Prevê a média e a covariância utilizando o filtro de Kalman.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def predict(self):
    """Predicts mean and covariance using Kalman filter."""
    mean_state = self.mean.copy()
    if self.state != TrackState.Tracked:
        mean_state[7] = 0
    self.mean, self.covariance = self.kalman_filter.predict(mean_state, self.covariance)

re_activate(new_track, frame_id, new_id=False)

Reactiva uma pista anteriormente perdida com uma nova deteção.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def re_activate(self, new_track, frame_id, new_id=False):
    """Reactivates a previously lost track with a new detection."""
    self.mean, self.covariance = self.kalman_filter.update(
        self.mean, self.covariance, self.convert_coords(new_track.tlwh)
    self.tracklet_len = 0
    self.state = TrackState.Tracked
    self.is_activated = True
    self.frame_id = frame_id
    if new_id:
        self.track_id = self.next_id()
    self.score = new_track.score
    self.cls = new_track.cls
    self.angle = new_track.angle
    self.idx = new_track.idx

tlwh_to_xyah(tlwh) staticmethod

Converte a caixa delimitadora para o formato (centro x, centro y, rácio de aspeto, altura), em que o rácio de aspeto é largura / altura.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def tlwh_to_xyah(tlwh):
    """Convert bounding box to format (center x, center y, aspect ratio, height), where the aspect ratio is width /
    ret = np.asarray(tlwh).copy()
    ret[:2] += ret[2:] / 2
    ret[2] /= ret[3]
    return ret

update(new_track, frame_id)

Actualiza o estado de uma pista emparelhada.


Nome Tipo Descrição Predefinição
new_track STrack

A nova faixa contém informações actualizadas.

frame_id int

O ID da moldura atual.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def update(self, new_track, frame_id):
    Update the state of a matched track.

        new_track (STrack): The new track containing updated information.
        frame_id (int): The ID of the current frame.
    self.frame_id = frame_id
    self.tracklet_len += 1

    new_tlwh = new_track.tlwh
    self.mean, self.covariance = self.kalman_filter.update(
        self.mean, self.covariance, self.convert_coords(new_tlwh)
    self.state = TrackState.Tracked
    self.is_activated = True

    self.score = new_track.score
    self.cls = new_track.cls
    self.angle = new_track.angle
    self.idx = new_track.idx


BYTETracker: Um algoritmo de seguimento construído em cima de YOLOv8 para deteção e seguimento de objectos.

A classe é responsável pela inicialização, atualização e gestão das pistas dos objectos detectados numa numa sequência de vídeo. Mantém o estado das pistas rastreadas, perdidas e removidas ao longo dos quadros, utiliza a filtragem Kalman para utiliza a filtragem Kalman para prever a localização dos novos objectos e efectua a associação de dados.


Nome Tipo Descrição
tracked_stracks list[STrack]

Lista das faixas activadas com êxito.

lost_stracks list[STrack]

Lista de faixas perdidas.

removed_stracks list[STrack]

Lista de faixas removidas.

frame_id int

O ID de fotograma atual.

args namespace

Argumentos da linha de comando.

max_time_lost int

O número máximo de fotogramas para que uma faixa seja considerada "perdida".

kalman_filter object

Objeto do filtro de Kalman.


Nome Descrição

Actualiza o localizador de objectos com novas detecções.


Devolve um objeto de filtro Kalman para rastrear caixas delimitadoras.


Inicializa o rastreio de objectos com detecções.


Calcula a distância entre os percursos e as detecções.


Prevê a localização das pistas.


Reinicia o contador de ID do STrack.


Combina duas listas de stracks.


Filtra os stracks presentes na segunda lista da primeira lista.


Remove os stracks duplicados com base no IoU.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
class BYTETracker:
    BYTETracker: A tracking algorithm built on top of YOLOv8 for object detection and tracking.

    The class is responsible for initializing, updating, and managing the tracks for detected objects in a video
    sequence. It maintains the state of tracked, lost, and removed tracks over frames, utilizes Kalman filtering for
    predicting the new object locations, and performs data association.

        tracked_stracks (list[STrack]): List of successfully activated tracks.
        lost_stracks (list[STrack]): List of lost tracks.
        removed_stracks (list[STrack]): List of removed tracks.
        frame_id (int): The current frame ID.
        args (namespace): Command-line arguments.
        max_time_lost (int): The maximum frames for a track to be considered as 'lost'.
        kalman_filter (object): Kalman Filter object.

        update(results, img=None): Updates object tracker with new detections.
        get_kalmanfilter(): Returns a Kalman filter object for tracking bounding boxes.
        init_track(dets, scores, cls, img=None): Initialize object tracking with detections.
        get_dists(tracks, detections): Calculates the distance between tracks and detections.
        multi_predict(tracks): Predicts the location of tracks.
        reset_id(): Resets the ID counter of STrack.
        joint_stracks(tlista, tlistb): Combines two lists of stracks.
        sub_stracks(tlista, tlistb): Filters out the stracks present in the second list from the first list.
        remove_duplicate_stracks(stracksa, stracksb): Removes duplicate stracks based on IoU.

    def __init__(self, args, frame_rate=30):
        """Initialize a YOLOv8 object to track objects with given arguments and frame rate."""
        self.tracked_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]
        self.lost_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]
        self.removed_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]

        self.frame_id = 0
        self.args = args
        self.max_time_lost = int(frame_rate / 30.0 * args.track_buffer)
        self.kalman_filter = self.get_kalmanfilter()

    def update(self, results, img=None):
        """Updates object tracker with new detections and returns tracked object bounding boxes."""
        self.frame_id += 1
        activated_stracks = []
        refind_stracks = []
        lost_stracks = []
        removed_stracks = []

        scores = results.conf
        bboxes = results.xywhr if hasattr(results, "xywhr") else results.xywh
        # Add index
        bboxes = np.concatenate([bboxes, np.arange(len(bboxes)).reshape(-1, 1)], axis=-1)
        cls = results.cls

        remain_inds = scores >= self.args.track_high_thresh
        inds_low = scores > self.args.track_low_thresh
        inds_high = scores < self.args.track_high_thresh

        inds_second = inds_low & inds_high
        dets_second = bboxes[inds_second]
        dets = bboxes[remain_inds]
        scores_keep = scores[remain_inds]
        scores_second = scores[inds_second]
        cls_keep = cls[remain_inds]
        cls_second = cls[inds_second]

        detections = self.init_track(dets, scores_keep, cls_keep, img)
        # Add newly detected tracklets to tracked_stracks
        unconfirmed = []
        tracked_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]
        for track in self.tracked_stracks:
            if not track.is_activated:
        # Step 2: First association, with high score detection boxes
        strack_pool = self.joint_stracks(tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks)
        # Predict the current location with KF
        if hasattr(self, "gmc") and img is not None:
            warp = self.gmc.apply(img, dets)
            STrack.multi_gmc(strack_pool, warp)
            STrack.multi_gmc(unconfirmed, warp)

        dists = self.get_dists(strack_pool, detections)
        matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=self.args.match_thresh)

        for itracked, idet in matches:
            track = strack_pool[itracked]
            det = detections[idet]
            if track.state == TrackState.Tracked:
                track.update(det, self.frame_id)
                track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False)
        # Step 3: Second association, with low score detection boxes association the untrack to the low score detections
        detections_second = self.init_track(dets_second, scores_second, cls_second, img)
        r_tracked_stracks = [strack_pool[i] for i in u_track if strack_pool[i].state == TrackState.Tracked]
        # TODO
        dists = matching.iou_distance(r_tracked_stracks, detections_second)
        matches, u_track, u_detection_second = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.5)
        for itracked, idet in matches:
            track = r_tracked_stracks[itracked]
            det = detections_second[idet]
            if track.state == TrackState.Tracked:
                track.update(det, self.frame_id)
                track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False)

        for it in u_track:
            track = r_tracked_stracks[it]
            if track.state != TrackState.Lost:
        # Deal with unconfirmed tracks, usually tracks with only one beginning frame
        detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection]
        dists = self.get_dists(unconfirmed, detections)
        matches, u_unconfirmed, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.7)
        for itracked, idet in matches:
            unconfirmed[itracked].update(detections[idet], self.frame_id)
        for it in u_unconfirmed:
            track = unconfirmed[it]
        # Step 4: Init new stracks
        for inew in u_detection:
            track = detections[inew]
            if track.score < self.args.new_track_thresh:
            track.activate(self.kalman_filter, self.frame_id)
        # Step 5: Update state
        for track in self.lost_stracks:
            if self.frame_id - track.end_frame > self.max_time_lost:

        self.tracked_stracks = [t for t in self.tracked_stracks if t.state == TrackState.Tracked]
        self.tracked_stracks = self.joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, activated_stracks)
        self.tracked_stracks = self.joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, refind_stracks)
        self.lost_stracks = self.sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.tracked_stracks)
        self.lost_stracks = self.sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.removed_stracks)
        self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks = self.remove_duplicate_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks)
        if len(self.removed_stracks) > 1000:
            self.removed_stracks = self.removed_stracks[-999:]  # clip remove stracks to 1000 maximum

        return np.asarray([x.result for x in self.tracked_stracks if x.is_activated], dtype=np.float32)

    def get_kalmanfilter(self):
        """Returns a Kalman filter object for tracking bounding boxes."""
        return KalmanFilterXYAH()

    def init_track(self, dets, scores, cls, img=None):
        """Initialize object tracking with detections and scores using STrack algorithm."""
        return [STrack(xyxy, s, c) for (xyxy, s, c) in zip(dets, scores, cls)] if len(dets) else []  # detections

    def get_dists(self, tracks, detections):
        """Calculates the distance between tracks and detections using IoU and fuses scores."""
        dists = matching.iou_distance(tracks, detections)
        # TODO: mot20
        # if not self.args.mot20:
        dists = matching.fuse_score(dists, detections)
        return dists

    def multi_predict(self, tracks):
        """Returns the predicted tracks using the YOLOv8 network."""

    def reset_id():
        """Resets the ID counter of STrack."""

    def reset(self):
        """Reset tracker."""
        self.tracked_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]
        self.lost_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]
        self.removed_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]
        self.frame_id = 0
        self.kalman_filter = self.get_kalmanfilter()

    def joint_stracks(tlista, tlistb):
        """Combine two lists of stracks into a single one."""
        exists = {}
        res = []
        for t in tlista:
            exists[t.track_id] = 1
        for t in tlistb:
            tid = t.track_id
            if not exists.get(tid, 0):
                exists[tid] = 1
        return res

    def sub_stracks(tlista, tlistb):
        """DEPRECATED CODE in
        stracks = {t.track_id: t for t in tlista}
        for t in tlistb:
            tid = t.track_id
            if stracks.get(tid, 0):
                del stracks[tid]
        return list(stracks.values())
        track_ids_b = {t.track_id for t in tlistb}
        return [t for t in tlista if t.track_id not in track_ids_b]

    def remove_duplicate_stracks(stracksa, stracksb):
        """Remove duplicate stracks with non-maximum IoU distance."""
        pdist = matching.iou_distance(stracksa, stracksb)
        pairs = np.where(pdist < 0.15)
        dupa, dupb = [], []
        for p, q in zip(*pairs):
            timep = stracksa[p].frame_id - stracksa[p].start_frame
            timeq = stracksb[q].frame_id - stracksb[q].start_frame
            if timep > timeq:
        resa = [t for i, t in enumerate(stracksa) if i not in dupa]
        resb = [t for i, t in enumerate(stracksb) if i not in dupb]
        return resa, resb

__init__(args, frame_rate=30)

Inicializa um objeto YOLOv8 para rastrear objetos com os argumentos e a taxa de quadros fornecidos.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def __init__(self, args, frame_rate=30):
    """Initialize a YOLOv8 object to track objects with given arguments and frame rate."""
    self.tracked_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]
    self.lost_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]
    self.removed_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]

    self.frame_id = 0
    self.args = args
    self.max_time_lost = int(frame_rate / 30.0 * args.track_buffer)
    self.kalman_filter = self.get_kalmanfilter()

get_dists(tracks, detections)

Calcula a distância entre os percursos e as detecções utilizando as pontuações IoU e fusíveis.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def get_dists(self, tracks, detections):
    """Calculates the distance between tracks and detections using IoU and fuses scores."""
    dists = matching.iou_distance(tracks, detections)
    # TODO: mot20
    # if not self.args.mot20:
    dists = matching.fuse_score(dists, detections)
    return dists


Devolve um objeto de filtro Kalman para rastrear caixas delimitadoras.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def get_kalmanfilter(self):
    """Returns a Kalman filter object for tracking bounding boxes."""
    return KalmanFilterXYAH()

init_track(dets, scores, cls, img=None)

Inicializa o seguimento de objectos com detecções e pontuações utilizando o algoritmo STrack.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def init_track(self, dets, scores, cls, img=None):
    """Initialize object tracking with detections and scores using STrack algorithm."""
    return [STrack(xyxy, s, c) for (xyxy, s, c) in zip(dets, scores, cls)] if len(dets) else []  # detections

joint_stracks(tlista, tlistb) staticmethod

Combina duas listas de stracks numa única.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def joint_stracks(tlista, tlistb):
    """Combine two lists of stracks into a single one."""
    exists = {}
    res = []
    for t in tlista:
        exists[t.track_id] = 1
    for t in tlistb:
        tid = t.track_id
        if not exists.get(tid, 0):
            exists[tid] = 1
    return res


Devolve as faixas previstas utilizando a rede YOLOv8 .

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def multi_predict(self, tracks):
    """Returns the predicted tracks using the YOLOv8 network."""

remove_duplicate_stracks(stracksa, stracksb) staticmethod

Remove as estacas duplicadas com distância IoU não máxima.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def remove_duplicate_stracks(stracksa, stracksb):
    """Remove duplicate stracks with non-maximum IoU distance."""
    pdist = matching.iou_distance(stracksa, stracksb)
    pairs = np.where(pdist < 0.15)
    dupa, dupb = [], []
    for p, q in zip(*pairs):
        timep = stracksa[p].frame_id - stracksa[p].start_frame
        timeq = stracksb[q].frame_id - stracksb[q].start_frame
        if timep > timeq:
    resa = [t for i, t in enumerate(stracksa) if i not in dupa]
    resb = [t for i, t in enumerate(stracksb) if i not in dupb]
    return resa, resb


Reinicia o localizador.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def reset(self):
    """Reset tracker."""
    self.tracked_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]
    self.lost_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]
    self.removed_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]
    self.frame_id = 0
    self.kalman_filter = self.get_kalmanfilter()

reset_id() staticmethod

Reinicia o contador de ID do STrack.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def reset_id():
    """Resets the ID counter of STrack."""

sub_stracks(tlista, tlistb) staticmethod

DEPRECATED CODE in stracks = {t.track_id: t for t in tlista} for t in tlistb: tid = t.track_id if stracks.get(tid, 0): del stracks[tid] return list(stracks.values())

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def sub_stracks(tlista, tlistb):
    stracks = {t.track_id: t for t in tlista}
    for t in tlistb:
        tid = t.track_id
        if stracks.get(tid, 0):
            del stracks[tid]
    return list(stracks.values())
    track_ids_b = {t.track_id for t in tlistb}
    return [t for t in tlista if t.track_id not in track_ids_b]

update(results, img=None)

Actualiza o localizador de objectos com novas detecções e devolve as caixas delimitadoras dos objectos localizados.

Código fonte em ultralytics/trackers/
def update(self, results, img=None):
    """Updates object tracker with new detections and returns tracked object bounding boxes."""
    self.frame_id += 1
    activated_stracks = []
    refind_stracks = []
    lost_stracks = []
    removed_stracks = []

    scores = results.conf
    bboxes = results.xywhr if hasattr(results, "xywhr") else results.xywh
    # Add index
    bboxes = np.concatenate([bboxes, np.arange(len(bboxes)).reshape(-1, 1)], axis=-1)
    cls = results.cls

    remain_inds = scores >= self.args.track_high_thresh
    inds_low = scores > self.args.track_low_thresh
    inds_high = scores < self.args.track_high_thresh

    inds_second = inds_low & inds_high
    dets_second = bboxes[inds_second]
    dets = bboxes[remain_inds]
    scores_keep = scores[remain_inds]
    scores_second = scores[inds_second]
    cls_keep = cls[remain_inds]
    cls_second = cls[inds_second]

    detections = self.init_track(dets, scores_keep, cls_keep, img)
    # Add newly detected tracklets to tracked_stracks
    unconfirmed = []
    tracked_stracks = []  # type: list[STrack]
    for track in self.tracked_stracks:
        if not track.is_activated:
    # Step 2: First association, with high score detection boxes
    strack_pool = self.joint_stracks(tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks)
    # Predict the current location with KF
    if hasattr(self, "gmc") and img is not None:
        warp = self.gmc.apply(img, dets)
        STrack.multi_gmc(strack_pool, warp)
        STrack.multi_gmc(unconfirmed, warp)

    dists = self.get_dists(strack_pool, detections)
    matches, u_track, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=self.args.match_thresh)

    for itracked, idet in matches:
        track = strack_pool[itracked]
        det = detections[idet]
        if track.state == TrackState.Tracked:
            track.update(det, self.frame_id)
            track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False)
    # Step 3: Second association, with low score detection boxes association the untrack to the low score detections
    detections_second = self.init_track(dets_second, scores_second, cls_second, img)
    r_tracked_stracks = [strack_pool[i] for i in u_track if strack_pool[i].state == TrackState.Tracked]
    # TODO
    dists = matching.iou_distance(r_tracked_stracks, detections_second)
    matches, u_track, u_detection_second = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.5)
    for itracked, idet in matches:
        track = r_tracked_stracks[itracked]
        det = detections_second[idet]
        if track.state == TrackState.Tracked:
            track.update(det, self.frame_id)
            track.re_activate(det, self.frame_id, new_id=False)

    for it in u_track:
        track = r_tracked_stracks[it]
        if track.state != TrackState.Lost:
    # Deal with unconfirmed tracks, usually tracks with only one beginning frame
    detections = [detections[i] for i in u_detection]
    dists = self.get_dists(unconfirmed, detections)
    matches, u_unconfirmed, u_detection = matching.linear_assignment(dists, thresh=0.7)
    for itracked, idet in matches:
        unconfirmed[itracked].update(detections[idet], self.frame_id)
    for it in u_unconfirmed:
        track = unconfirmed[it]
    # Step 4: Init new stracks
    for inew in u_detection:
        track = detections[inew]
        if track.score < self.args.new_track_thresh:
        track.activate(self.kalman_filter, self.frame_id)
    # Step 5: Update state
    for track in self.lost_stracks:
        if self.frame_id - track.end_frame > self.max_time_lost:

    self.tracked_stracks = [t for t in self.tracked_stracks if t.state == TrackState.Tracked]
    self.tracked_stracks = self.joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, activated_stracks)
    self.tracked_stracks = self.joint_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, refind_stracks)
    self.lost_stracks = self.sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.tracked_stracks)
    self.lost_stracks = self.sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.removed_stracks)
    self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks = self.remove_duplicate_stracks(self.tracked_stracks, self.lost_stracks)
    if len(self.removed_stracks) > 1000:
        self.removed_stracks = self.removed_stracks[-999:]  # clip remove stracks to 1000 maximum

    return np.asarray([x.result for x in self.tracked_stracks if x.is_activated], dtype=np.float32)

Criado em 2023-11-12, Atualizado em 2024-05-08
Autores: Burhan-Q (1), glenn-jocher (3), Laughing-q (1)