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Klasse verantwoordelijk voor hyperparameter tuning van YOLO modellen.

De klasse evolueert YOLO model hyperparameters over een gegeven aantal iteraties door ze te veranderen volgens de zoekruimte en het model opnieuw te trainen om hun prestaties te evalueren.


Naam Type Beschrijving
space dict

Hyperparameter zoekruimte met grenzen en schaalfactoren voor mutatie.

tune_dir Path

Directory waar evolutielogs en resultaten worden opgeslagen.

tune_csv Path

Pad naar het CSV-bestand waar evolutielogs worden opgeslagen.


Naam Beschrijving

dict) -> dict: Muteert de gegeven hyperparameters binnen de grenzen gespecificeerd in self.space.


Voert de hyperparameter evolutie over meerdere iteraties uit.


Stem hyperparameters af voor YOLOv8n op COCO8 met imgsz=640 en epochs=30 voor 300 afstem iteraties.

from ultralytics import YOLO

model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt')
model.tune(data='coco8.yaml', epochs=10, iterations=300, optimizer='AdamW', plots=False, save=False, val=False)

Afstemmen met aangepaste zoekruimte.

from ultralytics import YOLO

model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt')
model.tune(space={key1: val1, key2: val2})  # custom search space dictionary

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/tuner.py
class Tuner:
    Class responsible for hyperparameter tuning of YOLO models.

    The class evolves YOLO model hyperparameters over a given number of iterations
    by mutating them according to the search space and retraining the model to evaluate their performance.

        space (dict): Hyperparameter search space containing bounds and scaling factors for mutation.
        tune_dir (Path): Directory where evolution logs and results will be saved.
        tune_csv (Path): Path to the CSV file where evolution logs are saved.

        _mutate(hyp: dict) -> dict:
            Mutates the given hyperparameters within the bounds specified in `self.space`.

            Executes the hyperparameter evolution across multiple iterations.

        Tune hyperparameters for YOLOv8n on COCO8 at imgsz=640 and epochs=30 for 300 tuning iterations.
        from ultralytics import YOLO

        model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt')
        model.tune(data='coco8.yaml', epochs=10, iterations=300, optimizer='AdamW', plots=False, save=False, val=False)

        Tune with custom search space.
        from ultralytics import YOLO

        model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt')
        model.tune(space={key1: val1, key2: val2})  # custom search space dictionary

    def __init__(self, args=DEFAULT_CFG, _callbacks=None):
        Initialize the Tuner with configurations.

            args (dict, optional): Configuration for hyperparameter evolution.
        self.space = args.pop("space", None) or {  # key: (min, max, gain(optional))
            # 'optimizer': tune.choice(['SGD', 'Adam', 'AdamW', 'NAdam', 'RAdam', 'RMSProp']),
            "lr0": (1e-5, 1e-1),  # initial learning rate (i.e. SGD=1E-2, Adam=1E-3)
            "lrf": (0.0001, 0.1),  # final OneCycleLR learning rate (lr0 * lrf)
            "momentum": (0.7, 0.98, 0.3),  # SGD momentum/Adam beta1
            "weight_decay": (0.0, 0.001),  # optimizer weight decay 5e-4
            "warmup_epochs": (0.0, 5.0),  # warmup epochs (fractions ok)
            "warmup_momentum": (0.0, 0.95),  # warmup initial momentum
            "box": (1.0, 20.0),  # box loss gain
            "cls": (0.2, 4.0),  # cls loss gain (scale with pixels)
            "dfl": (0.4, 6.0),  # dfl loss gain
            "hsv_h": (0.0, 0.1),  # image HSV-Hue augmentation (fraction)
            "hsv_s": (0.0, 0.9),  # image HSV-Saturation augmentation (fraction)
            "hsv_v": (0.0, 0.9),  # image HSV-Value augmentation (fraction)
            "degrees": (0.0, 45.0),  # image rotation (+/- deg)
            "translate": (0.0, 0.9),  # image translation (+/- fraction)
            "scale": (0.0, 0.95),  # image scale (+/- gain)
            "shear": (0.0, 10.0),  # image shear (+/- deg)
            "perspective": (0.0, 0.001),  # image perspective (+/- fraction), range 0-0.001
            "flipud": (0.0, 1.0),  # image flip up-down (probability)
            "fliplr": (0.0, 1.0),  # image flip left-right (probability)
            "bgr": (0.0, 1.0),  # image channel bgr (probability)
            "mosaic": (0.0, 1.0),  # image mixup (probability)
            "mixup": (0.0, 1.0),  # image mixup (probability)
            "copy_paste": (0.0, 1.0),  # segment copy-paste (probability)
        self.args = get_cfg(overrides=args)
        self.tune_dir = get_save_dir(self.args, name="tune")
        self.tune_csv = self.tune_dir / "tune_results.csv"
        self.callbacks = _callbacks or callbacks.get_default_callbacks()
        self.prefix = colorstr("Tuner: ")
            f"{self.prefix}Initialized Tuner instance with 'tune_dir={self.tune_dir}'\n"
            f"{self.prefix}💡 Learn about tuning at https://docs.ultralytics.com/guides/hyperparameter-tuning"

    def _mutate(self, parent="single", n=5, mutation=0.8, sigma=0.2):
        Mutates the hyperparameters based on bounds and scaling factors specified in `self.space`.

            parent (str): Parent selection method: 'single' or 'weighted'.
            n (int): Number of parents to consider.
            mutation (float): Probability of a parameter mutation in any given iteration.
            sigma (float): Standard deviation for Gaussian random number generator.

            (dict): A dictionary containing mutated hyperparameters.
        if self.tune_csv.exists():  # if CSV file exists: select best hyps and mutate
            # Select parent(s)
            x = np.loadtxt(self.tune_csv, ndmin=2, delimiter=",", skiprows=1)
            fitness = x[:, 0]  # first column
            n = min(n, len(x))  # number of previous results to consider
            x = x[np.argsort(-fitness)][:n]  # top n mutations
            w = x[:, 0] - x[:, 0].min() + 1e-6  # weights (sum > 0)
            if parent == "single" or len(x) == 1:
                # x = x[random.randint(0, n - 1)]  # random selection
                x = x[random.choices(range(n), weights=w)[0]]  # weighted selection
            elif parent == "weighted":
                x = (x * w.reshape(n, 1)).sum(0) / w.sum()  # weighted combination

            # Mutate
            r = np.random  # method
            g = np.array([v[2] if len(v) == 3 else 1.0 for k, v in self.space.items()])  # gains 0-1
            ng = len(self.space)
            v = np.ones(ng)
            while all(v == 1):  # mutate until a change occurs (prevent duplicates)
                v = (g * (r.random(ng) < mutation) * r.randn(ng) * r.random() * sigma + 1).clip(0.3, 3.0)
            hyp = {k: float(x[i + 1] * v[i]) for i, k in enumerate(self.space.keys())}
            hyp = {k: getattr(self.args, k) for k in self.space.keys()}

        # Constrain to limits
        for k, v in self.space.items():
            hyp[k] = max(hyp[k], v[0])  # lower limit
            hyp[k] = min(hyp[k], v[1])  # upper limit
            hyp[k] = round(hyp[k], 5)  # significant digits

        return hyp

    def __call__(self, model=None, iterations=10, cleanup=True):
        Executes the hyperparameter evolution process when the Tuner instance is called.

        This method iterates through the number of iterations, performing the following steps in each iteration:
        1. Load the existing hyperparameters or initialize new ones.
        2. Mutate the hyperparameters using the `mutate` method.
        3. Train a YOLO model with the mutated hyperparameters.
        4. Log the fitness score and mutated hyperparameters to a CSV file.

           model (Model): A pre-initialized YOLO model to be used for training.
           iterations (int): The number of generations to run the evolution for.
           cleanup (bool): Whether to delete iteration weights to reduce storage space used during tuning.

           The method utilizes the `self.tune_csv` Path object to read and log hyperparameters and fitness scores.
           Ensure this path is set correctly in the Tuner instance.

        t0 = time.time()
        best_save_dir, best_metrics = None, None
        (self.tune_dir / "weights").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        for i in range(iterations):
            # Mutate hyperparameters
            mutated_hyp = self._mutate()
            LOGGER.info(f"{self.prefix}Starting iteration {i + 1}/{iterations} with hyperparameters: {mutated_hyp}")

            metrics = {}
            train_args = {**vars(self.args), **mutated_hyp}
            save_dir = get_save_dir(get_cfg(train_args))
            weights_dir = save_dir / "weights"
                # Train YOLO model with mutated hyperparameters (run in subprocess to avoid dataloader hang)
                cmd = ["yolo", "train", *(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in train_args.items())]
                return_code = subprocess.run(cmd, check=True).returncode
                ckpt_file = weights_dir / ("best.pt" if (weights_dir / "best.pt").exists() else "last.pt")
                metrics = torch.load(ckpt_file)["train_metrics"]
                assert return_code == 0, "training failed"

            except Exception as e:
                LOGGER.warning(f"WARNING ❌️ training failure for hyperparameter tuning iteration {i + 1}\n{e}")

            # Save results and mutated_hyp to CSV
            fitness = metrics.get("fitness", 0.0)
            log_row = [round(fitness, 5)] + [mutated_hyp[k] for k in self.space.keys()]
            headers = "" if self.tune_csv.exists() else (",".join(["fitness"] + list(self.space.keys())) + "\n")
            with open(self.tune_csv, "a") as f:
                f.write(headers + ",".join(map(str, log_row)) + "\n")

            # Get best results
            x = np.loadtxt(self.tune_csv, ndmin=2, delimiter=",", skiprows=1)
            fitness = x[:, 0]  # first column
            best_idx = fitness.argmax()
            best_is_current = best_idx == i
            if best_is_current:
                best_save_dir = save_dir
                best_metrics = {k: round(v, 5) for k, v in metrics.items()}
                for ckpt in weights_dir.glob("*.pt"):
                    shutil.copy2(ckpt, self.tune_dir / "weights")
            elif cleanup:
                shutil.rmtree(weights_dir, ignore_errors=True)  # remove iteration weights/ dir to reduce storage space

            # Plot tune results

            # Save and print tune results
            header = (
                f'{self.prefix}{i + 1}/{iterations} iterations complete ✅ ({time.time() - t0:.2f}s)\n'
                f'{self.prefix}Results saved to {colorstr("bold", self.tune_dir)}\n'
                f'{self.prefix}Best fitness={fitness[best_idx]} observed at iteration {best_idx + 1}\n'
                f'{self.prefix}Best fitness metrics are {best_metrics}\n'
                f'{self.prefix}Best fitness model is {best_save_dir}\n'
                f'{self.prefix}Best fitness hyperparameters are printed below.\n'
            LOGGER.info("\n" + header)
            data = {k: float(x[best_idx, i + 1]) for i, k in enumerate(self.space.keys())}
                self.tune_dir / "best_hyperparameters.yaml",
                header=remove_colorstr(header.replace(self.prefix, "# ")) + "\n",
            yaml_print(self.tune_dir / "best_hyperparameters.yaml")

__call__(model=None, iterations=10, cleanup=True)

Voert het hyperparameter evolutieproces uit wanneer de tuner-instantie wordt aangeroepen.

Deze methode doorloopt het aantal iteraties en voert in elke iteratie de volgende stappen uit: 1. Laad de bestaande hyperparameters of initialiseer nieuwe. 2. Muteer de hyperparameters met behulp van de mutate methode. 3. Train een YOLO model met de gemuteerde hyperparameters. 4. Log de fitnessscore en gemuteerde hyperparameters in een CSV-bestand.


Naam Type Beschrijving Standaard
model Model

Een vooraf geïnitialiseerd YOLO model dat wordt gebruikt voor training.

iterations int

Het aantal generaties om de evolutie te doorlopen.

cleanup bool

Of iteratiegewichten moeten worden verwijderd om de gebruikte opslagruimte tijdens het afstemmen te verminderen.


De methode maakt gebruik van de self.tune_csv Padobject om hyperparameters en fitnessscores in te lezen en te loggen. Zorg ervoor dat dit pad correct is ingesteld in de tunerinstantie.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/tuner.py
def __call__(self, model=None, iterations=10, cleanup=True):
    Executes the hyperparameter evolution process when the Tuner instance is called.

    This method iterates through the number of iterations, performing the following steps in each iteration:
    1. Load the existing hyperparameters or initialize new ones.
    2. Mutate the hyperparameters using the `mutate` method.
    3. Train a YOLO model with the mutated hyperparameters.
    4. Log the fitness score and mutated hyperparameters to a CSV file.

       model (Model): A pre-initialized YOLO model to be used for training.
       iterations (int): The number of generations to run the evolution for.
       cleanup (bool): Whether to delete iteration weights to reduce storage space used during tuning.

       The method utilizes the `self.tune_csv` Path object to read and log hyperparameters and fitness scores.
       Ensure this path is set correctly in the Tuner instance.

    t0 = time.time()
    best_save_dir, best_metrics = None, None
    (self.tune_dir / "weights").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    for i in range(iterations):
        # Mutate hyperparameters
        mutated_hyp = self._mutate()
        LOGGER.info(f"{self.prefix}Starting iteration {i + 1}/{iterations} with hyperparameters: {mutated_hyp}")

        metrics = {}
        train_args = {**vars(self.args), **mutated_hyp}
        save_dir = get_save_dir(get_cfg(train_args))
        weights_dir = save_dir / "weights"
            # Train YOLO model with mutated hyperparameters (run in subprocess to avoid dataloader hang)
            cmd = ["yolo", "train", *(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in train_args.items())]
            return_code = subprocess.run(cmd, check=True).returncode
            ckpt_file = weights_dir / ("best.pt" if (weights_dir / "best.pt").exists() else "last.pt")
            metrics = torch.load(ckpt_file)["train_metrics"]
            assert return_code == 0, "training failed"

        except Exception as e:
            LOGGER.warning(f"WARNING ❌️ training failure for hyperparameter tuning iteration {i + 1}\n{e}")

        # Save results and mutated_hyp to CSV
        fitness = metrics.get("fitness", 0.0)
        log_row = [round(fitness, 5)] + [mutated_hyp[k] for k in self.space.keys()]
        headers = "" if self.tune_csv.exists() else (",".join(["fitness"] + list(self.space.keys())) + "\n")
        with open(self.tune_csv, "a") as f:
            f.write(headers + ",".join(map(str, log_row)) + "\n")

        # Get best results
        x = np.loadtxt(self.tune_csv, ndmin=2, delimiter=",", skiprows=1)
        fitness = x[:, 0]  # first column
        best_idx = fitness.argmax()
        best_is_current = best_idx == i
        if best_is_current:
            best_save_dir = save_dir
            best_metrics = {k: round(v, 5) for k, v in metrics.items()}
            for ckpt in weights_dir.glob("*.pt"):
                shutil.copy2(ckpt, self.tune_dir / "weights")
        elif cleanup:
            shutil.rmtree(weights_dir, ignore_errors=True)  # remove iteration weights/ dir to reduce storage space

        # Plot tune results

        # Save and print tune results
        header = (
            f'{self.prefix}{i + 1}/{iterations} iterations complete ✅ ({time.time() - t0:.2f}s)\n'
            f'{self.prefix}Results saved to {colorstr("bold", self.tune_dir)}\n'
            f'{self.prefix}Best fitness={fitness[best_idx]} observed at iteration {best_idx + 1}\n'
            f'{self.prefix}Best fitness metrics are {best_metrics}\n'
            f'{self.prefix}Best fitness model is {best_save_dir}\n'
            f'{self.prefix}Best fitness hyperparameters are printed below.\n'
        LOGGER.info("\n" + header)
        data = {k: float(x[best_idx, i + 1]) for i, k in enumerate(self.space.keys())}
            self.tune_dir / "best_hyperparameters.yaml",
            header=remove_colorstr(header.replace(self.prefix, "# ")) + "\n",
        yaml_print(self.tune_dir / "best_hyperparameters.yaml")

__init__(args=DEFAULT_CFG, _callbacks=None)

Initialiseer de tuner met configuraties.


Naam Type Beschrijving Standaard
args dict

Configuratie voor hyperparameter evolutie.

Broncode in ultralytics/engine/tuner.py
def __init__(self, args=DEFAULT_CFG, _callbacks=None):
    Initialize the Tuner with configurations.

        args (dict, optional): Configuration for hyperparameter evolution.
    self.space = args.pop("space", None) or {  # key: (min, max, gain(optional))
        # 'optimizer': tune.choice(['SGD', 'Adam', 'AdamW', 'NAdam', 'RAdam', 'RMSProp']),
        "lr0": (1e-5, 1e-1),  # initial learning rate (i.e. SGD=1E-2, Adam=1E-3)
        "lrf": (0.0001, 0.1),  # final OneCycleLR learning rate (lr0 * lrf)
        "momentum": (0.7, 0.98, 0.3),  # SGD momentum/Adam beta1
        "weight_decay": (0.0, 0.001),  # optimizer weight decay 5e-4
        "warmup_epochs": (0.0, 5.0),  # warmup epochs (fractions ok)
        "warmup_momentum": (0.0, 0.95),  # warmup initial momentum
        "box": (1.0, 20.0),  # box loss gain
        "cls": (0.2, 4.0),  # cls loss gain (scale with pixels)
        "dfl": (0.4, 6.0),  # dfl loss gain
        "hsv_h": (0.0, 0.1),  # image HSV-Hue augmentation (fraction)
        "hsv_s": (0.0, 0.9),  # image HSV-Saturation augmentation (fraction)
        "hsv_v": (0.0, 0.9),  # image HSV-Value augmentation (fraction)
        "degrees": (0.0, 45.0),  # image rotation (+/- deg)
        "translate": (0.0, 0.9),  # image translation (+/- fraction)
        "scale": (0.0, 0.95),  # image scale (+/- gain)
        "shear": (0.0, 10.0),  # image shear (+/- deg)
        "perspective": (0.0, 0.001),  # image perspective (+/- fraction), range 0-0.001
        "flipud": (0.0, 1.0),  # image flip up-down (probability)
        "fliplr": (0.0, 1.0),  # image flip left-right (probability)
        "bgr": (0.0, 1.0),  # image channel bgr (probability)
        "mosaic": (0.0, 1.0),  # image mixup (probability)
        "mixup": (0.0, 1.0),  # image mixup (probability)
        "copy_paste": (0.0, 1.0),  # segment copy-paste (probability)
    self.args = get_cfg(overrides=args)
    self.tune_dir = get_save_dir(self.args, name="tune")
    self.tune_csv = self.tune_dir / "tune_results.csv"
    self.callbacks = _callbacks or callbacks.get_default_callbacks()
    self.prefix = colorstr("Tuner: ")
        f"{self.prefix}Initialized Tuner instance with 'tune_dir={self.tune_dir}'\n"
        f"{self.prefix}💡 Learn about tuning at https://docs.ultralytics.com/guides/hyperparameter-tuning"

Gemaakt 2023-11-12, Bijgewerkt 2024-05-08
Auteurs: Burhan-Q (1), glenn-jocher (3)