





Working on your own computer vision projects is a great way to understand and learn more about computer vision. However, a computer vision project can consist of many steps, and it might seem confusing at first. By the end of this guide, you'll be familiar with the steps involved in a computer vision project. We'll walk through everything from the beginning to the end of a project, explaining why each part is important. Let's get started and make your computer vision project a success!


Before discussing the details of each step involved in a computer vision project, let's look at the overall process. If you started a computer vision project today, you'd take the following steps:

  • Your first priority would be to understand your project's requirements.
  • Then, you'd collect and accurately label the images that will help train your model.
  • Next, you'd clean your data and apply augmentation techniques to prepare it for model training.
  • After model training, you'd thoroughly test and evaluate your model to make sure it performs consistently under different conditions.
  • Finally, you'd deploy your model into the real world and update it based on new insights and feedback.



Step 1: Defining Your Project's Goals

The first step in any computer vision project is clearly defining the problem you're trying to solve. Knowing the end goal helps you start to build a solution. This is especially true when it comes to computer vision because your project's objective will directly affect which computer vision task you need to focus on.


  • 目标:开发一个能够监控和管理高速公路上不同类型车辆流量的系统,改善交通管理和安全。

    • 计算机视觉任务:物体检测是交通监控的理想选择,因为它能有效定位和识别多辆车辆。与提供不必要细节的图像分割相比,物体检测对计算要求较低,可确保更快地进行实时分析。
  • 目标:开发一种工具,协助放射科医生在医学成像扫描中提供精确的像素级肿瘤轮廓。

    • 计算机视觉任务:图像分割适用于医学成像,因为它能提供准确、详细的肿瘤边界,这对评估肿瘤的大小、形状和治疗计划至关重要。
  • 目标:创建一个数字系统,对各种文件(如发票、收据、法律文件)进行分类,以提高组织效率和文件检索能力。

    • 计算机视觉任务:在这里,图像分类是理想的选择,因为它一次只处理一份文档,无需考虑文档在图像中的位置。这种方法简化并加快了分类过程。

步骤 1.5:选择正确的模型和培训方法


根据目标的不同,您可能会选择先选择模型,或者在步骤 2 中看到您能够收集到的数据后再选择模型。例如,假设您的项目高度依赖于特定类型数据的可用性。在这种情况下,先收集和分析数据,然后再选择模型可能更实际。另一方面,如果您对模型的要求有清晰的了解,您可以先选择模型,然后收集符合这些规格的数据。

Choosing between training from scratch or using transfer learning affects how you prepare your data. Training from scratch requires a diverse dataset to build the model's understanding from the ground up. Transfer learning, on the other hand, allows you to use a pre-trained model and adapt it with a smaller, more specific dataset. Also, choosing a specific model to train will determine how you need to prepare your data, such as resizing images or adding annotations, according to the model's specific requirements.


Note: When choosing a model, consider its deployment to ensure compatibility and performance. For example, lightweight models are ideal for edge computing due to their efficiency on resource-constrained devices. To learn more about the key points related to defining your project, read our guide on defining your project's goals and selecting the right model.

在开始计算机视觉项目的实践工作之前,必须清楚地了解这些细节。在进入第 2 步之前,请仔细检查您是否已经考虑了以下几点:

  • Clearly define the problem you're trying to solve.
  • 确定项目的最终目标。
  • 确定所需的特定计算机视觉任务(如物体检测、图像分类、图像分割)。
  • 决定是从头开始训练模型,还是使用迁移学习。
  • 根据任务和部署需求选择合适的模型。

步骤 2:数据收集和数据注释

计算机视觉模型的质量取决于数据集的质量。您可以从互联网上收集图像、自己拍照或使用已有的数据集。以下是一些下载高质量数据集的重要资源:谷歌数据集搜索引擎加州大学欧文分校机器学习资料库Kaggle 数据集。

有些库(如Ultralytics )提供对各种数据集的内置支持,使您更容易开始使用高质量数据。这些库通常包含无缝使用流行数据集的实用程序,可在项目初始阶段为您节省大量时间和精力。

However, if you choose to collect images or take your own pictures, you'll need to annotate your data. Data annotation is the process of labeling your data to impart knowledge to your model. The type of data annotation you'll work with depends on your specific computer vision technique. Here are some examples:

  • Image Classification: You'll label the entire image as a single class.
  • Object Detection: You'll draw bounding boxes around each object in the image and label each box.
  • Image Segmentation: You'll label each pixel in the image according to the object it belongs to, creating detailed object boundaries.


Data collection and annotation can be a time-consuming manual effort. Annotation tools can help make this process easier. Here are some useful open annotation tools: LabeI Studio, CVAT, and Labelme.

步骤 3:数据扩充和数据集拆分



  • 训练集:它是数据的最大部分,通常占总数的 70-80%,用于训练模型。
  • 验证集:通常约占数据的 10%-15%;该集用于调整超参数,并在训练过程中验证模型,有助于防止过度拟合。
  • 测试集:剩余 10-15% 的数据作为测试集。训练完成后,测试集将用于评估模型在未见数据上的性能。



OpenCV、Albumentations 和TensorFlow 等库提供了灵活的增强功能,可供您使用。此外,一些库(如Ultralytics )直接在其模型训练功能中内置了增强设置,从而简化了过程。

为了更好地理解数据,您可以使用MatplotlibSeaborn等工具将图像可视化,并分析其分布和特征。将数据可视化有助于识别模式、异常情况以及增强技术的有效性。您还可以使用Ultralytics Explorer,这是一款通过语义搜索、SQL 查询和向量相似性搜索来探索计算机视觉数据集的工具。

Ultralytics Explorer 工具

By properly understanding, splitting, and augmenting your data, you can develop a well-trained, validated, and tested model that performs well in real-world applications.

步骤 4:模型培训


First, you'll need to make sure your environment is configured correctly. Typically, this includes the following:

  • 安装必要的库和框架,如TensorFlow,PyTorch, 或 Ultralytics.
  • 如果使用 GPU,安装 CUDA 和 cuDNN 等库将有助于实现 GPU 加速,加快训练过程。


Ultralytics 等库简化了训练过程。只需编写最少的代码,就能将数据输入模型,开始训练。这些库会自动处理权重调整、反向传播和验证。它们还提供了监控进度和轻松调整超参数的工具。训练完成后,只需几条命令即可保存模型及其权重。


步骤 5:模型评估和模型微调

It's important to assess your model's performance using various metrics and refine it to improve accuracy. Evaluating helps identify areas where the model excels and where it may need improvement. Fine-tuning ensures the model is optimized for the best possible performance.

  • Performance Metrics: Use metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score to evaluate your model's performance. These metrics provide insights into how well your model is making predictions.
  • 超参数调整调整超参数以优化模型性能。网格搜索或随机搜索等技术可帮助找到最佳超参数值。

  • 微调:对模型架构或训练过程进行微调,以提高性能。这可能涉及调整学习率、批量大小或其他模型参数。

步骤 6:模型测试




步骤 7:模型部署


  • 设置环境:为您选择的部署方案配置必要的基础设施,无论是基于云(AWS、Google Cloud、Azure)还是基于边缘(本地设备、物联网)。

  • 导出模型将模型导出为适当的格式(如ONNX,TensorRT,CoreML forYOLOv8 ),以确保与部署平台兼容。

  • 部署模型:通过设置应用程序接口或端点来部署模型,并将其与应用程序集成。
  • 确保可扩展性:实施负载平衡器、自动扩展组和监控工具,以管理资源并处理不断增加的数据和用户请求。

步骤 8:监测、维护和记录

Once your model is deployed, it's important to continuously monitor its performance, maintain it to handle any issues, and document the entire process for future reference and improvements.

监控工具可以帮助您跟踪关键性能指标 (KPI),发现异常情况或精度下降。通过监控模型,您可以了解模型漂移的情况,即由于输入数据的变化,模型的性能会随着时间的推移而下降。定期使用更新的数据重新训练模型,以保持准确性和相关性。





  • 问题 1:在开始计算机视觉项目时,如果我已经有了数据集或数据,步骤会有什么变化?

    • A1: Starting with a pre-existing dataset or data affects the initial steps of your project. In Step 1, along with deciding the computer vision task and model, you'll also need to explore your dataset thoroughly. Understanding its quality, variety, and limitations will guide your choice of model and training approach. Your approach should align closely with the data's characteristics for more effective outcomes. Depending on your data or dataset, you may be able to skip Step 2 as well.
  • Q2: I'm not sure what computer vision project to start my AI learning journey with.

  • Q3: I don't want to train a model. I just want to try running a model on an image. How can I do that?

    • A3:您可以使用预训练模型对图像进行预测,而无需训练新模型。请查看YOLOv8 predict 文档页面,了解如何使用预先训练好的YOLOv8 模型对图像进行预测。
  • 问题 4:在哪里可以找到有关计算机视觉应用和YOLOv8 的更多详细文章和最新信息?

    • A4:如需有关计算机视觉应用和YOLOv8 的更多详细文章、更新和见解,请访问Ultralytics 博客页面。该博客涵盖广泛的主题,提供有价值的信息,帮助您随时更新和改进您的项目。




  • GitHub 问题:查看YOLOv8 GitHub 代码库,并使用问题选项卡提问、报告错误和建议新功能。活跃的社区和维护者会帮助您解决具体问题。
  • Ultralytics Discord 服务器:加入Ultralytics Discord 服务器,与其他用户和开发人员互动,获得支持并分享见解。


  • Ultralytics YOLOv8 文档:浏览 YOLOv8 官方文档,查看详细指南,了解不同计算机视觉任务和项目的有用技巧。




Created 2024-05-29, Updated 2024-06-10
Authors: glenn-jocher (4), abirami-vina (2)
