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ultralytics.hub.login(api_key=None, save=True)

Meld je aan bij de Ultralytics HUB API met de bijgeleverde API-sleutel.

De sessie wordt niet opgeslagen; een nieuwe sessie wordt aangemaakt wanneer nodig met behulp van de opgeslagen INSTELLINGEN of de HUB_API_KEY omgevingsvariabele als de authenticatie geslaagd is.


Naam Type Beschrijving Standaard
api_key str

API sleutel om te gebruiken voor authenticatie. Als deze niet wordt opgegeven, wordt deze opgehaald uit SETTINGS of de HUB_API_KEY omgevingsvariabele.

save bool

Of de API-sleutel moet worden opgeslagen in INSTELLINGEN als de authenticatie is geslaagd.



Type Beschrijving

True als de authenticatie geslaagd is, anders False.

Broncode in ultralytics/hub/__init__.py
def login(api_key: str = None, save=True) -> bool:
    Log in to the Ultralytics HUB API using the provided API key.

    The session is not stored; a new session is created when needed using the saved SETTINGS or the HUB_API_KEY
    environment variable if successfully authenticated.

        api_key (str, optional): API key to use for authentication.
            If not provided, it will be retrieved from SETTINGS or HUB_API_KEY environment variable.
        save (bool, optional): Whether to save the API key to SETTINGS if authentication is successful.

        (bool): True if authentication is successful, False otherwise.
    from hub_sdk import HUBClient

    api_key_url = f"{HUB_WEB_ROOT}/settings?tab=api+keys"  # set the redirect URL
    saved_key = SETTINGS.get("api_key")
    active_key = api_key or saved_key
    credentials = {"api_key": active_key} if active_key and active_key != "" else None  # set credentials

    client = HUBClient(credentials)  # initialize HUBClient

    if client.authenticated:
        # Successfully authenticated with HUB

        if save and client.api_key != saved_key:
            SETTINGS.update({"api_key": client.api_key})  # update settings with valid API key

        # Set message based on whether key was provided or retrieved from settings
        log_message = (
            "New authentication successful ✅" if client.api_key == api_key or not credentials else "Authenticated ✅"

        return True
        # Failed to authenticate with HUB
        LOGGER.info(f"{PREFIX}Get API key from {api_key_url} and then run 'yolo hub login API_KEY'")
        return False


Log uit bij Ultralytics HUB door de API-sleutel uit het instellingenbestand te verwijderen. Om weer in te loggen gebruik je 'yolo hub login'.

from ultralytics import hub

Broncode in ultralytics/hub/__init__.py
def logout():
    Log out of Ultralytics HUB by removing the API key from the settings file. To log in again, use 'yolo hub login'.

        from ultralytics import hub

    SETTINGS["api_key"] = ""
    LOGGER.info(f"{PREFIX}logged out ✅. To log in again, use 'yolo hub login'.")


Een getraind model terugzetten naar een ongetrainde toestand.

Broncode in ultralytics/hub/__init__.py
def reset_model(model_id=""):
    """Reset a trained model to an untrained state."""
    r = requests.post(f"{HUB_API_ROOT}/model-reset", json={"modelId": model_id}, headers={"x-api-key": Auth().api_key})
    if r.status_code == 200:
        LOGGER.info(f"{PREFIX}Model reset successfully")
    LOGGER.warning(f"{PREFIX}Model reset failure {r.status_code} {r.reason}")


Geeft een lijst van door de HUB ondersteunde exportformaten.

Broncode in ultralytics/hub/__init__.py
def export_fmts_hub():
    """Returns a list of HUB-supported export formats."""
    from ultralytics.engine.exporter import export_formats

    return list(export_formats()["Argument"][1:]) + ["ultralytics_tflite", "ultralytics_coreml"]

ultralytics.hub.export_model(model_id='', format='torchscript')

Exporteer een model naar alle formaten.

Broncode in ultralytics/hub/__init__.py
def export_model(model_id="", format="torchscript"):
    """Export a model to all formats."""
    assert format in export_fmts_hub(), f"Unsupported export format '{format}', valid formats are {export_fmts_hub()}"
    r = requests.post(
        f"{HUB_API_ROOT}/v1/models/{model_id}/export", json={"format": format}, headers={"x-api-key": Auth().api_key}
    assert r.status_code == 200, f"{PREFIX}{format} export failure {r.status_code} {r.reason}"
    LOGGER.info(f"{PREFIX}{format} export started ✅")

ultralytics.hub.get_export(model_id='', format='torchscript')

Verkrijg een geëxporteerd modelwoordenboek met download URL.

Broncode in ultralytics/hub/__init__.py
def get_export(model_id="", format="torchscript"):
    """Get an exported model dictionary with download URL."""
    assert format in export_fmts_hub(), f"Unsupported export format '{format}', valid formats are {export_fmts_hub()}"
    r = requests.post(
        json={"apiKey": Auth().api_key, "modelId": model_id, "format": format},
        headers={"x-api-key": Auth().api_key},
    assert r.status_code == 200, f"{PREFIX}{format} get_export failure {r.status_code} {r.reason}"
    return r.json()

ultralytics.hub.check_dataset(path, task)

Functie voor het controleren op fouten van het HUB dataset Zip-bestand voor het uploaden. Het controleert een dataset op fouten voordat het wordt geüpload naar de HUB. Hieronder staan gebruiksvoorbeelden.


Naam Type Beschrijving Standaard
path str

Pad naar data.zip (met data.yaml in data.zip).

task str

Dataset taak. Opties zijn 'detect', 'segment', 'pose', 'classify', 'obb'.


Download *.zip bestanden van https://github.com/ultralytics/hub/tree/main/example_datasets bijvoorbeeld https://github.com/ultralytics/hub/raw/main/example_datasets/coco8.zip voor coco8.zip.

from ultralytics.hub import check_dataset

check_dataset('path/to/coco8.zip', task='detect')  # detect dataset
check_dataset('path/to/coco8-seg.zip', task='segment')  # segment dataset
check_dataset('path/to/coco8-pose.zip', task='pose')  # pose dataset
check_dataset('path/to/dota8.zip', task='obb')  # OBB dataset
check_dataset('path/to/imagenet10.zip', task='classify')  # classification dataset

Broncode in ultralytics/hub/__init__.py
def check_dataset(path: str, task: str) -> None:
    Function for error-checking HUB dataset Zip file before upload. It checks a dataset for errors before it is uploaded
    to the HUB. Usage examples are given below.

        path (str): Path to data.zip (with data.yaml inside data.zip).
        task (str): Dataset task. Options are 'detect', 'segment', 'pose', 'classify', 'obb'.

        Download *.zip files from https://github.com/ultralytics/hub/tree/main/example_datasets
            i.e. https://github.com/ultralytics/hub/raw/main/example_datasets/coco8.zip for coco8.zip.
        from ultralytics.hub import check_dataset

        check_dataset('path/to/coco8.zip', task='detect')  # detect dataset
        check_dataset('path/to/coco8-seg.zip', task='segment')  # segment dataset
        check_dataset('path/to/coco8-pose.zip', task='pose')  # pose dataset
        check_dataset('path/to/dota8.zip', task='obb')  # OBB dataset
        check_dataset('path/to/imagenet10.zip', task='classify')  # classification dataset
    HUBDatasetStats(path=path, task=task).get_json()
    LOGGER.info(f"Checks completed correctly ✅. Upload this dataset to {HUB_WEB_ROOT}/datasets/.")

Gemaakt 2023-11-12, Bijgewerkt 2024-05-08
Auteurs: Burhan-Q (1), glenn-jocher (3)