
YOLOv5 🚀 关于 AWS 深度学习实例:您的完整指南

Setting up a high-performance deep learning environment can be daunting for newcomers, but fear not! 🛠️ With this guide, we'll walk you through the process of getting YOLOv5 up and running on an AWS Deep Learning instance. By leveraging the power of Amazon Web Services (AWS), even those new to machine learning can get started quickly and cost-effectively. The AWS platform's scalability is perfect for both experimentation and production deployment.

YOLOv5 的其他快速启动选项包括我们的 Colab 笔记本 在 Colab 中打开 在 Kaggle 中打开, GCP 深度学习虚拟机以及我们的 Docker 镜像 Docker Hub Docker 拉动.

步骤 1:登录 AWS 控制台

首先创建一个账户或登录 AWS 控制台https://aws.amazon.com/console/。登录后,选择EC2服务来管理和设置实例。


第 2 步:启动实例

在 EC2 控制面板中,你可以找到 "启动实例"按钮,它是创建新虚拟服务器的入口。



Here's where you choose the operating system and software stack for your instance. Type 'Deep Learning' into the search field and select the latest Ubuntu-based Deep Learning AMI, unless your needs dictate otherwise. Amazon's Deep Learning AMIs come pre-installed with popular frameworks and GPU drivers to streamline your setup process.

选择 AMI


对于深度学习任务,一般建议选择GPU 实例类型,因为它可以大大加快模型训练速度。在考虑实例大小时,请记住模型的内存需求绝不能超过实例所能提供的容量。


有关可用GPU 实例类型的列表,请访问EC2 Instance Types,特别是加速计算下的内容。


有关GPU 监控和优化的更多信息,请参阅GPU 监控和优化。有关定价,请参阅 "按需定价"和 "现货定价"。


Amazon EC2 Spot Instances 允许您以标准成本的一小部分竞标未使用的容量,从而为运行应用程序提供了一种经济高效的方式。要获得即使 Spot Instance 出现故障也能保留数据的持久体验,请选择持久请求。


记住在启动前根据需要在步骤 4-7 中调整实例设置和安全配置的其余部分。

第 3 步:连接到您的实例

实例运行后,选择其复选框并单击 "连接 "访问 SSH 信息。在首选终端中使用显示的 SSH 命令与实例建立连接。


步骤 4:运行YOLOv5

登录到您的实例后,您就可以克隆YOLOv5 仓库,并在Python 3.8 或更高版本的环境中安装依赖项。YOLOv5模型和数据集将自动从最新版本下载。

git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5  # clone repository
cd yolov5
pip install -r requirements.txt  # install dependencies

环境设置完成后,您就可以开始训练、验证、执行推理并导出YOLOv5 模型:

# Train a model on your data
python train.py

# Validate the trained model for Precision, Recall, and mAP
python val.py --weights yolov5s.pt

# Run inference using the trained model on your images or videos
python detect.py --weights yolov5s.pt --source path/to/images

# Export the trained model to other formats for deployment
python export.py --weights yolov5s.pt --include onnx coreml tflite



sudo fallocate -l 64G /swapfile  # allocate 64GB swap file
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile  # modify permissions
sudo mkswap /swapfile  # set up a Linux swap area
sudo swapon /swapfile  # activate swap file
free -h  # verify swap memory

And that's it! 🎉 You've successfully created an AWS Deep Learning instance and run YOLOv5. Whether you're just starting with object detection or scaling up for production, this setup can help you achieve your machine learning goals. Happy training, validating, and deploying! If you encounter any hiccups along the way, the robust AWS documentation and the active Ultralytics community are here to support you.

📅 Created 1 year ago ✏️ Updated 29 days ago
