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Basis: SimpleClass

Basisklasse tensor met extra methoden voor eenvoudige manipulatie en apparaatafhandeling.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
class BaseTensor(SimpleClass):
    """Base tensor class with additional methods for easy manipulation and device handling."""

    def __init__(self, data, orig_shape) -> None:
        Initialize BaseTensor with data and original shape.

            data (torch.Tensor | np.ndarray): Predictions, such as bboxes, masks and keypoints.
            orig_shape (tuple): Original shape of image.
        assert isinstance(data, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray))
        self.data = data
        self.orig_shape = orig_shape

    def shape(self):
        """Return the shape of the data tensor."""
        return self.data.shape

    def cpu(self):
        """Return a copy of the tensor on CPU memory."""
        return self if isinstance(self.data, np.ndarray) else self.__class__(self.data.cpu(), self.orig_shape)

    def numpy(self):
        """Return a copy of the tensor as a numpy array."""
        return self if isinstance(self.data, np.ndarray) else self.__class__(self.data.numpy(), self.orig_shape)

    def cuda(self):
        """Return a copy of the tensor on GPU memory."""
        return self.__class__(torch.as_tensor(self.data).cuda(), self.orig_shape)

    def to(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return a copy of the tensor with the specified device and dtype."""
        return self.__class__(torch.as_tensor(self.data).to(*args, **kwargs), self.orig_shape)

    def __len__(self):  # override len(results)
        """Return the length of the data tensor."""
        return len(self.data)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        """Return a BaseTensor with the specified index of the data tensor."""
        return self.__class__(self.data[idx], self.orig_shape)

shape property

Geef de vorm van de gegevens terug tensor.


Geeft een BaseTensor terug met de opgegeven index van de gegevens tensor.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def __getitem__(self, idx):
    """Return a BaseTensor with the specified index of the data tensor."""
    return self.__class__(self.data[idx], self.orig_shape)

__init__(data, orig_shape)

Initialiseer BaseTensor met gegevens en oorspronkelijke vorm.


Naam Type Beschrijving Standaard
data Tensor | ndarray

Voorspellingen, zoals bboxen, maskers en sleutelpunten.

orig_shape tuple

Oorspronkelijke vorm van afbeelding.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def __init__(self, data, orig_shape) -> None:
    Initialize BaseTensor with data and original shape.

        data (torch.Tensor | np.ndarray): Predictions, such as bboxes, masks and keypoints.
        orig_shape (tuple): Original shape of image.
    assert isinstance(data, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray))
    self.data = data
    self.orig_shape = orig_shape


Geeft de lengte van de gegevens terug tensor.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def __len__(self):  # override len(results)
    """Return the length of the data tensor."""
    return len(self.data)


Geeft een kopie van de tensor op het CPU-geheugen.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def cpu(self):
    """Return a copy of the tensor on CPU memory."""
    return self if isinstance(self.data, np.ndarray) else self.__class__(self.data.cpu(), self.orig_shape)


Geeft een kopie terug van de tensor op het GPU-geheugen.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def cuda(self):
    """Return a copy of the tensor on GPU memory."""
    return self.__class__(torch.as_tensor(self.data).cuda(), self.orig_shape)


Geeft een kopie van de tensor als een numpy array.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def numpy(self):
    """Return a copy of the tensor as a numpy array."""
    return self if isinstance(self.data, np.ndarray) else self.__class__(self.data.numpy(), self.orig_shape)

to(*args, **kwargs)

Geeft een kopie van de tensor met het opgegeven apparaat en dtype.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def to(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Return a copy of the tensor with the specified device and dtype."""
    return self.__class__(torch.as_tensor(self.data).to(*args, **kwargs), self.orig_shape)


Basis: SimpleClass

Een klasse voor het opslaan en manipuleren van inferentieresultaten.


Naam Type Beschrijving
orig_img ndarray

Oorspronkelijke afbeelding als een numpy array.

orig_shape tuple

Originele afbeeldingsvorm in (hoogte, breedte) formaat.

boxes Boxes

Object met detectiegrenzen.

masks Masks

Object dat detectiemaskers bevat.

probs Probs

Object met klassenwaarschijnlijkheden voor classificatietaken.

keypoints Keypoints

Object met gedetecteerde sleutelpunten voor elk object.

speed dict

Woordenboek met snelheden voor preprocessing, inferentie en postprocessing (ms/image).

names dict

Woordenboek met klassennamen.

path str

Pad naar het afbeeldingsbestand.


Naam Beschrijving

Werkt objectattributen bij met nieuwe detectieresultaten.


Retourneert een kopie van het Results-object met alle tensoren op het CPU-geheugen.


Retourneert een kopie van het Results object met alle tensoren als numpy arrays.


Retourneert een kopie van het Results-object met alle tensoren in het GPU-geheugen.


Retourneert een kopie van het Results-object met tensoren op een opgegeven apparaat en dtype.


Retourneert een nieuw Results-object met dezelfde afbeelding, hetzelfde pad en dezelfde namen.


Tekent detectieresultaten op een invoerafbeelding en retourneert een geannoteerde afbeelding.


Toon geannoteerde resultaten op het scherm.


Geannoteerde resultaten opslaan in een bestand.


Geeft een logstring terug voor elke taak, met details over detecties en classificaties.


Slaat detectieresultaten op in een tekstbestand.


Slaat bijgesneden detectiebeelden op.


Converteert detectieresultaten naar JSON formaat.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
class Results(SimpleClass):
    A class for storing and manipulating inference results.

        orig_img (numpy.ndarray): Original image as a numpy array.
        orig_shape (tuple): Original image shape in (height, width) format.
        boxes (Boxes, optional): Object containing detection bounding boxes.
        masks (Masks, optional): Object containing detection masks.
        probs (Probs, optional): Object containing class probabilities for classification tasks.
        keypoints (Keypoints, optional): Object containing detected keypoints for each object.
        speed (dict): Dictionary of preprocess, inference, and postprocess speeds (ms/image).
        names (dict): Dictionary of class names.
        path (str): Path to the image file.

        update(boxes=None, masks=None, probs=None, obb=None): Updates object attributes with new detection results.
        cpu(): Returns a copy of the Results object with all tensors on CPU memory.
        numpy(): Returns a copy of the Results object with all tensors as numpy arrays.
        cuda(): Returns a copy of the Results object with all tensors on GPU memory.
        to(*args, **kwargs): Returns a copy of the Results object with tensors on a specified device and dtype.
        new(): Returns a new Results object with the same image, path, and names.
        plot(...): Plots detection results on an input image, returning an annotated image.
        show(): Show annotated results to screen.
        save(filename): Save annotated results to file.
        verbose(): Returns a log string for each task, detailing detections and classifications.
        save_txt(txt_file, save_conf=False): Saves detection results to a text file.
        save_crop(save_dir, file_name=Path("im.jpg")): Saves cropped detection images.
        tojson(normalize=False): Converts detection results to JSON format.

    def __init__(self, orig_img, path, names, boxes=None, masks=None, probs=None, keypoints=None, obb=None) -> None:
        Initialize the Results class.

            orig_img (numpy.ndarray): The original image as a numpy array.
            path (str): The path to the image file.
            names (dict): A dictionary of class names.
            boxes (torch.tensor, optional): A 2D tensor of bounding box coordinates for each detection.
            masks (torch.tensor, optional): A 3D tensor of detection masks, where each mask is a binary image.
            probs (torch.tensor, optional): A 1D tensor of probabilities of each class for classification task.
            keypoints (torch.tensor, optional): A 2D tensor of keypoint coordinates for each detection.
            obb (torch.tensor, optional): A 2D tensor of oriented bounding box coordinates for each detection.
        self.orig_img = orig_img
        self.orig_shape = orig_img.shape[:2]
        self.boxes = Boxes(boxes, self.orig_shape) if boxes is not None else None  # native size boxes
        self.masks = Masks(masks, self.orig_shape) if masks is not None else None  # native size or imgsz masks
        self.probs = Probs(probs) if probs is not None else None
        self.keypoints = Keypoints(keypoints, self.orig_shape) if keypoints is not None else None
        self.obb = OBB(obb, self.orig_shape) if obb is not None else None
        self.speed = {"preprocess": None, "inference": None, "postprocess": None}  # milliseconds per image
        self.names = names
        self.path = path
        self.save_dir = None
        self._keys = "boxes", "masks", "probs", "keypoints", "obb"

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        """Return a Results object for the specified index."""
        return self._apply("__getitem__", idx)

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the number of detections in the Results object."""
        for k in self._keys:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            if v is not None:
                return len(v)

    def update(self, boxes=None, masks=None, probs=None, obb=None):
        """Update the boxes, masks, and probs attributes of the Results object."""
        if boxes is not None:
            self.boxes = Boxes(ops.clip_boxes(boxes, self.orig_shape), self.orig_shape)
        if masks is not None:
            self.masks = Masks(masks, self.orig_shape)
        if probs is not None:
            self.probs = probs
        if obb is not None:
            self.obb = OBB(obb, self.orig_shape)

    def _apply(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
        Applies a function to all non-empty attributes and returns a new Results object with modified attributes. This
        function is internally called by methods like .to(), .cuda(), .cpu(), etc.

            fn (str): The name of the function to apply.
            *args: Variable length argument list to pass to the function.
            **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments to pass to the function.

            Results: A new Results object with attributes modified by the applied function.
        r = self.new()
        for k in self._keys:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            if v is not None:
                setattr(r, k, getattr(v, fn)(*args, **kwargs))
        return r

    def cpu(self):
        """Return a copy of the Results object with all tensors on CPU memory."""
        return self._apply("cpu")

    def numpy(self):
        """Return a copy of the Results object with all tensors as numpy arrays."""
        return self._apply("numpy")

    def cuda(self):
        """Return a copy of the Results object with all tensors on GPU memory."""
        return self._apply("cuda")

    def to(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return a copy of the Results object with tensors on the specified device and dtype."""
        return self._apply("to", *args, **kwargs)

    def new(self):
        """Return a new Results object with the same image, path, and names."""
        return Results(orig_img=self.orig_img, path=self.path, names=self.names)

    def plot(
        Plots the detection results on an input RGB image. Accepts a numpy array (cv2) or a PIL Image.

            conf (bool): Whether to plot the detection confidence score.
            line_width (float, optional): The line width of the bounding boxes. If None, it is scaled to the image size.
            font_size (float, optional): The font size of the text. If None, it is scaled to the image size.
            font (str): The font to use for the text.
            pil (bool): Whether to return the image as a PIL Image.
            img (numpy.ndarray): Plot to another image. if not, plot to original image.
            im_gpu (torch.Tensor): Normalized image in gpu with shape (1, 3, 640, 640), for faster mask plotting.
            kpt_radius (int, optional): Radius of the drawn keypoints. Default is 5.
            kpt_line (bool): Whether to draw lines connecting keypoints.
            labels (bool): Whether to plot the label of bounding boxes.
            boxes (bool): Whether to plot the bounding boxes.
            masks (bool): Whether to plot the masks.
            probs (bool): Whether to plot classification probability
            show (bool): Whether to display the annotated image directly.
            save (bool): Whether to save the annotated image to `filename`.
            filename (str): Filename to save image to if save is True.

            (numpy.ndarray): A numpy array of the annotated image.

            from PIL import Image
            from ultralytics import YOLO

            model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt')
            results = model('bus.jpg')  # results list
            for r in results:
                im_array = r.plot()  # plot a BGR numpy array of predictions
                im = Image.fromarray(im_array[..., ::-1])  # RGB PIL image
                im.show()  # show image
                im.save('results.jpg')  # save image
        if img is None and isinstance(self.orig_img, torch.Tensor):
            img = (self.orig_img[0].detach().permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous() * 255).to(torch.uint8).cpu().numpy()

        names = self.names
        is_obb = self.obb is not None
        pred_boxes, show_boxes = self.obb if is_obb else self.boxes, boxes
        pred_masks, show_masks = self.masks, masks
        pred_probs, show_probs = self.probs, probs
        annotator = Annotator(
            deepcopy(self.orig_img if img is None else img),
            pil or (pred_probs is not None and show_probs),  # Classify tasks default to pil=True

        # Plot Segment results
        if pred_masks and show_masks:
            if im_gpu is None:
                img = LetterBox(pred_masks.shape[1:])(image=annotator.result())
                im_gpu = (
                    torch.as_tensor(img, dtype=torch.float16, device=pred_masks.data.device)
                    .permute(2, 0, 1)
                    / 255
            idx = pred_boxes.cls if pred_boxes else range(len(pred_masks))
            annotator.masks(pred_masks.data, colors=[colors(x, True) for x in idx], im_gpu=im_gpu)

        # Plot Detect results
        if pred_boxes is not None and show_boxes:
            for d in reversed(pred_boxes):
                c, conf, id = int(d.cls), float(d.conf) if conf else None, None if d.id is None else int(d.id.item())
                name = ("" if id is None else f"id:{id} ") + names[c]
                label = (f"{name} {conf:.2f}" if conf else name) if labels else None
                box = d.xyxyxyxy.reshape(-1, 4, 2).squeeze() if is_obb else d.xyxy.squeeze()
                annotator.box_label(box, label, color=colors(c, True), rotated=is_obb)

        # Plot Classify results
        if pred_probs is not None and show_probs:
            text = ",\n".join(f"{names[j] if names else j} {pred_probs.data[j]:.2f}" for j in pred_probs.top5)
            x = round(self.orig_shape[0] * 0.03)
            annotator.text([x, x], text, txt_color=(255, 255, 255))  # TODO: allow setting colors

        # Plot Pose results
        if self.keypoints is not None:
            for k in reversed(self.keypoints.data):
                annotator.kpts(k, self.orig_shape, radius=kpt_radius, kpt_line=kpt_line)

        # Show results
        if show:

        # Save results
        if save:

        return annotator.result()

    def show(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Show annotated results image."""
        self.plot(show=True, *args, **kwargs)

    def save(self, filename=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """Save annotated results image."""
        if not filename:
            filename = f"results_{Path(self.path).name}"
        self.plot(save=True, filename=filename, *args, **kwargs)
        return filename

    def verbose(self):
        """Return log string for each task."""
        log_string = ""
        probs = self.probs
        boxes = self.boxes
        if len(self) == 0:
            return log_string if probs is not None else f"{log_string}(no detections), "
        if probs is not None:
            log_string += f"{', '.join(f'{self.names[j]} {probs.data[j]:.2f}' for j in probs.top5)}, "
        if boxes:
            for c in boxes.cls.unique():
                n = (boxes.cls == c).sum()  # detections per class
                log_string += f"{n} {self.names[int(c)]}{'s' * (n > 1)}, "
        return log_string

    def save_txt(self, txt_file, save_conf=False):
        Save predictions into txt file.

            txt_file (str): txt file path.
            save_conf (bool): save confidence score or not.
        is_obb = self.obb is not None
        boxes = self.obb if is_obb else self.boxes
        masks = self.masks
        probs = self.probs
        kpts = self.keypoints
        texts = []
        if probs is not None:
            # Classify
            [texts.append(f"{probs.data[j]:.2f} {self.names[j]}") for j in probs.top5]
        elif boxes:
            # Detect/segment/pose
            for j, d in enumerate(boxes):
                c, conf, id = int(d.cls), float(d.conf), None if d.id is None else int(d.id.item())
                line = (c, *(d.xyxyxyxyn.view(-1) if is_obb else d.xywhn.view(-1)))
                if masks:
                    seg = masks[j].xyn[0].copy().reshape(-1)  # reversed mask.xyn, (n,2) to (n*2)
                    line = (c, *seg)
                if kpts is not None:
                    kpt = torch.cat((kpts[j].xyn, kpts[j].conf[..., None]), 2) if kpts[j].has_visible else kpts[j].xyn
                    line += (*kpt.reshape(-1).tolist(),)
                line += (conf,) * save_conf + (() if id is None else (id,))
                texts.append(("%g " * len(line)).rstrip() % line)

        if texts:
            Path(txt_file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)  # make directory
            with open(txt_file, "a") as f:
                f.writelines(text + "\n" for text in texts)

    def save_crop(self, save_dir, file_name=Path("im.jpg")):
        Save cropped predictions to `save_dir/cls/file_name.jpg`.

            save_dir (str | pathlib.Path): Save path.
            file_name (str | pathlib.Path): File name.
        if self.probs is not None:
            LOGGER.warning("WARNING ⚠️ Classify task do not support `save_crop`.")
        if self.obb is not None:
            LOGGER.warning("WARNING ⚠️ OBB task do not support `save_crop`.")
        for d in self.boxes:
                file=Path(save_dir) / self.names[int(d.cls)] / f"{Path(file_name)}.jpg",

    def summary(self, normalize=False, decimals=5):
        """Convert the results to a summarized format."""
        # Create list of detection dictionaries
        results = []
        if self.probs is not None:
            class_id = self.probs.top1
                    "name": self.names[class_id],
                    "class": class_id,
                    "confidence": round(self.probs.top1conf.item(), decimals),
            return results

        data = self.boxes or self.obb
        is_obb = self.obb is not None
        h, w = self.orig_shape if normalize else (1, 1)
        for i, row in enumerate(data):  # xyxy, track_id if tracking, conf, class_id
            class_id, conf = int(row.cls), round(row.conf.item(), decimals)
            box = (row.xyxyxyxy if is_obb else row.xyxy).squeeze().reshape(-1, 2).tolist()
            xy = {}
            for j, b in enumerate(box):
                xy[f"x{j + 1}"] = round(b[0] / w, decimals)
                xy[f"y{j + 1}"] = round(b[1] / h, decimals)
            result = {"name": self.names[class_id], "class": class_id, "confidence": conf, "box": xy}
            if data.is_track:
                result["track_id"] = int(row.id.item())  # track ID
            if self.masks:
                result["segments"] = {
                    "x": (self.masks.xy[i][:, 0] / w).round(decimals).tolist(),
                    "y": (self.masks.xy[i][:, 1] / h).round(decimals).tolist(),
            if self.keypoints is not None:
                x, y, visible = self.keypoints[i].data[0].cpu().unbind(dim=1)  # torch Tensor
                result["keypoints"] = {
                    "x": (x / w).numpy().round(decimals).tolist(),  # decimals named argument required
                    "y": (y / h).numpy().round(decimals).tolist(),
                    "visible": visible.numpy().round(decimals).tolist(),

        return results

    def tojson(self, normalize=False, decimals=5):
        """Convert the results to JSON format."""
        import json

        return json.dumps(self.summary(normalize=normalize, decimals=decimals), indent=2)


Retourneert een resultatenobject voor de opgegeven index.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def __getitem__(self, idx):
    """Return a Results object for the specified index."""
    return self._apply("__getitem__", idx)

__init__(orig_img, path, names, boxes=None, masks=None, probs=None, keypoints=None, obb=None)

Initialiseer de klasse Resultaten.


Naam Type Beschrijving Standaard
orig_img ndarray

De originele afbeelding als een numpy array.

path str

Het pad naar het afbeeldingsbestand.

names dict

Een woordenboek met klassennamen.

boxes tensor

Een 2D tensor van begrenzende dooscoördinaten voor elke detectie.

masks tensor

Een 3D tensor van detectiemaskers, waarbij elk masker een binaire afbeelding is.

probs tensor

Een 1D tensor van waarschijnlijkheden van elke klasse voor classificatietaken.

keypoints tensor

Een 2D tensor van sleutelpuntcoördinaten voor elke detectie.

obb tensor

Een 2D tensor van georiënteerde begrenzende dooscoördinaten voor elke detectie.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def __init__(self, orig_img, path, names, boxes=None, masks=None, probs=None, keypoints=None, obb=None) -> None:
    Initialize the Results class.

        orig_img (numpy.ndarray): The original image as a numpy array.
        path (str): The path to the image file.
        names (dict): A dictionary of class names.
        boxes (torch.tensor, optional): A 2D tensor of bounding box coordinates for each detection.
        masks (torch.tensor, optional): A 3D tensor of detection masks, where each mask is a binary image.
        probs (torch.tensor, optional): A 1D tensor of probabilities of each class for classification task.
        keypoints (torch.tensor, optional): A 2D tensor of keypoint coordinates for each detection.
        obb (torch.tensor, optional): A 2D tensor of oriented bounding box coordinates for each detection.
    self.orig_img = orig_img
    self.orig_shape = orig_img.shape[:2]
    self.boxes = Boxes(boxes, self.orig_shape) if boxes is not None else None  # native size boxes
    self.masks = Masks(masks, self.orig_shape) if masks is not None else None  # native size or imgsz masks
    self.probs = Probs(probs) if probs is not None else None
    self.keypoints = Keypoints(keypoints, self.orig_shape) if keypoints is not None else None
    self.obb = OBB(obb, self.orig_shape) if obb is not None else None
    self.speed = {"preprocess": None, "inference": None, "postprocess": None}  # milliseconds per image
    self.names = names
    self.path = path
    self.save_dir = None
    self._keys = "boxes", "masks", "probs", "keypoints", "obb"


Geeft het aantal detecties in het object Resultaten.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def __len__(self):
    """Return the number of detections in the Results object."""
    for k in self._keys:
        v = getattr(self, k)
        if v is not None:
            return len(v)


Retourneert een kopie van het Results-object met alle tensoren in het CPU-geheugen.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def cpu(self):
    """Return a copy of the Results object with all tensors on CPU memory."""
    return self._apply("cpu")


Retourneert een kopie van het Results-object met alle tensoren in het GPU-geheugen.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def cuda(self):
    """Return a copy of the Results object with all tensors on GPU memory."""
    return self._apply("cuda")


Retourneert een nieuw Results-object met dezelfde afbeelding, hetzelfde pad en dezelfde namen.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def new(self):
    """Return a new Results object with the same image, path, and names."""
    return Results(orig_img=self.orig_img, path=self.path, names=self.names)


Retourneert een kopie van het Results object met alle tensoren als numpy arrays.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def numpy(self):
    """Return a copy of the Results object with all tensors as numpy arrays."""
    return self._apply("numpy")

plot(conf=True, line_width=None, font_size=None, font='Arial.ttf', pil=False, img=None, im_gpu=None, kpt_radius=5, kpt_line=True, labels=True, boxes=True, masks=True, probs=True, show=False, save=False, filename=None)

Tekent de detectieresultaten op een RGB-afbeelding. Accepteert een numpy array (cv2) of een PIL afbeelding.


Naam Type Beschrijving Standaard
conf bool

Of de betrouwbaarheidscore voor detectie moet worden uitgezet.

line_width float

De lijnbreedte van de begrenzende vakken. Als er geen is, wordt deze geschaald naar de afbeeldingsgrootte.

font_size float

De lettergrootte van de tekst. Als er geen is, wordt de tekst geschaald naar de afbeeldingsgrootte.

font str

Het lettertype dat moet worden gebruikt voor de tekst.

pil bool

Of de afbeelding moet worden geretourneerd als een PIL Afbeelding.

img ndarray

Plot naar een andere afbeelding. zo niet, plot dan naar de oorspronkelijke afbeelding.

im_gpu Tensor

Genormaliseerde afbeelding in gpu met vorm (1, 3, 640, 640), voor het sneller plotten van maskers.

kpt_radius int

Straal van de getekende toetspunten. De standaardinstelling is 5.

kpt_line bool

Of er lijnen moeten worden getekend die sleutelpunten verbinden.

labels bool

Of het label van bounding boxes moet worden geplot.

boxes bool

Of de begrenzingskaders moeten worden geplot.

masks bool

Of de maskers moeten worden uitgezet.

probs bool

Of de classificatiekans moet worden uitgezet

show bool

Of de geannoteerde afbeelding direct moet worden weergegeven.

save bool

Of de geannoteerde afbeelding moet worden opgeslagen in filename.

filename str

Bestandsnaam om de afbeelding in op te slaan als opslaan True is.



Type Beschrijving

Een numpy array van de geannoteerde afbeelding.

from PIL import Image
from ultralytics import YOLO

model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt')
results = model('bus.jpg')  # results list
for r in results:
    im_array = r.plot()  # plot a BGR numpy array of predictions
    im = Image.fromarray(im_array[..., ::-1])  # RGB PIL image
    im.show()  # show image
    im.save('results.jpg')  # save image
Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def plot(
    Plots the detection results on an input RGB image. Accepts a numpy array (cv2) or a PIL Image.

        conf (bool): Whether to plot the detection confidence score.
        line_width (float, optional): The line width of the bounding boxes. If None, it is scaled to the image size.
        font_size (float, optional): The font size of the text. If None, it is scaled to the image size.
        font (str): The font to use for the text.
        pil (bool): Whether to return the image as a PIL Image.
        img (numpy.ndarray): Plot to another image. if not, plot to original image.
        im_gpu (torch.Tensor): Normalized image in gpu with shape (1, 3, 640, 640), for faster mask plotting.
        kpt_radius (int, optional): Radius of the drawn keypoints. Default is 5.
        kpt_line (bool): Whether to draw lines connecting keypoints.
        labels (bool): Whether to plot the label of bounding boxes.
        boxes (bool): Whether to plot the bounding boxes.
        masks (bool): Whether to plot the masks.
        probs (bool): Whether to plot classification probability
        show (bool): Whether to display the annotated image directly.
        save (bool): Whether to save the annotated image to `filename`.
        filename (str): Filename to save image to if save is True.

        (numpy.ndarray): A numpy array of the annotated image.

        from PIL import Image
        from ultralytics import YOLO

        model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt')
        results = model('bus.jpg')  # results list
        for r in results:
            im_array = r.plot()  # plot a BGR numpy array of predictions
            im = Image.fromarray(im_array[..., ::-1])  # RGB PIL image
            im.show()  # show image
            im.save('results.jpg')  # save image
    if img is None and isinstance(self.orig_img, torch.Tensor):
        img = (self.orig_img[0].detach().permute(1, 2, 0).contiguous() * 255).to(torch.uint8).cpu().numpy()

    names = self.names
    is_obb = self.obb is not None
    pred_boxes, show_boxes = self.obb if is_obb else self.boxes, boxes
    pred_masks, show_masks = self.masks, masks
    pred_probs, show_probs = self.probs, probs
    annotator = Annotator(
        deepcopy(self.orig_img if img is None else img),
        pil or (pred_probs is not None and show_probs),  # Classify tasks default to pil=True

    # Plot Segment results
    if pred_masks and show_masks:
        if im_gpu is None:
            img = LetterBox(pred_masks.shape[1:])(image=annotator.result())
            im_gpu = (
                torch.as_tensor(img, dtype=torch.float16, device=pred_masks.data.device)
                .permute(2, 0, 1)
                / 255
        idx = pred_boxes.cls if pred_boxes else range(len(pred_masks))
        annotator.masks(pred_masks.data, colors=[colors(x, True) for x in idx], im_gpu=im_gpu)

    # Plot Detect results
    if pred_boxes is not None and show_boxes:
        for d in reversed(pred_boxes):
            c, conf, id = int(d.cls), float(d.conf) if conf else None, None if d.id is None else int(d.id.item())
            name = ("" if id is None else f"id:{id} ") + names[c]
            label = (f"{name} {conf:.2f}" if conf else name) if labels else None
            box = d.xyxyxyxy.reshape(-1, 4, 2).squeeze() if is_obb else d.xyxy.squeeze()
            annotator.box_label(box, label, color=colors(c, True), rotated=is_obb)

    # Plot Classify results
    if pred_probs is not None and show_probs:
        text = ",\n".join(f"{names[j] if names else j} {pred_probs.data[j]:.2f}" for j in pred_probs.top5)
        x = round(self.orig_shape[0] * 0.03)
        annotator.text([x, x], text, txt_color=(255, 255, 255))  # TODO: allow setting colors

    # Plot Pose results
    if self.keypoints is not None:
        for k in reversed(self.keypoints.data):
            annotator.kpts(k, self.orig_shape, radius=kpt_radius, kpt_line=kpt_line)

    # Show results
    if show:

    # Save results
    if save:

    return annotator.result()

save(filename=None, *args, **kwargs)

Afbeelding met geannoteerde resultaten opslaan.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def save(self, filename=None, *args, **kwargs):
    """Save annotated results image."""
    if not filename:
        filename = f"results_{Path(self.path).name}"
    self.plot(save=True, filename=filename, *args, **kwargs)
    return filename

save_crop(save_dir, file_name=Path('im.jpg'))

Bijgesneden voorspellingen opslaan in save_dir/cls/file_name.jpg.


Naam Type Beschrijving Standaard
save_dir str | Path

Pad opslaan.

file_name str | Path


Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def save_crop(self, save_dir, file_name=Path("im.jpg")):
    Save cropped predictions to `save_dir/cls/file_name.jpg`.

        save_dir (str | pathlib.Path): Save path.
        file_name (str | pathlib.Path): File name.
    if self.probs is not None:
        LOGGER.warning("WARNING ⚠️ Classify task do not support `save_crop`.")
    if self.obb is not None:
        LOGGER.warning("WARNING ⚠️ OBB task do not support `save_crop`.")
    for d in self.boxes:
            file=Path(save_dir) / self.names[int(d.cls)] / f"{Path(file_name)}.jpg",

save_txt(txt_file, save_conf=False)

Sla voorspellingen op in een txt-bestand.


Naam Type Beschrijving Standaard
txt_file str

txt bestandspad.

save_conf bool

vertrouwensscore opslaan of niet.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def save_txt(self, txt_file, save_conf=False):
    Save predictions into txt file.

        txt_file (str): txt file path.
        save_conf (bool): save confidence score or not.
    is_obb = self.obb is not None
    boxes = self.obb if is_obb else self.boxes
    masks = self.masks
    probs = self.probs
    kpts = self.keypoints
    texts = []
    if probs is not None:
        # Classify
        [texts.append(f"{probs.data[j]:.2f} {self.names[j]}") for j in probs.top5]
    elif boxes:
        # Detect/segment/pose
        for j, d in enumerate(boxes):
            c, conf, id = int(d.cls), float(d.conf), None if d.id is None else int(d.id.item())
            line = (c, *(d.xyxyxyxyn.view(-1) if is_obb else d.xywhn.view(-1)))
            if masks:
                seg = masks[j].xyn[0].copy().reshape(-1)  # reversed mask.xyn, (n,2) to (n*2)
                line = (c, *seg)
            if kpts is not None:
                kpt = torch.cat((kpts[j].xyn, kpts[j].conf[..., None]), 2) if kpts[j].has_visible else kpts[j].xyn
                line += (*kpt.reshape(-1).tolist(),)
            line += (conf,) * save_conf + (() if id is None else (id,))
            texts.append(("%g " * len(line)).rstrip() % line)

    if texts:
        Path(txt_file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)  # make directory
        with open(txt_file, "a") as f:
            f.writelines(text + "\n" for text in texts)

show(*args, **kwargs)

Afbeelding met geannoteerde resultaten weergeven.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def show(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Show annotated results image."""
    self.plot(show=True, *args, **kwargs)

summary(normalize=False, decimals=5)

Converteer de resultaten naar een samengevat formaat.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def summary(self, normalize=False, decimals=5):
    """Convert the results to a summarized format."""
    # Create list of detection dictionaries
    results = []
    if self.probs is not None:
        class_id = self.probs.top1
                "name": self.names[class_id],
                "class": class_id,
                "confidence": round(self.probs.top1conf.item(), decimals),
        return results

    data = self.boxes or self.obb
    is_obb = self.obb is not None
    h, w = self.orig_shape if normalize else (1, 1)
    for i, row in enumerate(data):  # xyxy, track_id if tracking, conf, class_id
        class_id, conf = int(row.cls), round(row.conf.item(), decimals)
        box = (row.xyxyxyxy if is_obb else row.xyxy).squeeze().reshape(-1, 2).tolist()
        xy = {}
        for j, b in enumerate(box):
            xy[f"x{j + 1}"] = round(b[0] / w, decimals)
            xy[f"y{j + 1}"] = round(b[1] / h, decimals)
        result = {"name": self.names[class_id], "class": class_id, "confidence": conf, "box": xy}
        if data.is_track:
            result["track_id"] = int(row.id.item())  # track ID
        if self.masks:
            result["segments"] = {
                "x": (self.masks.xy[i][:, 0] / w).round(decimals).tolist(),
                "y": (self.masks.xy[i][:, 1] / h).round(decimals).tolist(),
        if self.keypoints is not None:
            x, y, visible = self.keypoints[i].data[0].cpu().unbind(dim=1)  # torch Tensor
            result["keypoints"] = {
                "x": (x / w).numpy().round(decimals).tolist(),  # decimals named argument required
                "y": (y / h).numpy().round(decimals).tolist(),
                "visible": visible.numpy().round(decimals).tolist(),

    return results

to(*args, **kwargs)

Retourneert een kopie van het Results-object met tensoren op het opgegeven apparaat en dtype.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def to(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Return a copy of the Results object with tensors on the specified device and dtype."""
    return self._apply("to", *args, **kwargs)

tojson(normalize=False, decimals=5)

Converteer de resultaten naar JSON formaat.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def tojson(self, normalize=False, decimals=5):
    """Convert the results to JSON format."""
    import json

    return json.dumps(self.summary(normalize=normalize, decimals=decimals), indent=2)

update(boxes=None, masks=None, probs=None, obb=None)

Werk de kenmerken van de vakken, maskers en probs van het object Resultaten bij.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def update(self, boxes=None, masks=None, probs=None, obb=None):
    """Update the boxes, masks, and probs attributes of the Results object."""
    if boxes is not None:
        self.boxes = Boxes(ops.clip_boxes(boxes, self.orig_shape), self.orig_shape)
    if masks is not None:
        self.masks = Masks(masks, self.orig_shape)
    if probs is not None:
        self.probs = probs
    if obb is not None:
        self.obb = OBB(obb, self.orig_shape)


Geef een logstring terug voor elke taak.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def verbose(self):
    """Return log string for each task."""
    log_string = ""
    probs = self.probs
    boxes = self.boxes
    if len(self) == 0:
        return log_string if probs is not None else f"{log_string}(no detections), "
    if probs is not None:
        log_string += f"{', '.join(f'{self.names[j]} {probs.data[j]:.2f}' for j in probs.top5)}, "
    if boxes:
        for c in boxes.cls.unique():
            n = (boxes.cls == c).sum()  # detections per class
            log_string += f"{n} {self.names[int(c)]}{'s' * (n > 1)}, "
    return log_string


Basis: BaseTensor

Beheert detectieboxen en biedt eenvoudige toegang tot en manipulatie van boxcoördinaten, betrouwbaarheidsscores, klasse identifiers en optionele tracking-ID's. Ondersteunt meerdere formaten voor boxcoördinaten, waaronder zowel absolute als genormaliseerde vormen.


Naam Type Beschrijving
data Tensor

De ruwe tensor met detectievakjes en de bijbehorende gegevens.

orig_shape tuple

De originele afbeeldingsgrootte als een tupel (hoogte, breedte), gebruikt voor normalisatie.

is_track bool

Geeft aan of tracking-ID's worden opgenomen in de doosgegevens.


xyxy (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): Vakken in het formaat [x1, y1, x2, y2]. conf (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): Vertrouwensscores voor elke box. cls (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): Klasse labels voor elk vak. id (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, optioneel): Tracking ID's voor elke box, indien beschikbaar. xywh (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): Boxen in [x, y, breedte, hoogte] formaat, op verzoek berekend. xyxyn (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): Genormaliseerde [x1, y1, x2, y2] vakken, relatief ten opzichte van orig_shape. xywhn (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): Genormaliseerde [x, y, breedte, hoogte] vakken, relatief ten opzichte van orig_shape.


Naam Beschrijving

Verplaatst de dozen naar het CPU-geheugen.


Converteert de vakjes naar een numpy array formaat.


Verplaatst de dozen naar het CUDA (GPU) geheugen.


Verplaatst de dozen naar het opgegeven apparaat.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
class Boxes(BaseTensor):
    Manages detection boxes, providing easy access and manipulation of box coordinates, confidence scores, class
    identifiers, and optional tracking IDs. Supports multiple formats for box coordinates, including both absolute and
    normalized forms.

        data (torch.Tensor): The raw tensor containing detection boxes and their associated data.
        orig_shape (tuple): The original image size as a tuple (height, width), used for normalization.
        is_track (bool): Indicates whether tracking IDs are included in the box data.

        xyxy (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): Boxes in [x1, y1, x2, y2] format.
        conf (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): Confidence scores for each box.
        cls (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): Class labels for each box.
        id (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray, optional): Tracking IDs for each box, if available.
        xywh (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): Boxes in [x, y, width, height] format, calculated on demand.
        xyxyn (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): Normalized [x1, y1, x2, y2] boxes, relative to `orig_shape`.
        xywhn (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): Normalized [x, y, width, height] boxes, relative to `orig_shape`.

        cpu(): Moves the boxes to CPU memory.
        numpy(): Converts the boxes to a numpy array format.
        cuda(): Moves the boxes to CUDA (GPU) memory.
        to(device, dtype=None): Moves the boxes to the specified device.

    def __init__(self, boxes, orig_shape) -> None:
        Initialize the Boxes class.

            boxes (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): A tensor or numpy array containing the detection boxes, with
                shape (num_boxes, 6) or (num_boxes, 7). The last two columns contain confidence and class values.
                If present, the third last column contains track IDs.
            orig_shape (tuple): Original image size, in the format (height, width).
        if boxes.ndim == 1:
            boxes = boxes[None, :]
        n = boxes.shape[-1]
        assert n in {6, 7}, f"expected 6 or 7 values but got {n}"  # xyxy, track_id, conf, cls
        super().__init__(boxes, orig_shape)
        self.is_track = n == 7
        self.orig_shape = orig_shape

    def xyxy(self):
        """Return the boxes in xyxy format."""
        return self.data[:, :4]

    def conf(self):
        """Return the confidence values of the boxes."""
        return self.data[:, -2]

    def cls(self):
        """Return the class values of the boxes."""
        return self.data[:, -1]

    def id(self):
        """Return the track IDs of the boxes (if available)."""
        return self.data[:, -3] if self.is_track else None

    @lru_cache(maxsize=2)  # maxsize 1 should suffice
    def xywh(self):
        """Return the boxes in xywh format."""
        return ops.xyxy2xywh(self.xyxy)

    def xyxyn(self):
        """Return the boxes in xyxy format normalized by original image size."""
        xyxy = self.xyxy.clone() if isinstance(self.xyxy, torch.Tensor) else np.copy(self.xyxy)
        xyxy[..., [0, 2]] /= self.orig_shape[1]
        xyxy[..., [1, 3]] /= self.orig_shape[0]
        return xyxy

    def xywhn(self):
        """Return the boxes in xywh format normalized by original image size."""
        xywh = ops.xyxy2xywh(self.xyxy)
        xywh[..., [0, 2]] /= self.orig_shape[1]
        xywh[..., [1, 3]] /= self.orig_shape[0]
        return xywh

cls property

Geeft de klassewaarden van de vakken terug.

conf property

Geeft de betrouwbaarheidswaarden van de vakken.

id property

Geef de track-ID's van de boxen terug (indien beschikbaar).

xywh cached property

Stuur de dozen terug in xywh formaat.

xywhn cached property

Retourneer de vakken in xywh formaat genormaliseerd door de originele afbeeldingsgrootte.

xyxy property

Geef de vakken terug in xyxy formaat.

xyxyn cached property

Geef de vakken terug in xyxy formaat genormaliseerd door de originele afbeeldingsgrootte.

__init__(boxes, orig_shape)

Initialiseer de klasse Boxen.


Naam Type Beschrijving Standaard
boxes Tensor | ndarray

Een tensor of numpy array met de detectievakjes, met vorm (num_boxes, 6) of (num_boxes, 7). De laatste twee kolommen bevatten betrouwbaarheids- en klassewaarden. Indien aanwezig bevat de derde laatste kolom spoor-ID's.

orig_shape tuple

Originele afbeeldingsgrootte, in het formaat (hoogte, breedte).

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def __init__(self, boxes, orig_shape) -> None:
    Initialize the Boxes class.

        boxes (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): A tensor or numpy array containing the detection boxes, with
            shape (num_boxes, 6) or (num_boxes, 7). The last two columns contain confidence and class values.
            If present, the third last column contains track IDs.
        orig_shape (tuple): Original image size, in the format (height, width).
    if boxes.ndim == 1:
        boxes = boxes[None, :]
    n = boxes.shape[-1]
    assert n in {6, 7}, f"expected 6 or 7 values but got {n}"  # xyxy, track_id, conf, cls
    super().__init__(boxes, orig_shape)
    self.is_track = n == 7
    self.orig_shape = orig_shape


Basis: BaseTensor

Een klasse voor het opslaan en manipuleren van detectiemaskers.


Naam Type Beschrijving
xy list

Een lijst van segmenten in pixelcoördinaten.

xyn list

Een lijst van genormaliseerde segmenten.


Naam Beschrijving

Geeft de maskers tensor op het CPU-geheugen.


Geeft de maskers tensor terug als een numpy array.


Geeft de maskers tensor op het GPU-geheugen.


Geeft de maskers tensor met het opgegeven apparaat en dtype.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
class Masks(BaseTensor):
    A class for storing and manipulating detection masks.

        xy (list): A list of segments in pixel coordinates.
        xyn (list): A list of normalized segments.

        cpu(): Returns the masks tensor on CPU memory.
        numpy(): Returns the masks tensor as a numpy array.
        cuda(): Returns the masks tensor on GPU memory.
        to(device, dtype): Returns the masks tensor with the specified device and dtype.

    def __init__(self, masks, orig_shape) -> None:
        """Initialize the Masks class with the given masks tensor and original image shape."""
        if masks.ndim == 2:
            masks = masks[None, :]
        super().__init__(masks, orig_shape)

    def xyn(self):
        """Return normalized segments."""
        return [
            ops.scale_coords(self.data.shape[1:], x, self.orig_shape, normalize=True)
            for x in ops.masks2segments(self.data)

    def xy(self):
        """Return segments in pixel coordinates."""
        return [
            ops.scale_coords(self.data.shape[1:], x, self.orig_shape, normalize=False)
            for x in ops.masks2segments(self.data)

xy cached property

Geeft segmenten in pixelcoördinaten.

xyn cached property

Genormaliseerde segmenten teruggeven.

__init__(masks, orig_shape)

Initialiseer de klasse Maskers met de gegeven maskers tensor en de oorspronkelijke afbeeldingsvorm.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def __init__(self, masks, orig_shape) -> None:
    """Initialize the Masks class with the given masks tensor and original image shape."""
    if masks.ndim == 2:
        masks = masks[None, :]
    super().__init__(masks, orig_shape)


Basis: BaseTensor

Een klasse voor het opslaan en manipuleren van detectietoetsenpunten.


Naam Type Beschrijving
xy Tensor

Een verzameling sleutelpunten met x-, y-coördinaten voor elke detectie.

xyn Tensor

Een genormaliseerde versie van xy met coördinaten in het bereik [0, 1].

conf Tensor

Vertrouwenswaarden gekoppeld aan toetspunten indien beschikbaar, anders geen.


Naam Beschrijving

Geeft een kopie van de sleutelpunten tensor op het CPU-geheugen.


Geeft een kopie van de sleutelpunten tensor als een numpy array.


Geeft een kopie van de sleutelpunten tensor op het GPU-geheugen.


Retourneert een kopie van de sleutelpunten tensor met het opgegeven apparaat en dtype.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
class Keypoints(BaseTensor):
    A class for storing and manipulating detection keypoints.

        xy (torch.Tensor): A collection of keypoints containing x, y coordinates for each detection.
        xyn (torch.Tensor): A normalized version of xy with coordinates in the range [0, 1].
        conf (torch.Tensor): Confidence values associated with keypoints if available, otherwise None.

        cpu(): Returns a copy of the keypoints tensor on CPU memory.
        numpy(): Returns a copy of the keypoints tensor as a numpy array.
        cuda(): Returns a copy of the keypoints tensor on GPU memory.
        to(device, dtype): Returns a copy of the keypoints tensor with the specified device and dtype.

    @smart_inference_mode()  # avoid keypoints < conf in-place error
    def __init__(self, keypoints, orig_shape) -> None:
        """Initializes the Keypoints object with detection keypoints and original image size."""
        if keypoints.ndim == 2:
            keypoints = keypoints[None, :]
        if keypoints.shape[2] == 3:  # x, y, conf
            mask = keypoints[..., 2] < 0.5  # points with conf < 0.5 (not visible)
            keypoints[..., :2][mask] = 0
        super().__init__(keypoints, orig_shape)
        self.has_visible = self.data.shape[-1] == 3

    def xy(self):
        """Returns x, y coordinates of keypoints."""
        return self.data[..., :2]

    def xyn(self):
        """Returns normalized x, y coordinates of keypoints."""
        xy = self.xy.clone() if isinstance(self.xy, torch.Tensor) else np.copy(self.xy)
        xy[..., 0] /= self.orig_shape[1]
        xy[..., 1] /= self.orig_shape[0]
        return xy

    def conf(self):
        """Returns confidence values of keypoints if available, else None."""
        return self.data[..., 2] if self.has_visible else None

conf cached property

Geeft betrouwbaarheidswaarden van toetspunten indien beschikbaar, anders geen.

xy cached property

Geeft x, y coördinaten van sleutelpunten.

xyn cached property

Geeft genormaliseerde x, y coördinaten van sleutelpunten.

__init__(keypoints, orig_shape)

Initialiseert het object Keypoints met detectietoetspunten en originele afbeeldingsgrootte.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
@smart_inference_mode()  # avoid keypoints < conf in-place error
def __init__(self, keypoints, orig_shape) -> None:
    """Initializes the Keypoints object with detection keypoints and original image size."""
    if keypoints.ndim == 2:
        keypoints = keypoints[None, :]
    if keypoints.shape[2] == 3:  # x, y, conf
        mask = keypoints[..., 2] < 0.5  # points with conf < 0.5 (not visible)
        keypoints[..., :2][mask] = 0
    super().__init__(keypoints, orig_shape)
    self.has_visible = self.data.shape[-1] == 3


Basis: BaseTensor

Een klasse voor het opslaan en manipuleren van classificatievoorspellingen.


Naam Type Beschrijving
top1 int

Index van de topklasse 1.

top5 list[int]

Indices van de top 5 klassen.

top1conf Tensor

Vertrouwen van de top 1 klasse.

top5conf Tensor

Vertrouwelijkheden van de top 5 klassen.


Naam Beschrijving

Geeft een kopie van de probs tensor op het CPU-geheugen.


Geeft een kopie van de probs tensor als een numpy array.


Geeft een kopie van de probs tensor op het GPU-geheugen.


Geeft een kopie van de probs tensor met het opgegeven apparaat en dtype.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
class Probs(BaseTensor):
    A class for storing and manipulating classification predictions.

        top1 (int): Index of the top 1 class.
        top5 (list[int]): Indices of the top 5 classes.
        top1conf (torch.Tensor): Confidence of the top 1 class.
        top5conf (torch.Tensor): Confidences of the top 5 classes.

        cpu(): Returns a copy of the probs tensor on CPU memory.
        numpy(): Returns a copy of the probs tensor as a numpy array.
        cuda(): Returns a copy of the probs tensor on GPU memory.
        to(): Returns a copy of the probs tensor with the specified device and dtype.

    def __init__(self, probs, orig_shape=None) -> None:
        """Initialize the Probs class with classification probabilities and optional original shape of the image."""
        super().__init__(probs, orig_shape)

    def top1(self):
        """Return the index of top 1."""
        return int(self.data.argmax())

    def top5(self):
        """Return the indices of top 5."""
        return (-self.data).argsort(0)[:5].tolist()  # this way works with both torch and numpy.

    def top1conf(self):
        """Return the confidence of top 1."""
        return self.data[self.top1]

    def top5conf(self):
        """Return the confidences of top 5."""
        return self.data[self.top5]

top1 cached property

Geeft de index van top 1 terug.

top1conf cached property

Geef het vertrouwen van top 1 terug.

top5 cached property

Geef de indexen van de top 5 terug.

top5conf cached property

Geef de vertrouwelijkheden van de top 5 terug.

__init__(probs, orig_shape=None)

Initialiseer de klasse Probs met classificatiekansen en optionele oorspronkelijke vorm van de afbeelding.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def __init__(self, probs, orig_shape=None) -> None:
    """Initialize the Probs class with classification probabilities and optional original shape of the image."""
    super().__init__(probs, orig_shape)


Basis: BaseTensor

Een klasse voor het opslaan en manipuleren van Oriented Bounding Boxes (OBB).


Naam Type Beschrijving Standaard
boxes Tensor | ndarray

Een tensor of numpy array met de detectievakjes, met de vorm (num_boxes, 7) of (num_boxes, 8). De laatste twee kolommen bevatten betrouwbaarheids- en klassewaarden. Indien aanwezig bevat de op twee na laatste kolom de track-ID's en de vijfde kolom van links de rotatie.

orig_shape tuple

Originele afbeeldingsgrootte, in het formaat (hoogte, breedte).



Naam Type Beschrijving
xywhr Tensor | ndarray

De vakken in [x_center, y_center, breedte, hoogte, rotatie] formaat.

conf Tensor | ndarray

De betrouwbaarheidswaarden van de vakken.

cls Tensor | ndarray

De klassewaarden van de vakken.

id Tensor | ndarray

De track ID's van de boxen (indien beschikbaar).

xyxyxyxyn Tensor | ndarray

De geroteerde vakken in xyxyxyxy-formaat genormaliseerd door de oorspronkelijke afbeeldingsgrootte.

xyxyxyxy Tensor | ndarray

De geroteerde vakken in xyxyxyxy-formaat.

xyxy Tensor | ndarray

De horizontale vakken in xyxyxyxy-formaat.

data Tensor

De ruwe OBB tensor (alias voor boxes).


Naam Beschrijving

Verplaats het object naar het CPU-geheugen.


Converteer het object naar een numpy array.


Verplaats het object naar het CUDA geheugen.


Verplaats het object naar het opgegeven apparaat.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
class OBB(BaseTensor):
    A class for storing and manipulating Oriented Bounding Boxes (OBB).

        boxes (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): A tensor or numpy array containing the detection boxes,
            with shape (num_boxes, 7) or (num_boxes, 8). The last two columns contain confidence and class values.
            If present, the third last column contains track IDs, and the fifth column from the left contains rotation.
        orig_shape (tuple): Original image size, in the format (height, width).

        xywhr (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The boxes in [x_center, y_center, width, height, rotation] format.
        conf (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The confidence values of the boxes.
        cls (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The class values of the boxes.
        id (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The track IDs of the boxes (if available).
        xyxyxyxyn (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The rotated boxes in xyxyxyxy format normalized by orig image size.
        xyxyxyxy (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The rotated boxes in xyxyxyxy format.
        xyxy (torch.Tensor | numpy.ndarray): The horizontal boxes in xyxyxyxy format.
        data (torch.Tensor): The raw OBB tensor (alias for `boxes`).

        cpu(): Move the object to CPU memory.
        numpy(): Convert the object to a numpy array.
        cuda(): Move the object to CUDA memory.
        to(*args, **kwargs): Move the object to the specified device.

    def __init__(self, boxes, orig_shape) -> None:
        """Initialize the Boxes class."""
        if boxes.ndim == 1:
            boxes = boxes[None, :]
        n = boxes.shape[-1]
        assert n in {7, 8}, f"expected 7 or 8 values but got {n}"  # xywh, rotation, track_id, conf, cls
        super().__init__(boxes, orig_shape)
        self.is_track = n == 8
        self.orig_shape = orig_shape

    def xywhr(self):
        """Return the rotated boxes in xywhr format."""
        return self.data[:, :5]

    def conf(self):
        """Return the confidence values of the boxes."""
        return self.data[:, -2]

    def cls(self):
        """Return the class values of the boxes."""
        return self.data[:, -1]

    def id(self):
        """Return the track IDs of the boxes (if available)."""
        return self.data[:, -3] if self.is_track else None

    def xyxyxyxy(self):
        """Return the boxes in xyxyxyxy format, (N, 4, 2)."""
        return ops.xywhr2xyxyxyxy(self.xywhr)

    def xyxyxyxyn(self):
        """Return the boxes in xyxyxyxy format, (N, 4, 2)."""
        xyxyxyxyn = self.xyxyxyxy.clone() if isinstance(self.xyxyxyxy, torch.Tensor) else np.copy(self.xyxyxyxy)
        xyxyxyxyn[..., 0] /= self.orig_shape[1]
        xyxyxyxyn[..., 1] /= self.orig_shape[0]
        return xyxyxyxyn

    def xyxy(self):
        Return the horizontal boxes in xyxy format, (N, 4).

        Accepts both torch and numpy boxes.
        x1 = self.xyxyxyxy[..., 0].min(1).values
        x2 = self.xyxyxyxy[..., 0].max(1).values
        y1 = self.xyxyxyxy[..., 1].min(1).values
        y2 = self.xyxyxyxy[..., 1].max(1).values
        xyxy = [x1, y1, x2, y2]
        return np.stack(xyxy, axis=-1) if isinstance(self.data, np.ndarray) else torch.stack(xyxy, dim=-1)

cls property

Geeft de klassewaarden van de vakken terug.

conf property

Geeft de betrouwbaarheidswaarden van de vakken.

id property

Geef de track-ID's van de boxen terug (indien beschikbaar).

xywhr property

Geef de geroteerde vakken terug in xywhr formaat.

xyxy cached property

Geef de horizontale vakken terug in xyxy formaat, (N, 4).

Accepteert zowel torch als numpy boxes.

xyxyxyxy cached property

Geef de vakken terug in xyxyxyxy-formaat, (N, 4, 2).

xyxyxyxyn cached property

Geef de vakken terug in xyxyxyxy-formaat, (N, 4, 2).

__init__(boxes, orig_shape)

Initialiseer de klasse Boxen.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/results.py
def __init__(self, boxes, orig_shape) -> None:
    """Initialize the Boxes class."""
    if boxes.ndim == 1:
        boxes = boxes[None, :]
    n = boxes.shape[-1]
    assert n in {7, 8}, f"expected 7 or 8 values but got {n}"  # xywh, rotation, track_id, conf, cls
    super().__init__(boxes, orig_shape)
    self.is_track = n == 8
    self.orig_shape = orig_shape

Aangemaakt 2023-11-12, Bijgewerkt 2024-05-08
Auteurs: Burhan-Q (1), glenn-jocher (4), Lachen-q (1)